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Victoria Waldersee

Victoria Waldersee is co-director and commissioning editor for Economy, which campaigns for understandable economics

November 2017

  • Philip Hammond holds the budget box as he leaves Downing Street.

    Don’t be fooled by the ‘economicky’ words: this budget is all politics

    Victoria Waldersee
    The chancellor should be honest about the ideological nature of the decisions he’s making, says Victoria Waldersee, of Economy, which campaigns to make economics understandable

June 2017

  • Amber Rudd and Paul Nuttall in the BBC election debate, May 2017

    The economy is crucial to the election. So why all the confusing jargon?

    Victoria Waldersee
    The language of economics doesn’t have to baffle ordinary people. My charity campaigns for clear communication, so voters can make informed decisions