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US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a rally in Sarasota, Florida
US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a rally in Sarasota, Florida. Photograph: Scott Audette/Reuters
US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a rally in Sarasota, Florida. Photograph: Scott Audette/Reuters

Donald Trump: 'Worldwide, Muslims were going wild' after 9/11 attacks

This article is more than 8 years old

Republican presidential candidate reframes comments after saying Muslims in Jersey City cheering following attacks on World Trade Center

The Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Saturday reframed his claim that he saw Muslims in Jersey City cheering the attacks on the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in Manhattan on 11 September 2001, by asserting the sentiment was shared worldwide.

“Worldwide, the Muslims were absolutely going wild,” the real estate mogul said at a campaign rally in Sarasota, Florida.

Trump came under fire a week ago for saying at another rally and in a nationally televised appearance that he watched thousands of people in Jersey City cheer as the towers came down. Fact checkers debunked his claim.

In the aftermath of the attacks in Paris two weeks ago, Trump has been among the most vocal of the Republican candidates in raising skepticism about Muslims living in the US. Prompted by a reporter, he said he would not oppose creating a national database that tracks Muslims in the country.

The controversial remarks may be taking a toll on Trump, who saw his support in Reuters/Ipsos opinion polling of Republican voters nationally take a sharp downturn. In the past five days, he dropped 12 points from 43% to 31%, although he continues to hold a wide lead over his competitors.

Trump used ample time in his remarks to point out how far ahead he is in opinion polling in many states, and he defended his recent commentary.

To back up his claims of seeing spectators celebrate 9/11, this week Trump cited a 2001 Washington Post article about authorities detaining people who had celebrated the attack on rooftops with views of the site.

The article, since corrected, was written by Serge Kovaleski, who has a disability and now writes for the New York Times.

In his speech on Saturday, Trump sought to distance himself from appearing to have mocked the reporter during an event on Tuesday night.

“I would never mock a person that has a disability,” Trump told the cheering crowd. “I’m telling you, I would never do it.”

With reports mounting of Trump’s rallies growing rough, the candidate urged his audience to be polite to a heckler who briefly brought the Sarasota event to a halt.

“Be nice to the person. Don’t hurt the person,” he instructed the crowd, which cheered him loudly when he told security personnel to escort the heckler from the room.

He asked: “Do you see how diplomatic I’ve become?”

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