Glasgow 2024 Hugo Awards Statement – 15th February 2024

Glasgow 2024 – A Worldcon for our Futures, has issued an announcement regarding the 2024 Hugo Awards. You can read the announcement on their website, and we include it in its entirety below.

Media Release
Glasgow 2024 – A Worldcon for our Futures
August 8th-12th, 2024

For further information contact [email protected]

Thursday, 15th February, 2024 – For Immediate Release

Glasgow 2024 Hugo Awards Statement – 15th February 2024

As Chair of Glasgow 2024, A Worldcon for Our Futures, I unreservedly apologise for the damage caused to nominees, finalists, the community, and the Hugo, Lodestar, and Astounding Awards.

Kat Jones has resigned with immediate effect as Hugo Administrator from Glasgow 2024 and has been removed from the Glasgow 2024 team across all mediums.

I acknowledge the deep grief and anger of the community and I share this distress.

I, and Glasgow 2024, do not know how any of the eligibility decisions for the Hugo, Lodestar and Astounding Awards held at the 2023 Chengdu World Science Fiction Convention were reached. We know no more than is already in the public domain.

At Glasgow 2024 we are taking the following steps to ensure transparency and to attempt to redress the grievous loss of trust in the administration of the Awards. The steps we are committing to are:

  1. When our final ballot is published by Glasgow 2024, in late March or early April 2024, we will also publish the reasons for any disqualifications of potential finalists, and any withdrawals of potential finalists from the ballot.
  2. Full voting results, nominating statistics and voting statistics will be published immediately after the Awards ceremony on 11th August 2024.
  3. The Hugo administration subcommittee will also publish a log explaining the decisions that they have made in interpreting the WSFS Constitution immediately after the Awards ceremony on 11th August 2024.

Glasgow 2024 will continue to address this matter as we go forward as a Worldcon.

(signed by) Esther MacCallum-Stewart, Chair, Glasgow 2024, A Worldcon for Our Futures.

7 thoughts on “Glasgow 2024 Hugo Awards Statement – 15th February 2024

  1. “I, and Glasgow 2024, do not know how any of the eligibility decisions for the Hugo, Lodestar and Astounding Awards held at the 2023 Chengdu World Science Fiction Convention were reached. We know no more than is already in the public domain.”

    Liars, liars, pants on fire. The internal emails were leaked and shows the team complicit in the decision to censor authors to satisfy the CCP.

  2. well i can foresee, based on scandal and censorship like this, the entire organisation is rotten to the core. Now I am expecting that if your political views do not aligned to gender neutral, most likely they wont pass either.

  3. Not good enough.

    The Hugo Awards no longer stand for the very best in scifi but the best acceptable in a country lacking Free Press.
    If you people were serious you’d declare last year’s awards invalid and you would do the whole thing over.

  4. No value in a do-over of 2023. They’re irreparably tainted. Best that could be done is to declare 2023 invalid and wipe it from the books, and take the black eye that the lost year leaves behind.

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