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A DUO of professional home organisers have revealed how to detox your kitchen in five easy steps. 

The Style Sisters, made up of Charlotte Reddington and Gemma Lilly, have worked with the likes of Amanda Holden, Rochelle Humes and Olivia Attwood.

Charlotte Reddington and Gemma Lilly have made a career organising celebrity homes
Charlotte Reddington and Gemma Lilly have made a career organising celebrity homesCredit: Hannah Lovemore
They recently helped de-clutter Amanda Holden's new £7 million mansion
They recently helped de-clutter Amanda Holden's new £7 million mansionCredit: Instagram/stylesisters

And with spring just around the corner, they’ve revealed how to de-clutter your kitchen for a clear mind during the warmer months. 

As the kitchen is the “hub of the home”, it’s one of the easiest rooms to get messy. 

It’s also full of cupboards that are oh-so-easy to hide clutter and long forgotten utensils. 

“The idea of de-cluttering your home from top-to-bottom can be overwhelming,” Charlotte empathised. 

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“The kitchen is the hub of the home, where life happens - from eating, to cooking, to homework.”

The famous duo appeared on This Morning to share their ultimate guide to de-cluttering your kitchen, and here’s what they had to say…


The Style Sisters recommended giving your first aid kit or medicine box a detox before anything else. 

“You may have prescription drugs you’ve held on to for many years and no longer need,” Charlotte said. 

“We have found a fair few in our time when detoxing with clients,” Gemma added. 

“So, now’s the perfect opportunity to go to the cupboard and get rid of those expired items.”

You can take them to your local pharmacy to have them disposed of safely.

When it comes to repacking your kit, they advised keeping related items together - such as plasters with bandages, paracetamol with ibuprofen and nail clippers with scissors. 


Nobody sets out to accumulate more mugs than sensible, but it happens to the best of us. 

The Style Sisters recommended clearing out your mug cupboard to kickstart your kitchen detox, as this will give you a sense of space and accomplishment. 

“I know we’re a nation of tea drinkers, but why do we hold on to so many mugs in our cupboards?” Charlotte questioned. 

When you’ve got so much stuff, it’s hard to keep track of and it’s hard to keep tidy

Charlotte, 1/2 of the Style Sisters

“When are we having 30 people round for tea?” 

The duo urged Brits to empty their mug cupboard, give it a deep clean and then sort through the extensive mug collection.

The mugs you don’t need can be donated to charity shops, or even given to friends and family who have sparse collections. 


For a detoxed kitchen, the Style Sisters recommended going through every cupboard and throwing out what hasn’t been used in a while. 

However, they warned not to get attached to items just because you’ve had them for a long time. 

“When you’ve got so much stuff, it’s hard to keep track of and it’s hard to keep tidy,” Charlotte said. 

Take breaks - it can be mentally exhausting going through every item and evaluating its worth

Gemma, 1/2 of Style Sisters

“It just generally makes your mind feel cluttered.”

Gemma added that by ditching products you don’t need and having a “streamlined” set of everything, you’ll find it much easier to clean and keep track of what you have. 

“Don’t forget to take breaks,” she said. 

“It can be mentally exhausting going through every item and evaluating its worth.”


According to the Style Sisters, you should have “zones” for where things go. 

For example, things you use the most should be in easily accessible areas. 

They recommended putting pots and pans near the cooker, glasses near the sink and plates near the dishwasher. 

They also suggested setting up a “tea and coffee station” near your kettle. 


Your cleaning products are a source of clutter too, even if you don’t want to admit it. 

Charlotte and Gemma explained that it’s normal to invest in new sprays or gels and find that we don’t like them - but that doesn’t mean we should leave them piled up under the sink .

“If you’ve got more than one of the same product and they’re both half empty, decant into one bottle,” Gemma advised. 

“But be sure not to mix different cleaning products, as it can be very toxic.”


The pair also explained their “heatmapping” technique to help you identify what cleaning products you’re actually using. 

They demonstrated how this works in the video at the top of this article. 

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