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BEING the child of a celebrity can be strange – after all, millions of people have known all about you before you were even born. Unless you are Phoebe Kay.

It’s a name you probably don’t recognise, but her parents, Vernon Kay and Tess Daly, have been entertaining us all for nearly three decades, while she’s stayed out of the limelight.

Vernon Kay's daughter Phoebe has kept out of the limelight
Vernon Kay's daughter Phoebe has kept out of the limelightCredit: Mark Hayman
Phoebe, 19, is helping celebrate Father’s Day with her dad in her first-ever photo shoot and interview
Phoebe, 19, is helping celebrate Father’s Day with her dad in her first-ever photo shoot and interviewCredit: Mark Hayman

Until now. Today Phoebe, 19, is helping celebrate Father’s Day with her dad in her first-ever photo shoot and interview.

Watching them messing around between pictures, it’s clear how proud Vernon, 50, is of his elder daughter.

He says: “It’s the first thing we’ve properly done together. We’ve been out a couple of times to showbiz things like the Vanity Fair party for the BAFTAs. That was special, because we got out of the car and there were camera flashes everywhere. Even after 25 years, you never get used to it. You think: ‘Is my hair alright, and is my fly up?’ It’s daunting, but we had  a good time. There were lots of actors there who Phoebe admires. Now, this is our first official photograph – it’s really special for us.”

While many parents revel in sharing pictures of their children online, Vernon and Tess, who have been married for 21 years, decided they would shield Phoebe and sister Amber, 15, from the public eye.


Vernon explains: “We made a conscious decision that the girls should be able to choose whether they wanted to be in the spotlight or not. I think it’s worked in our favour. Amber is still young, so there’s no way she would do something like this, but Phoebe is an adult now.

“It’s an interesting world with social media, so we said: ‘When you are at the right age to make your own decisions, whether you want to step into this world, be on the cover of Fabulous, then that’s up to you.’

“Phoebe is very mature. She carries herself really well. I’ve got confidence she will know how to deal with it.”

Growing up, while audiences had no idea who Phoebe was, she was equally as clueless about how famous her parents were.

Strictly Come Dancing had already started when I was born, so I didn’t know any different. Every Saturday, Dad, Amber and I got dressed up and watched it on TV. I thought everyone’s job was filmed!”

Vernon adds: “I loved our Saturday nights – I’d wear a tux! Strictly is like our third child, it’s been part of the family for so long. Phoebe was in Tess’ womb for the first year. There was a moment where Phoebe went: ‘Is my mummy Tess Daly?’”

Fans can't believe Vernon Kay's 'real age' as BBC Radio 2 host celebrates milestone birthday

Phoebe giggles: “Everything was so normal, so I didn’t realise. When it was explained Mum was on TV, I would visit the studio and think: ‘Wow, this is special.’ With Dad, I loved Splash [Vernon presented the reality show in 2013 and 2014]. Gabby Logan’s daughter, Lois, is one of my best mates and we went to watch it together. Then he was on BBC Radio 1 so I went  to [the music festival] Big Weekend and I remember him bringing me on stage. It’s pretty amazing what they both do and I am so lucky I got to experience it.”

Even when Vernon would get stopped on the street, Phoebe didn’t realise he was famous.

“I was delusional,” she exclaims. “I thought they were his friends coming up for a chat. I thought he knew so many people!”

The girls were kept out of the public eye until November 2020, when Vernon entered the castle as part of I’m A Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here! and Tess shared a picture of Phoebe and Amber on Instagram.

“The castle was a big moment for me,” Phoebe explains.

“Obviously, I’ve grown up with Strictly, but with I’m A Celeb!, everyone was so invested in it that I wanted to be part of it, too. I was so proud.”

Vernon agrees: “It felt right. We knew I would talk about them in there.”

Vernon finished third behind winner Giovanna Fletcher and runner-up Jordan North and was thrilled to get back to his girls.

“It was the best thing,” he says.

Vernon with Tess Daly and daughters Phoebe and Amber
Vernon with Tess Daly and daughters Phoebe and AmberCredit: Instagram/Tess Daly
Phoebe and Vernon at Vanity Fair’s party for this year’s BAFTAs
Phoebe and Vernon at Vanity Fair’s party for this year’s BAFTAsCredit: Getty Images

“Tess was at Strictly, but they had made banners and cakes. Phoebe had cued up the show on Sky for me to see. I watched the whole thing back – twice. I loved every minute.

“It’s one of those things where you say you don’t want to do it, but alongside panto, it’s one of the most unexpected things that I’ve done and loved. I’m so proud I did it.”

There’s no doubt Vernon loves panto. He didn’t hesitate to sign up again this year, in Aladdin at the Wycombe Swan Theatre, because it’s something his kids love.

“It’s a lot commitment-wise, but it’s so much fun. Phoebe came to see it 11 times last time I did it.”

‘It’s crazy that the King and Queen sit on the sofa watching Strictly’

Phoebe is finishing her first year at university, studying film and television.

She’s hoping to follow in her parents’ footsteps, but behind the camera.

“I like the production and editing side,” she explains.

“I’d love to act, but will leave presenting to my mum and dad. I’m just trying to understand what I want to do. I think you go to uni to figure out what you want to do in life. I’d like to do some work experience, as it’s hands-on, even if I start as a runner and work my way up.”

Vernon agrees: “One thing we’ve tried to instil in the girls is work ethic. You’ve got to work, because no one’s going to give you anything. We’re so proud of Phoebe, because that’s what she’s done through her GCSEs and A levels. I know people would question why she bothers, because of what we do for a living, but it’s the right thing to do. Phoebe is very focused on what she wants.”

There’s also the worry of meeting people who will use her for her connections, so she doesn’t tell new friends about her famous mum and dad.

“I don’t go into it,” she explains.

“People don’t know and I love that. I want to create my own path.”

It’s clear the whole family is Strictly obsessed, so will we ever see them hitting the famous dancefloor? “I think I’ll leave that to the celebs,” Phoebe says.    

“I’ve never been asked to do it,” Vernon admits.

“It’s hard learning how to dance, especially to that level. You’ve got to be committed. Doing the waltz is a lot more difficult than eating a bull’s testicles! But if I was asked, I’d seriously consider it.”

Vernon could count on the royal seal of approval on the dancefloor, after rubbing shoulders with King Charles and Queen Camilla at Buckingham Palace’s garden party last month.

“I always feel nervous when I see him coming towards me,” Vernon says.

“He’s the King! Though he has this amazing knack of making you feel relaxed, starting chatting to you like you are mid-conversation. I told him we were going to Normandy with Radio 2 for the 80th anniversary of D-Day. He was so pleased about that.

“He and the Queen are big Strictly fans. Camilla and Tess have a real friendship through it now. They don’t text, but we have mutual friends and messages come through. When they see each other, the Queen is always asking: ‘Who is your favourite?’ She wants to know the backstage gossip. It’s crazy to think of the King and Queen sat on the sofa with a brew watching your wife present Strictly.”

‘Our house is like fun chaos’

Speaking of Radio 2, Vernon’s come in for some criticism after 1.3 million listeners switched off since he took over from Ken Bruce in March last year.

But he takes the slingshots in his stride.

“I don’t worry about that,” he says.

“There’s been a drop since Ken left, which is  understandable, as the guy was there for 31 years. And then we’ve plateaued for the past three months. But I don’t worry about numbers. I’ll worry when Helen Thomas [the head of Radio 2] worries. I’ll just do my job and I’m having the best time doing it.”

Away from work, what’s life like in the Kay household?

“Our house is like fun chaos,” Phoebe says.

“That’s the best way to describe it. Mum is super-organised, so it’s calm chaos.” 

Vernon adds: “It’s a house of girls and me, which I imagine is different than one full of blokes that’s all boisterous,” Vernon says.

“With girls, you get arguments, but I think the peacemaker steps up sooner.

“Tess gets up before us. She likes to have a cup of tea and to sit and look at the garden until it hits quarter to seven, and then it’s like: ‘Let the circus begin.’ It’s a madhouse getting us all out the door. 

“I get told off for watching too much sport, but I complain Gossip Girl is on again. It’s  stereotypical, I’m afraid. I’ve tried many times to get the girls into sport – they like the razzmatazz, but not the game. When we visited the San Francisco training facility, all I could hear was: ‘He’s cute.’ But we play badminton and run together.”

And how will they be spending Father’s Day? “We do the same thing every year

I usually get lots of gifts and breakfast made for me, then we go to my favourite pub for a Sunday roast.”

Tess and Vernon with King Charles last month
Tess and Vernon with King Charles last monthCredit: Shutterstock Editorial

It’s clear Phoebe dotes on her dad, but what are his best and worst qualities?

With Vernon playfully side-eyeing her, Phoebe says: “He puts 100% into everything that he does. I really try to replicate that. But the terrible dad jokes,” she groans, rolling her eyes. “The worst moment in our relationship actually was when he taught me to drive. It was brutal. I never wanted to see a roundabout in my life again.”

“My dad’s a lorry driver,” Vernon explains.

“There was a pressure on me when I did my test to pass first time and I felt the same for Phoebe. It did get heated at times, but she did pass first go!”

Driving abilities aside, which parent is Phoebe most like? “I know it sounds cringe,” admits Phoebe.

“But I’m a complete split of them, because I love being organised and committed. They’re both like that, too. Mum has preached to me to never be late. The only time we ever clash is when we argue over how long it will take to drive somewhere or allowing time to park.

“They are both strict, but in different ways. I think Dad would probably be like: ‘Be careful on a night out,’ and Mum would be more about getting there on time. Actually I wouldn’t say they are strict, just diligent.”

“Phoebe and Tess are really good mates,” Vernon adds.

“And watching their relationship grow from my point of view has been an absolute joy. I get quite emotional because they’re so close.”

‘Mum and I love car-boot sales – she always haggles’

Vernon recently had to overcome another dad moment – dealing with meeting Phoebe’s boyfriend.

“He’s a brilliant lad,” Vernon says.

“I had a birthday barbecue and my old American football team were coming, so I told the lads: ‘You’re going to meet Phoebe’s boyfriend, so give him a hearty handshake and a stare straight into his soul.’ 

“He was like: ‘Why is every guy looking at me like that?’ I don’t think he will be back! Seriously though, she’s got good taste and he’s a nice guy.”

Meanwhile, being the daughter of Tess Daly has some perks, as Phoebe frequently raids her mum’s wardrobe.

“I’m finally fitting into her shoes,” she says.

“I wish she had saved more stuff. We bond over bargains – we both love upcycling and are obsessed with Vinted. I always do car-boot sales and it’s like: ‘Here comes my next customer,’ and it’s Mum buying everything! She always haggles, too!”

Vernon says: “What’s really sweet is Phoebe will get ready to go out and I do a double-take – she’s wearing Tess’ disco T-shirt that she wore on our second date.”

While Vernon recalls the beginnings of dating Tess as if it was yesterday, it’s hard to believe he turned 50 in April. 

“Fifty is a milestone, because the next one is 60,” he says with a sigh.

“In my head, I’m still 19 – and that’s the key. There are only so many creams you can put on your face. If you wake up and get out of bed with the same attitude that you had when you were 19, that keeps you young.


“That’s what’s nice about raising teenagers. I’m getting to experience Phoebe’s 19 – it’s so different to what my 19 was like, where there was no pressure impressing strangers online. Ultimately, I’m so proud of the person she’s become.” 

  • Vernon will star in Aladdin December 13, 2024-January 5, 2025. For tickets, visit Wycombeswan.co.uk.