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'There are smears on every wall'

Brutally honest mums share the moment they knew their child was officially a toddler

An unlikely TV fan suggested: 'When you realise you know the entire script for every Peppa Pig episode, ever made...'

MUMS have been sharing their hilarious and shocking stories about the daily struggles of raising a toddler.

Journalist and new mum Lucy Tobin has taken to blogging about her experiences with her son, taking to her site Run Out Of Womb to discuss the realities of parenthood.

 The relatable blog post revolved around the challenges and pitfalls of raising a toddler
The relatable blog post revolved around the challenges and pitfalls of raising a toddlerCredit: Getty Images

One recent post saw her share the moments when it dawned on her that she officially had a toddler, and hundreds of other mums piled in with their own suggestions.

The viral blog post reads: "My 'omg I have a toddler' moment wasn't when my 'hey, isn't he a baby?' started negotiating with me (over raisins, not world peace).

"It wasn't even when I turned around after boiling the kettle (three seconds) and discovered my kitchen looked like it had been burgled.

 Mums took to Facebook to offer their own relatable suggestions about being the parent of a toddler
Mums took to Facebook to offer their own relatable suggestions about being the parent of a toddlerCredit: Getty Images

"It was when I realised my favourite car audio was no longer XFM, but the three chords of track four of 'Children's Favourite Car Music' (Nelly the Elephant: upbeat version) which mean I can drive without back-seat screaming.

"So, I asked the mamas of Facebook and blog-world: what was the moment you knew you were the parent of a toddler?"

Some of the relatable 'omg I have a toddler' moments revolved around the chaos of parenthood, such as: "When miscellaneous items can be found in random places, all over your house. 'Oh, there's the wooden spoon. In the toilet.'"

Others include: "When your car and carpet are full of sand" and "When there are food smears on every wall in the house about 76cm high..."

 Mums joked about tiredness, chaos and juicy nursery gossip
Mums joked about tiredness, chaos and juicy nursery gossipCredit: Getty Images

Some suggestions showed how politeness can quickly go out of the window, such as: "When your toddler grabs the breast of a visitor and shouts 'BOOBY' and you're so tired you can't even be bothered to apologise..."

And some further moments focused on the exhaustion which comes with being a parent.

One comment read: "When 8am is considered a lie in..." whilst another suggested: "When you are so sleep deprived you try and unlock your front door with your car remote..."

Another mum chipped in: "When your hottest gossip is about what's happening at nursery - mainly who complained about who, how long the new manager will last, and which key worker's bloke left her..."

And one parent had become so used to the daily struggle that she suggested: "When your most commonly-used phrase is 'mind your head'."

 The suggestions made parenting out to be challenging and rewarding at the same time
The suggestions made parenting out to be challenging and rewarding at the same timeCredit: Getty Images

Meanwhile, one sneaky parent said: "When you eat in secret because you don't want them to want what you are eating. (It's chocolate.)"

And one accidental fan of kids TV suggested: "When you realise you know the entire script for every Peppa Pig episode, ever made..."

The simplest suggestion on the post was saved until last, however. It read: "When you're just happy everyone survived the day."

