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A TOP music boss survived a 200ft plunge on to jagged rocks after he lost his footing on a clifftop.

Andy Godfrey, 60, broke his back and breast bone, fractured his skull and cracked all of his ribs on the Isle of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides.

 Andy Godfrey broke his back and breast bone in the fall
Andy Godfrey broke his back and breast bone in the fall

Andy said: "It was like an out-of-body experience.

"I don't remember hitting the rocks at the foot of the cliff."

Andy tried to move but couldn't.

Dr Tom Mallison said: “I have never seen anyone fall from that height and survive. It would have killed most people.”

 Andy Godfrey plunged 200ft from the cliff
Andy Godfrey plunged 200ft from the cliff
 He was airlifted to hospital after miraculously surviving
He was airlifted to hospital after miraculously survivingCredit: Cascade News

He was treated by a first-aid trained climber who scaled down the cliff face before being airlifted to hospital.

Andy, who is vice-president of copyright at BMG UK and lives in London, said he was also lucky not to be paralysed.

He added: “I was back up on my feet 24 hours later. I feel very lucky.”

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