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What is a Supermoon and when is the next one?

A SUPERMOON is a rare and impressive lunar event that you'll only glimpse a few times a year.

On August 30, 2023, stargazers can expect to see a rare, blue Supermoon light up the sky.

 The next Supermoon is in September 2023
The next Supermoon is in September 2023

What is a Supermoon?

A supermoon is a combination of two different astronomical effects.

It's when a new or full Moon coincides with a perigee – the Moon's closest point to Earth in its monthly orbit.

A Moon has to come within 90% of its closest approach to Earth to be formally defined as a supermoon.

That means the Moon needs to come within 224,865 miles of Earth and be a full Moon to boot.

How does a Supermoon happen?

First, you need a full Moon, which is when the Moon is fully illuminated from Earth's perspective.

For that to happen, Earth needs to be located between the Sun and the Moon. That means we're seeing the entire full face of the Moon lit up by the Sun.

Although the Earth is between the Sun and the Moon, it doesn't create an eclipse because the Moon's position relative to our home planet is slightly skewed.
And for a supermoon, you also need the Moon to be in the correct position in orbit around Earth.

The Moon has an elliptical orbit and isn't always the exact same distance from Earth.

Its closest point is called the perigee, and its farthest is the apogee.

With a full Moon at the perigee, you get a Supermoon. And with a full Moon at the apogee, you get a Micro Moon.

 A Supermoon is a combination of two different astronomical effects
A Supermoon is a combination of two different astronomical effectsCredit: SWNS:South West News Service

When is the next one?

Supermoons are relatively rare, occurring just three or four times in a single year.

That's because you need a full Moon to occur alongside close-to-Earth orbital positioning.

There are four supermoons in 2023, on the following dates:

What is a Blue Moon?

The August 30, 2023, supermoon also happens to be a Blue Moon - a rare occurrence when you get a second full moon in a calendar month.

It has nothing to do with the color of the moon but is exciting nonetheless.

You usually only get a Blue Moon every two or three years – although you can get two in a year in rare cases (like 2018 and 2037).

So if you're a skywatcher, August will be particularly interesting. Keep your eyes peeled, as it's rare to see two supermoons in a single month.

The different types of moons

Here are some of the most interesting moon phases and when to see them...

A Blue Moon refers to the occasion when a full moon appears for the second time in the same month, this is very rare and the next Blue Moon should occur on Halloween in 2020.

The Harvest Moon appears around the time of the autumnal equinox when farmers tend to do their main crop harvesting.

A Supermoon appears when it is at its closest point to Earth and therefore at its brightest, the next one will appear in September.

A Blood Moon occurs during a total lunar eclipse, the next one should happen in May 2020.

Each month of the year actually has its own special full moon phenomenon, they are as follows:


  • January: Wolf Moon
  • February: Snow Moon
  • March: Worm Moon
  • April: Pink Moon
  • May: Flower Moon
  • June: Strawberry Moon
  • July: Buck Moon
  • August: Sturgeon Moon
  • September: Full Corn Moon
  • October: Hunter's Moon
  • November: Beaver Moon
  • December: Cold Moon.

