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Who killed Emma Barton, who were the suspects and what happened when Victoria Barton and Matty discovered the truth?

Find out the answers to Emmerdale's biggest Whodunnit

EMMERDALE was rocked in 2017 by the murder investigation into psycho Emma Barton's death - and the killer was revealed in a series of flashbacks.

So who killed Emma Barton? Let's have a recap...

 Emmerdale have revealed the seven suspects for Emma Barton's murder
Emmerdale have revealed the seven suspects for Emma Barton's murderCredit: ITV

Who killed Emma Barton in Emmerdale?

In a series of flashback episodes it was finally revealed that Emma’s arch enemy Moira Barton pushed her off the viaduct.

Emma taunted Moira about her failure as a parent, saying she may as well have injected her daughter Holly with the heroin that killed her.

Moira – who had just given birth to a baby she didn’t know she was expecting which was stolen by Emma – snapped and shoved her to her death.

But her son Adam Barton took the blame for her, before being broke out by Cain and Adam and going on the run.
Only Cain Dingle, Aaron Dingle, Harriet Finch and Ross and Pete Barton knew that Moira’s son Adam wasn’t the real culprit but Moira revealed the truth to her son Matty and Adam’s estranged wife, Victoria.

What happened when Matty and Victoria found out the truth?

Moira found Matty and Victoria kissing and hit the roof because Vic is still married to Adam and only hates him because she thinks he’s a killer.

Victoria was livid and told Moira that she let Adam throw his life away.

She then branded her "the devil" before storming out.

Matty was slightly calmer, making his mum a tea before questioning her for answers.

She explained that she didn’t ever ask Adam to take the blame at that she hates living a lie while everyone thinks Adam is a killer and a coward.

Moira admitted that she’d gone to the police, but no one believed her - Victoria then called the police and told them what Moira had confessed.

But when questioned, Matty covered for his mum and said he didn’t hear his mum confess.

Vic then slapped her mother-in-law and accused her of having another son lying for her.

 Emma died after plunging off the viaduct but who pushed her?
Emma died after plunging off the viaduct but who pushed her?

Who were the other suspects in Emma Barton's murder?

Emma Barton's murder became Emmerdale's biggest ever Whodunnit.

Here is a recap of the six other suspects...

Laurel Thomas

Kind-hearted village stalwart Laurel was believed to be away visiting her sister on the day Emma plunged to her death.

However, step-daughter Gabby found a train ticket that proved Laurel actually returned to the village and had been lying about her whereabouts.

The bereaved widow was then seen making a furtive phone call to her sister urging her to stick to their story.
But it was then revealed that Laurel had returned to the village and slept with Bob Hope behind his then partner Brenda’s back and wanted to keep it quiet.

 Pete has been acting dodgy since Emma's death, could he have a guilty conscience?
Pete has been acting dodgy since Emma's death, could he have a guilty conscience?Credit: ITV

Pete Barton

Emma's son Pete appeared to have a guilty conscience and had been keen to pin the blame on others for his mother's death.

He was out looking for her before returning to the hospital - where his brother Finn died after accidentally being shot by Emma - and he was told she had committed suicide.
He was also furious about her stealing Moira's baby and at the time he thought he was the father.

Gabby Thomas

Many agreed with the theory that Gabby - who had seen footage of Emma tormenting her dementia-ridden father Ashley - had taken revenge and killed her.

Gabby had a number of run-ins with creepy nurse Emma before her death and pretended to be God talking to her in the church.

Her behaviour has also been odd as on the day of the murder she left the Woolpack to get her charger.

When she returned Diane commented that her hands were "ice cold" and her brother Arthur added that she had been gone a "lot longer than two minutes".

 Ross Barton was a chief suspect after he was seen running away from the scene of the crime
Ross Barton was a chief suspect after he was seen running away from the scene of the crimeCredit: ITV

Ross Barton

Ross was a prime suspect after he was seen fleeing the scene of the crime and left Emma's body to be found by a passing dog walker.
He then also burned Emma's bags - and crucial evidence - in a fire.

 Did Cain kill Emma after she stole Moira's baby?
Did Cain kill Emma after she stole Moira's baby?Credit: ITV

Cain Dingle

Cain was never Emma's biggest fan but was he driven to murder after she stole his ex-wife Moira's baby?

He might be with Harriett Finch but he still loves Moira and would do anything to protect her, especially as Emma had become obsessed with her.

On the day of the murder Cain was seen at Butlers farm where Adam told him that Emma set the barn on fire and tried to kill Moira.

Cain said he found Moira in her car and brought her to the hospital but her version of events was different.
Moira eventually confessed to Cain that she’d been the one who had pushed Emma.

 Adam took the fall for Emma's murder in order to protect his mum Moira 
Adam took the fall for Emma's murder in order to protect his mum Moira Credit: ITV

Adam Barton

Adam was prime suspect number one after emerging from the woods with a gun after Emma tried to kill his mum.

He was arrested on suspicion of shooting Finn but was later released without charge when it emerged Emma had accidentally shot her own son.

Adam then took the blame after Moira – who had just given birth – confessed to killing Emma.

Loyal Adam told police it was him. He was arrested but Cain and Aaron broke him out of the prison van and took him to the docks.

He boarded a cargo ship that would take him to Amsterdam and then France.

A friend of Aaron's was set to provide Adam with work once he arrived.

Victoria tried to stop him from leaving but he'd made up his mind and left Moira and emotional voicemail before getting on the boat.

Emmerdale's Emma Barton falls off the viaduct to her death but did Ross push her?

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