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Childhood immunisation schedule explained – what jab your baby needs and when

There are routine vaccinations that are offered free of charge on the NHS to all babies and children in the UK

YOUR baby or child needs certain vaccinations to protect them against a variety of infections.

But when do you need to get each vaccination and are they free on the NHS?

 Your baby needs three doses of the 6-in-1 vaccine to make sure they have a strong immunity to the six illnesses
Your baby needs three doses of the 6-in-1 vaccine to make sure they have a strong immunity to the six illnessesCredit: Getty - Contributor

What jabs does your baby or child need? When do they need to get vaccinations?

According to the NHS website, these are the routine vaccinations that are offered to babies and children in the UK:

MMR vaccine

This jab protects your child against three separate illnesses: measles, mumps and rubella (MMR).

It is injection into the muscle of the thigh or upper arm of your child.

 The routine vaccinations are offered free of charge on the NHS to all babies and children in the UK
The routine vaccinations are offered free of charge on the NHS to all babies and children in the UKCredit: Getty - Contributor

Children up to the age of 18 who skipped or only partially completed their MMR vaccination can have a "catch-up" MMR vaccination on the NHS.

When: The full course of the MMR jab requires two doses.

The first is usually administered just after your child’s first birthday, and the second just before they start school at the age of three and four months.

Sometimes it will be given to babies from six months of age if they have been exposed to the measles virus, or during a measles outbreak.

6-in-1 vaccine

This jab protects against six serious childhood diseases: diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio, Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b) and hepatitis B.

It is one of the first vaccines your baby will have and is injected into your baby's thigh.

When: Your baby needs three doses of the 6-in-1 vaccine to make sure they have a strong immunity to the six illnesses.

These are given to your baby at eight, 12 and 16 weeks of age.

Pneumococcal or pneumo jab (PCV)

This jab protects against some types of pneumococcal infection, which are caused by the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae and can lead to pneumonia, septicaemia and meningitis.

When: Babies receive three separate injections for the vaccination.

The Pneumococcal or pneumo jab (PCV) is given at eight weeks, 16 weeks and one year old.

 Babies need a lot of jabs when they're young
Babies need a lot of jabs when they're youngCredit: Getty - Contributor

Rotavirus vaccine

It is important your baby has this jab to protect against rotavirus infection, a common cause of diarrhoea and sickness.

The vaccine is given as a liquid straight into the baby's mouth for them to swallow.

When: The Rotavirus vaccine is given as two doses for babies aged 8 and 12 weeks.

Men B vaccine

This vaccination protects against infection caused by meningococcal type B bacteria, which can lead to meningitis and septicaemia (blood poisoning).

The vaccine is given as a single injection into the baby's thigh.

When: The Men B vaccine is administered at eight weeks, 16 weeks and one year of age.

Hib/Men C vaccine

You should give your baby this jab to prevent against Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) and meningitis C infections, which can be serious or potentially fatal.

When: The Hib/Men C vaccine jab is a single injection given to one-year-old babies to boost their protection.

 Children need jabs up until they're a teenager
Children need jabs up until they're a teenagerCredit: Athena Picture Agency

Children's flu vaccine

This jab protects against flu which can have potentially serious complications, including bronchitis and pneumonia.

When: The children's flu vaccine is offered as a yearly nasal spray to young children.

As of August 31, 2017, it will be given annually in September or October for all children aged two to eight years.

4-in-1 pre-school booster

As the name suggests, there are four illnesses that the 4-in-1 pre-school booster protects against: diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough and polio.

Children are vaccinated against these illnesses as babies through the 6-in-1 vaccine.

The 4-in-1 pre-school booster vaccine increases their immunity.

The jab is injected into the child's upper arm.

When: This single vaccination is given just before a child starts school, at the age of three years and four months of age.

 The Hib/Men C vaccine jab is a single injection given to one-year-old babies to boost their protection
The Hib/Men C vaccine jab is a single injection given to one-year-old babies to boost their protectionCredit: Getty - Contributor

HPV vaccine (girls only)

All girls aged 12 to 13 are offered HPV (human papilloma virus) vaccination as part of the NHS childhood vaccination programme.

The vaccine is designed to protect girls against cervical cancer.

When: The HPV vaccine is currently given as a series of two injections when a girl is aged 12 or 13.

The jabs are usually given at least six months apart.

3-in-1 teenage booster

This vaccine is used to boost your child's protection against three separate diseases: tetanus, diphtheria and polio.

It is given as a single injection into the upper arm to boost your child's protection.

When: The 3-in-1 teenage booster is available routinely on the NHS for all young people aged 14 (school year 9).

Men ACWY vaccine

Teenagers and "fresher" students going to university are advised to have a vaccination to prevent meningitis and septicaemia.

The Men ACWY vaccine is given by a single injection into the upper arm.

It protects against four different strains of the meningococcal bacteria that cause meningitis and blood poisoning (septicaemia): A, C, W and Y.

When: It is given to teens aged 14 years and new university students aged 19-25.


Are your baby's jabs free on the NHS?

The routine vaccinations are offered free of charge on the NHS to all babies and children in the UK.

There are vaccinations are offered on the NHS in addition to the routine programme to "at-risk" groups of babies and children.

These include:

