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DOCTOR Who fans have been left divided following the announcement that the new Doctor is a woman.

A huge online debate began just seconds after it was revealed that Jodie Whittaker will be the first ever female incarnation of the beloved Time Lord in the long-running time travelling show - with some die-hard fans saying they will never watch it again.


 Jodie's casting has left Doctor Who fans delighted
Jodie's casting has left Doctor Who fans delighted

The actress - most famous for her role as Beth Latimer in Broadchurch - was revealed in a clip played after the Wimbledon men's final, as she becomes the first woman to take on the role.

But not everyone is happy that the role, traditionally played by a man, is now being taken  on by Jodie.

One fan of the show wrote: "My feeling? #DoctorWho has been ripped out of his essence to make a bunch of overheated feminists happy. #RIPDoctorWho You will be missed..."

"Well! This is one less show I have to watch! Adios #DoctorWho! A woman should not be the Doctor, just to fill a quota, so I'm out!" wrote another.

As someone else commented: "The new Doctor Who is now a Woman, and I don't like it, I will not watch the new doctor who series, so that means the series is over for me😤😢😭😡😠😿😾👎."

In response to the negative reaction, other Doctor Who fans hit back with one commenting: "God sake. DOCTOR WHO is not gender specific. #DoctorWho"

And another saying: "People are actually saying that they're not going to watch doctor who anymore bc the lead is now a woman, how small minded can you get."

Others were quick to praise Josie, with one fan writing: "Jodie Whittaker was AMAZING in Broadchurch, she's a fab actor and I can't wait to see what she does with this iconic role!"

Another added: "So excited that the new Doctor is Jodie Whittaker, I love her!!!"

Former Doctor, actor Colin Baker added his praise to the casting, writing: "Well I never the BBC really did do the right thing and let the Doctor be in touch with her feminine side. As a father of daughters - result!"

Arthur Darvill, who starred in both Broadchurch and Doctor Who said simply: "Yes Jodie."

Jodie said in a statement: “I’m beyond excited to begin this epic journey - with Chris and with every Whovian on this planet.

"It’s more than an honour to play the Doctor. It means remembering everyone I used to be, while stepping forward to embrace everything the Doctor stands for: hope. I can’t wait.”

New showrunner Chris Chibnall added: “After months of lists, conversations, auditions, recalls, and a lot of secret-keeping, we’re excited to welcome Jodie Whittaker as the Thirteenth Doctor.

"I always knew I wanted the Thirteenth Doctor to be a woman and we're thrilled to have secured our number one choice. Her audition for The Doctor simply blew us all away.

"Jodie is an in-demand, funny, inspiring, super-smart force of nature and will bring loads of wit, strength and warmth to the role. The Thirteenth Doctor is on her way.”

Outgoing Doctor Peter Capaldi added: “Anyone who has seen Jodie Whittaker’s work will know that she is a wonderful actress of great individuality and charm.

 Jodie's unveiling as the Doctor came in a forest clip
Jodie's unveiling as the Doctor came in a forest clipCredit: Ruckas
 She held a glowing key to the TARDIS
She held a glowing key to the TARDISCredit: Ruckas

"She has above all the huge heart to play this most special part. She’s going to be a fantastic Doctor.”

Charlotte Moore, Director of BBC Content said: “Making history is what Doctor Who is all about and Chris Chibnall’s bold new take on the next Time Lord is exactly that. The nation is going to fall in love with Jodie Whittaker - and have lots of fun too!”

Piers Wenger, Controller BBC Drama also said: "Jodie is not just a talented actor but she has a bold and brilliant vision for her Doctor.

"She aced it in her audition both technically and with the powerful female life force she brings to the role. She is destined to be an utterly iconic Doctor."


IT’S Jodie Whittaker then. A woman. And one who certainly deserves the description “who?”.

She was in Broadchurch, apparently, though I’m damned if I can remember her. But that wasn’t the point of yesterday’s weird Wimbledon interlude, which began when Roger Federer nipped for a post-victory slash.

By the time he’d dried his hands, Jodie had tramped through woods to the Tardis and the mass outbreak of PC virtue signalling had begun.

First out the traps, with the empty gesture, Yvette Cooper MP who tweeted: “Excellent”.

That’s Yvette Cooper of the Labour Party which hasn’t come close to having a female leader in more than 100 years.

The role of The Doctor, of course, is slightly – but only slightly – more trivial than opposition leader. It’s a failing kids’ show for crying out loud.

There’s no shortage of good roles for actresses on TV.

Jodie Whittaker isn’t exactly going to inspire a generation of young girls to become asexual time travellers, is she?

So they could appoint a horse to the role and I still wouldn’t much care.

Here is a revolutionary idea for BBC drama to demonstrate its commitment to gender equality, though.

How about, just once, creating a soap opera role for a man in a suit who isn’t a complete b*****d?

 This is the first time a woman has played the role of The Doctor in 50 years
This is the first time a woman has played the role of The Doctor in 50 yearsCredit: Ruckas
 Jodie said she can't wait to take on the role
Jodie said she can't wait to take on the role

It comes as Peter Capaldi and former Doctor Who stars Billie Piper and Karen Gillan called for the new Time Lord to be a woman.

Writer Mark Gatiss has also said it is the perfect time for an actress to take on the lead role in the show.

Fleabag creator Phoebe Waller-Bridge and Broadchurch star Jodie Whittaker are among the actresses who have been backed for the role.

Capaldi's decision to step down sparked speculation that the next incumbent could be female after he said he would like to see a woman take his place.

 Jodie is best known for her role as Beth Latimer in Broadchurch
Jodie is best known for her role as Beth Latimer in BroadchurchCredit: ITV

Shortly after announcing his decision he told BBC Radio 2: "The time felt right to bow out, to let somebody else play this wonderful role and I would like Frances de la Tour to be the first female doctor."

De la Tour, 72, has a 50-year acting career behind her and is best known for playing half-giantess headmistress Madame Olympe Maxime in the Harry Potter films and landlord Rigsby's tenant Ruth in 1970s comedy series Rising Damp.

Actress Billie Piper, who played companion Rose Tyler, ruled herself out of becoming the first female doctor, saying the responsibility would be "too enormous", but added her vote would be for Captain America star Hayley Atwell.


YES - Says Chris Balcome, a superfan who owns a 1963 Dalek 

MANY fans seem to want to exterminate Jodie without even seeing her in action.

The Doctor has always been eccentric. It doesn’t matter who plays the Doctor – man or woman – you’ve got to have great plots and good scripts. Hopefully Jodie will get both.

Will she keep the current assistant, Bill, who at the end of the last series transformed into a Cyberman? We have never seen the Doctor with a lover. Maybe this will herald a lesbian relationship.
That really would get the die-hard Doctor Who fans debating.
People are happy to believe in a 900-year-old alien with two hearts who can travel through time and regenerate.

I think they’ll get their heads around the idea that the doctor can be a woman.


NO - Says Sebastian J Brook, Editor of Doctor Who Online

I AM absolutely surprised the BBC has taken such a gamble.

Doctor Who has clearly had a preference to be a man up to this point, so why would he all of a sudden be a woman?

The general view among fans was they wanted the Doctor to remain male. Some have said they will stop watching if it is a woman.

Which I think is a shame, because it is a show about change.

It will totally alter the dynamic of the show. Billie Piper and Catherine Tate have shown that there is already a platform for strong females.

A male companion will be very different.

I don’t know if the BBC have ticked that box or whether it will be the injection the show needs.

 Peter Capaldi as the Doctor and his new companion Pearl Mackie as Bill Potts
Peter Capaldi as the Doctor and his new companion Pearl Mackie as Bill PottsCredit: PA:Press Association

Describing her as a "sassy" option, Piper previously told the Press Association: "She would be amazing."

Meanwhile, Gatiss has said: "I would love it to be a woman, I think it would be marvellous.

"Not through pressure of political correctness but it sort of just feels like it's time. I think it would just be great. The show is not the new kid on the block anymore.

"It's been back for 12 years and I think it would just be really thrilling, but a lot of people disagree but I just think, why not?"

Who has played the Doctor so far?

William Hartnell (1963-66)

Patrick Troughton (1966-69)

Jon Pertwee (1970-74)

Tom Baker (1974-81)

Peter Davison (1982-84)

Colin Baker (1984-86)

Sylvester McCoy (1987-89)

Paul McGann (1996)

Christopher Eccleston (2005)

David Tennant (2005-2010)

Matt Smith (2010-2013)

Peter Capaldi (2013-current)

Gillan, who played companion Amy Pond for two years alongside Matt Smith's Doctor, has also added her voice to the call, saying: "It would be cool to see a woman in the role one day because a woman could absolutely play that role."

The new actor will make their debut in the Christmas special which is set to air on Christmas Day.

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