Maya Hawke: I’m comfortable with not deserving this kind of life

Mum is Uma Thurman. Dad is Ethan Hawke. The pop siren and Stranger Things star talks about why she’s comfortable following in their famous footsteps, and her new album

Maya Hawke: “It’s OK to be made fun of when you’re in rarefied air”
Maya Hawke: “It’s OK to be made fun of when you’re in rarefied air”
The Times

Maya Hawke is hidden behind a whirl of canine fur — her black labradoodle, Lucky, has taken a deep interest in our interview. Eventually the dog is shooed away to another side of the hotel room in Atlanta, where Hawke is shooting the final series of Stranger Things, in which she invariably steals the show as Robin Buckley, an ice-cream parlour worker turned pan-dimensional demon battler.

It’s 9am and the actress-singer-model is tousle-haired and husky-voiced. “I always sound husky in the morning,” she says. “I’m always nervous interviewing music people before noon,” I say. She laughs. “That’s an appropriate thing to be nervous about.” She is a lovely blend of her actor parents: the Roman nose and angled cheekbones are from her mum, the