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Gigi Hadid’s mothering skills

Gigi Hadid
Gigi Hadid


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Oh to be Gigi Hadid.
Remind me?

Gorgeous Californian supermodel, other half of former One Directioner Zayn Malik, sister to fellow supermodel Bella.
Oh, yes, well I suppose that must be rather nice.

She’s also 26 and a new mother to her daughter, Khai.
Blimey! Bit young to be mothering for her generation, no?

You probably grow up quickly when you start earning more than $10 million a year.
That is so untrue. See every famous child actor literally ever.

All right, well I’m obviously not privy to Hadid’s big life choices, but I am to her mothering skills.
How? Did you bribe one of her nannies into giving you a scoop?


No, I just read her latest interview in Harper’s Bazaar — she’s on the cover.
I see. Go on.

It begins with hiking. Hadid says that she and Malik like to take baby Khai out into the woods. “She loves the birds, the animals,” Hadid says.
So get them a National Trust membership. Next!

They also go to museums now that things have opened up, namely the Moma.
Ah yes, because babies love impressionism.

And jellyfish. Hadid says that after noticing Khai staring at a jellyfish screensaver, Malik had the bright idea of taking her to the aquarium.
Are they sure she wasn’t trying to use Face ID to watch Peppa Pig ?

Khai is too evolved for that. She already meditates with Hadid’s mother, according to Instagram.
Is that what they call nap time in Los Angeles these days?


Most interestingly, Hadid also talks about her pregnancy journaling. She says that she has one “good” journal and one “bad”, for “anxieties”.
Just the one? I commend her. Although it must be easy to be Zen when Grandma is running baby meditation retreats. Ohhmm.