Graphing and Data Interpretation Worksheets

A student writing at his desk
Hill Street Studios / Getty Images

Graphing is one of many keystone mathematical skills for which early exposure makes all the difference. Schools today teach their pupils to graph and interpret data and charts as soon as possible, and this leads to more success later on—in more advanced math classes and real-life scenarios alike.

Students are expected to be able to create and understand graphs as early as second grade, learning crucial data interpretation skills in first grade to prepare. Common Core Math Standards push for students in first grade to practice organizing and reasoning with data that is divided into up to three categories. Second graders need to be able to construct different types of graphs—specifically picture graphs, line plots, and bar graphs—using data sets including up to four categories. They also need to be able to answer questions about the information presented in a graph or chart.

Learning to graph takes a lot of practice and these worksheets are here to help. They feature engaging topics and a variety of charts and graphs so your students are learning without losing interest.

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A Survey of Favorite Gifts

D. Russell

Print the PDF: A Survey of Favorite Gifts

This worksheet focuses on a bar chart.

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Reading a Pie Graph


Print the PDF: Reading a Pie Graph

This worksheet focuses on interpreting information on a pie or circle graph.

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Book Sales Chart

D. Russell

Print the PDF: Book Sales Chart

This worksheet focuses on reading a table/chart and understanding the way data is presented.

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Favorite Movie or TV Show Survey

D. Russell

Print the PDF: Favorite Movie or TV Show Survey

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Class Trip Pie Graph

D. Russell

Print the PDF: Class Trip Pie Graph

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Your Citation
Russell, Deb. "Graphing and Data Interpretation Worksheets." ThoughtCo, Jun. 25, 2024, Russell, Deb. (2024, June 25). Graphing and Data Interpretation Worksheets. Retrieved from Russell, Deb. "Graphing and Data Interpretation Worksheets." ThoughtCo. (accessed September 18, 2024).