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Your Guide to Hybrid Cloud Strategy

If you're planning on joining the 80% of organizations that have employed a hybrid cloud model as of 2022, you can't leave strategy on the back burner. We'll take you through the challenges, advantages, and pieces of a hybrid cloud strategy.

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What is a Hybrid Cloud Strategy?

A hybrid cloud strategy is when organizations use multiple cloud types in one environment. The most common example of a hybrid cloud strategy is to use a mix of public cloud, private cloud, and on-premises infrastructure. The adoption of hybrid cloud has grown in recent years because of its flexibility and perfect fit for organizations working on digital transformation.

Hybrid cloud helps businesses reach their digital transformation goals by moving their legacy workloads to a more flexible, scalable environment, while also making it easier in the future to keep things up to date.

You may have also heard the term "multicloud," which is different from a hybrid cloud - it's a narrower category that only includes multiple public cloud environments, not private cloud or on-premises. About 89% of organizations have adopted a multicloud strategy as of 2022. The main public cloud platforms that would be included in hybrid or multicloud are Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), and Google Cloud Platform.


Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure

Put simply, hybrid cloud architecture combines public and private clouds through a wide area network or broadband connection. Applications, workloads, and data can be shared and managed as a single IT infrastructure. With hybrid cloud, you can use the same tools and skill sets in different environments, add and remove resources on demand, and enjoy access to public cloud services, including databases, data analytics services, and emerging technologies of AI and ML. A successful hybrid cloud strategy leverages existing on-premises infrastructure and allows IT leaders to match workload-specific requirements to appropriate environments.


of organizations say their organization sees a hybrid cloud infrastructure strategy as a permanent solution, as opposed to a steppingstone toward a complete move to the cloud. Source


of organizations agree that a hybrid cloud environment can store and move data and workloads easily and securely. Source

Cloud Platforms Within The Hybrid Cloud


Public cloud

Also known as hyperscale, public cloud can help organizations scale their infrastructure without paying for physical equipment, facilities, and utilities. AWS, GCP, and Microsoft Azure are all public cloud platforms.


Private cloud

With private cloud infrastructure, resources are owned by the business, instead of rented. While there are more opportunities for customization, private cloud also comes with a higher price tag.

What Does a Hybrid Cloud Strategy Entail?

Many companies are turning to a hybrid cloud strategy to drive innovation and improve their in-house digital transformation projects. To keep up with this trend, companies are searching for effective and affordable strategies for migrating to the cloud. However, creating a comprehensive plan for cloud migration can be challenging, as there are many factors to consider. Here is what you should consider.


Advantages of Hybrid Cloud

One of the advantages of a hybrid cloud strategy is having a flexible infrastructure and ability to customize it when needed. However, the core benefits to hybrid cloud include the following:

Remote Workforce Support

Remote and hybrid work environments continue to grow, with one-quarter of North America projected to be remote by the end of 2022, and no sign of slowing down through...

Remote and hybrid work environments continue to grow, with one-quarter of North America projected to be remote by the end of 2022, and no sign of slowing down through 2023. Accommodating these jobs at every staff experience level can open your business up to a wider net of talent.

Controlling cloud spending

Public cloud infrastructure follows an OpEx (operating expenditures) model versus CapEx (capital expenditures), where you pay for what you need, when you need it. If you have predictable requirements,...

Public cloud infrastructure follows an OpEx (operating expenditures) model versus CapEx (capital expenditures), where you pay for what you need, when you need it. If you have predictable requirements, you could sign on for a multi-year public cloud license and save money by buying in a "bulk" way, or you can pay for on-demand services if your needs are set to fluctuate. Either way, the models don't include costs for expensive hardware or real estate.

Covering IT staffing shortages

The cybersecurity workforce gap stood at about 2.7 million unfilled jobs in 2021, and while the gap is closing, managing operations in the meanwhile can feel impossible. However, there's...

The cybersecurity workforce gap stood at about 2.7 million unfilled jobs in 2021, and while the gap is closing, managing operations in the meanwhile can feel impossible. However, there's good news - you can move to a hybrid environment with the help of your external team, who can also help to make your systems easier to use and navigate, cutting out the need for a niche specialist down the line.

Improved security profile

One of the biggest perks of hybrid cloud architecture is having the ability to pick and choose where certain applications and data live. For pieces that need more stringent security...

One of the biggest perks of hybrid cloud architecture is having the ability to pick and choose where certain applications and data live. For pieces that need more stringent security or customized compliance measures, you can use private cloud. Based on the risks you're trying to manage, you can also implement automation, encryption, and access control with the help of a managed cloud provider.

Business continuity

A hybrid approach allows for replication and failover that can better protect organizations in the event of natural disaster or another emergency. This technique can bypass disruptions...

A hybrid approach allows for replication and failover that can better protect organizations in the event of natural disaster or another emergency. This technique can bypass disruptions and improve business continuity.

Challenges to overcome with a Hybrid Cloud Strategy

Challenges arise with a hybrid cloud strategy from both directions. Businesses may experience a challenge that motivates them to adopt hybrid cloud infrastructure. There may also be perceived disadvantages of migrating to a hybrid cloud environment.

Hybrid infrastructure diversity

Because hybrid cloud can include public and private cloud infrastructure, as well as on-premises environments, integrating these clouds and services together can be complex. Bringing in the right team can help address hybrid cloud complexity, manage multiple clouds, improve...

Because hybrid cloud can include public and private cloud infrastructure, as well as on-premises environments, integrating these clouds and services together can be complex. Bringing in the right team can help address hybrid cloud complexity, manage multiple clouds, improve automation, track budgets, manage security and compliance, and provide real-time data throughout the deployment process.

Legacy dependencies

When adding new clouds and services to your environment, legacy systems cannot be ignored. You need to consider their dependencies and how to modernize them in a way that doesn't disrupt day-to-day business. Ignoring the specificities of incorporating legacy systems...

When adding new clouds and services to your environment, legacy systems cannot be ignored. You need to consider their dependencies and how to modernize them in a way that doesn't disrupt day-to-day business. Ignoring the specificities of incorporating legacy systems can mean slowdowns or total shutdowns of operations.

Rapid growth
  • Data growth worldwide is set to double between 2022 and 2025, from 97 zettabytes to 181 zettabytes. Inevitable data bloat causes challenges where businesses will have to learn to strike a balance between analyzing data and not getting overwhelmed...
  • Data growth worldwide is set to double between 2022 and 2025, from 97 zettabytes to 181 zettabytes. Inevitable data bloat causes challenges where businesses will have to learn to strike a balance between analyzing data and not getting overwhelmed by detail.
  • Emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and internet of things (IoT) devices are on the rise. All these technologies will not be able to function properly without adequate infrastructure to support them, but when implemented correctly, can usher in greater efficiencies and improved automation.
  • The cloud market itself is also growing and is expected to reach $800 billion by 2025. As cloud technologies become more run-of-the-mill, organizations will have to learn or hire properly to implement, configure, and manage the infrastructure.
Chip shortage

The semiconductor shortage has raged on, increasing the price of equipment and cloud spend in general. As of September 2022, it's predicted that the shortage will start to improve in waves, with some companies able to accommodate starting...

The semiconductor shortage has raged on, increasing the price of equipment and cloud spend in general. As of September 2022, it's predicted that the shortage will start to improve in waves, with some companies able to accommodate starting in 2022, while others won't be able to catch up until 2024 or later.

Culture clashes

With any new technology, you have some people jumping on board, while others will remain reluctant. Hybrid cloud is no different, and it's common to see varied usage levels across business units.


With any new technology, you have some people jumping on board, while others will remain reluctant. Hybrid cloud is no different, and it's common to see varied usage levels across business units.

Cybersecurity threats

In a cloud security report run by Checkpoint in 2022, 68% of respondents cited misconfiguration as their main safety concern with public cloud services, followed by unauthorized access (58%), insecure interfaces (52%), and account hijacking (50%). Whether you're worried...

In a cloud security report run by Checkpoint in 2022, 68% of respondents cited misconfiguration as their main safety concern with public cloud services, followed by unauthorized access (58%), insecure interfaces (52%), and account hijacking (50%). Whether you're worried about public or private cloud security, having the right specialists in place to manage the environment can help mitigate any potential risks significantly.

Cloud spend

When businesses deploy multiple cloud platforms within one environment, it's important to think about the pricing models available for each one and choose licensing and pricing that doesn't break the bank. In some cases, a fixed price will make sense,...

When businesses deploy multiple cloud platforms within one environment, it's important to think about the pricing models available for each one and choose licensing and pricing that doesn't break the bank. In some cases, a fixed price will make sense, and in others, a consumption-based model will be more cost-effective. Not understanding these pricing models can mean a hefty, unexpected bill.


Several challenges can arise during migration that can come from cutting corners or accidentally skipping key integrations. These missteps can lead to broken pieces of infrastructure that decrease productivity and subsequently increase costs.


Several challenges can arise during migration that can come from cutting corners or accidentally skipping key integrations. These missteps can lead to broken pieces of infrastructure that decrease productivity and subsequently increase costs.


Once companies have deployed a hybrid solution, many fall short of having a post-migration strategy. Governance is all about having a plan for how the environment is maintained, and who will be managing what.


Once companies have deployed a hybrid solution, many fall short of having a post-migration strategy. Governance is all about having a plan for how the environment is maintained, and who will be managing what.


Effective Hybrid Cloud Management

To effectively manage your hybrid cloud environment, you do need to have a firm grasp on what needs to be managed, what security and governance measures might come into play, and what service level agreements you have with your end users.

Before deploying a hybrid cloud environment, you should be able to take stock of everything that will run where, as well as their business purposes. Businesses also need to be able to actively work on improving the level of offered security to meet the requirements for customers and internal leaders. Finally, don't go into a deployment without understanding the promises that have been made to end users via Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and what you need to do to hold up your end of things.

Download the Hybrid Cloud Strategy Guide

Learn how we can create a high-availability, high-performing hybrid cloud solution that is right for your business objectives and your budget.

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