Lindsay Lohan Reunites with Whole Family in NYC Before ✈ Home for Birth

Lindsay Lohan got to see her entire family for the first time in a long time -- and, ironically, it's also gonna be the last time she sees them for a bit before she pops ... TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us the actress was in The Big Apple last week for business and pleasure -- the latter being a last chance to see her flesh and blood in person before settling down at home in Dubai, where she lives, and getting situated for her imminent birth.

We're told she and her husband, Bader Shammas, just had dinner plans Thursday with her dad, Michael Lohan, but the get-together turned into a full-blown family affair when he suggested they link up with Dina and the rest of her siblings too ... which they then did.

Our sources tell us that the whole Lohan gang chowed down at a restaurant called The Clocktower, which is inside one of the Edition Hotels right in the heart of Manhattan. Those in attendance included LiLo, Bader, Mike, Dina, as well as her brothers, Cody and Michael Jr. and her sister Aliana. It's the first time they'd all reunited like this in at least 7 years.

As you can see ... everyone's got a big smile -- so it seems the dinner went well. It caps off a great week for Lindsay, whom we're told also enjoyed a small baby shower over the weekend. Now ... she's off to Dubai again, where she'll remain ahead of her delivery date.

We still don't quite know when that is ... but sources say her mom will be there with her when the time comes. Her siblings, we're told, will also come visit within this window.

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While it's unclear how far along she is ... our sources say her pregnancy is going great.

Michael Lohan Banned from Rehab Facilties ... While Addict Kickbacks Case Plays Out

Michael Lohan's out on bond following his arrest for patient brokering ... but he's gotta abide by some special rules while his case is pending trial.

As we reported ... Lindsay's father was booked into jail in South Florida last week for allegedly getting illegal kickbacks from a rehab facility where he referred drug addicts.

Lohan's bond was set at $6k -- $1,000 for each count of illegal patient brokering -- but the judge also imposed additional conditions for Lohan's release.

According to docs ... Michael may not work in the substance abuse treatment industry, and can't have any affiliation with licensed healthcare facilities like treatment centers or clinical lab testing sites.

Lohan's also prohibited from having any contact with co-defendants or any alleged co-conspirators -- and same goes for witnesses in his case, including all involved patients listed in the original probable cause affidavit.

As we told you ... Michael's accused of cutting deals where he referred drug addicts to a rehab center, and got paid -- allegedly more than $25k -- for those referrals.

His lawyer, Heidi Perlet, told us Michael "has helped countless individuals suffering from addiction issues" and "should be applauded for his efforts in saving lives -- not arrested for them."

Michael Lohan Makes 911 Call for Wife's Alleged Attack


Michael Lohan called cops to report his wife, Kate Major Lohan, was drunk and on the attack.

Lindsay Lohan's father made the call Thursday night, telling the 911 operator Kate had been drinking heavily, which caused her to break his cell phone and also throw a glass candle holder at him.

Michael makes it clear ... he's afraid of her and didn't know what Kate would do next. He was actually sitting in his car making the call.

He told the operator all about Kate's history of arrests and warned that there were knives in the house, which she had threatened him with in the past.

As we reported, police showed up and arrested Kate for simple battery.

Lindsay Lohan My Ring Finger Got Chopped Off (GRUESOME PHOTO)

Lindsay Lohan lost a portion of her ring finger in a boating accident ... and the pic is horrifying.

Lindsay was enjoying Sunday in the ocean off Turkey when she tried pulling up the boat anchor and became entangled in it.

The anchor pulled her down into the water and she struggled to get back in the boat as she tried untangling herself.

The anchor sliced off the tip of her finger. Her friends went on the hunt and found the detached digit on the deck of the boat. They rushed LiLo to an ER, where a plastic surgeon reattached it.


After the surgery, Lindsay posted a video, expressing some regret.

Dina Lohan I'm Dating a Techie!!!

Dina Lohan is dating a high-educated guy who describes himself as part hunter, part farmer.

Kevin Jensen has been pretty deep in a long-distance relationship with Lindsay's mom, flying here and there for the last 3 months for hookups.

Kevin's CV is pretty impressive, graduating from UC Berkeley. He says he studied electrical engineering and computer science, which gave him credentials to join a tech company for years.

The 49-year-old went out on his own in 2013, becoming a self-proclaimed entrepreneur. On his LinkedIn account, in describing where he's been doing entrepreneurial work, he says "wherever."

Kev touts he has "an understanding of the balance necessary in 'hunting and farming' -- a good closer."

Good thing ... it seems Dina's looking for a closer, having just unsuccessfully appeared on "The Millionaire Matchmaker."

Kevin says he's a good listener, an essential quality, because Dina has lots of stories to tell ... hope he doesn't scare easily.

Michael Lohan I'm On an Installment Plan for Child Support!

Bad news for Michael Lohan, with a silver lining ... he still owes Dina Lohan a big chunk of change in child support, but at least now he gets to pay it off over time.

MiLo cut a check recently for $9,500 to the New York State Child Support Processing Center to partially settle his debt with Dina. He still owes around $6,000.

The judge has mercifully let the patriarch pay the balance in $1,500/month installments. Michael had previously argued he paid his kids directly because Dina was irresponsible in the money department, but the judge scoffed, ruling that dog don't hunt.

The judge had previously revoked Michael's passport and suspended his driver's license, but he got them back once he paid the $9,500.

Michael Lohan Desperate 911 Call I'm Being Attacked ... By My Wife!


Michael Lohan hysterically called 911 as his infant and toddler screamed in the background ... pleading for cops to come and arrest his wife.

TMZ broke the story ... Kate Major Lohan allegedly pummeled Michael after she came home drunk Thursday. When cops arrived, she claimed Michael also hit her, and when cops couldn't see any injuries on her body, they say she began scratching herself. Kate was arrested.

During the 911 call Michael ticks off Kate's rap sheet and her choice of drugs.

The audio speaks for itself. It's like a soap opera.

Kate Major Lohan Arrested for Attacking Michael Lohan in Drunken Rage

Kate Major Lohan had an alcohol relapse and then drunkenly attacked husband Michael Lohan ... so say cops who cuffed and arrested her.

Law enforcement tells us Michael called Boca Raton police at 7:02 PM Thursday, claiming Kate had struck him. He told cops Kate came home after picking up some dinner and was visibly drunk.

Michael says they squabbled, and it eventually turned physical. He told cops he wasn't wearing a shirt and she scratched him down his back.

According to the report, when police arrived Kate was visibly intoxicated and smelled of alcohol. The officer described her speech as slurred, her eyes blood shot and glossy, and her face red and flushed.

The officer says Kate admitted she'd been drinking, then ranted about nonsense. Kate then claimed Michael accused her of cheating and provoked her into a fight.

Kate also claimed Michael grabbed her by the throat. But according to the officer, she had no visible injuries. And get this ... she then "scratched her throat area in an attempt to create red marks."

Officers hauled Kate in to the Palm Beach County Jail and booked her for battery.

She's currently in custody and is scheduled to go before a judge at 9:00 AM ET.

Michael Lohan is actually blaming ex-wife Dina and their ongoing child custody dispute. Michael tells TMZ, "At the end of the day, this is all because of what Dina is doing in court ... It affects Kate too, and like anyone with a drug or alcohol problem, when they can't handle the stress, they resort to drinking."

Kate and Michael got married in November and have two kids together. She recently served a few months behind bars after a DUI arrest (following a fight with Michael) triggered a probation violation stemming from a battery case in 2012 in which she allegedly attacked a police officer.

Police were also called to the couple's home in February of last year for an alleged domestic incident.

10:15 AM PST -- TMZ has learned ... Kate Major has been released on her own recognizance.

Dina Lohan Hey Michael, Pay Up ... Or Get Locked Up

Michael Lohan needs a ride to the bank ... because the Florida judge threatening jail time has suspended his license until he shells out more than $16k in back child support to Dina Lohan.

Sources close to Dina tell TMZ, a judge called Michael on the carpet for cruising around Boca Raton in his flashy Maserati while he owes thousands. The judge revoked Michael's passport and stripped him of his driving privileges ... until he pays up.

We're told Michael phoned in during the hearing and promised the check's in the mail. The judge has heard that line before, and warned if the check doesn't come by April 24th, it's off to jail.

Sources close to Michael say a deadbeat dad wouldn't buy a $50k Raptor truck for his son ... and insists he pays his kids directly because he believes Dina just spends the money on herself.

Michael gave the judge proof he's bypassed Dina with the payments, but apparently the judge was not persuaded and ordered him to cut a check STAT.

The Lohans definitely never disappoint.

Lindsay Lohan Dina's Selling All MY STUFF! Threatens to Call Cops

8:20 AM PST -- A rep for Dina Lohan tells us Dina has denied selling any of Lindsay's stuff.

Lindsay Lohan's mother is unloading her daughter's prized possessions with an online flea market -- which Lindsay's threatening to shut down with a little help from cops ... TMZ has learned.

Sources close to Lindsay tell us she recently got wind of Dina Lohan's scheme -- selling off Lindsay's clothing, furniture, artwork, etc ... on the Internet and directly to friends ... all without LiLo's permission. We're told she's hawking items from the massive stockpile of stuff Lindsay moved into Dina's house during the Oprah docuseries.

It may seem like a bunch of junk, but Lindsay says it's worth millions. As for Dina's motivation -- we're told she thinks anything left behind in HER garage ... is hers to sell. Linds thinks Dina's just desperate to pay bills.

We broke the story -- Lindsay's already pissed at Dina for negotiating a deal to be on "Celebrity Big Brother UK" ... and our sources say this fire sale might be the last straw.

Lindsay is urgently trying to get friends to go scoop up her loot before it's all gone -- but if that doesn't work ... we're told she'll get police involved.

Buy now!

Lindsay Lohan My Mom Comes to England Off With Her Head!!!

Lindsay Lohan believes there's only room for one Lohan in England, and that's why she's waging war against her mother's plan to move there for UK TV fame and fortune.

We've learned Dina is in the final stages of negotiations to appear on "Celebrity Big Brother" in the UK. It's a big show there ... Gary Busey won last season.

Dina was so excited, she called Lindsay Thursday to say how great it was going to be that they could spend time together.

We're told Lindsay flipped out and began screaming at her mom, saying she had no right to come to England, where Lindsay went to escape. They fought on the phone and then fired angry texts back and forth.

Lindsay doesn't want Dina in England, partly because she feels her mom is a bad influence and partly because she's just bad luck. Lindsay says she's doing well and doesn't want it screwed up.

As for Dina, she feels Lindsay has no right to exile her from England.

Here's what we don't get. Why can't Dina come to England and stay away from Lindsay. Too easy.

Dina Lohan Michael May Have Faked His Wedding


Dina Lohan thinks ex-hubby Michael's wedding is fake ... because she says he told her so.

Dina was breezing through LAX Tuesday when our photog asked her about Michael Lohan and Kate Major tying the knot. Dina, who seems ... generally confused ... repeatedly says Michael disavowed taking vows.

In the end, Dina is cool with Kate, and bids us farewell with a curious goodbye generally reserved for the freshly dead.

Michael Lohan Marries Baby Mama Lindsay Left In The Dark

Michael Lohan has finally made an honest woman out of GF Kate Major ... but no one alerted his kids.

Lindsay Lohan's old man got hitched Oct. 30th in a private ceremony at Hillsboro Beach in Florida. It was so private neither Lindsay nor Mike Jr. were invited ... or even told.

Here's the thing. When Lindsay finally did find out ... she didn't care.

We're told Michael's motivation was his soon-to-be-born child. This is #2 for Michael and Kate.

They've had a rough ride with multiple mutual arrests. Hopefully "till death do us part" comes naturally.

Lindsay Lohan My New NYC Pad Will Have a Killer View!


Dina Lohan I'm No Millionaire or a Good Catch ... But Find Me a Dude!


Dina Lohan is far from being a millionaire ... and she's got an insane amount of baggage -- but that's not stopping Patti Stanger from pimping her out to potential suitors.

TMZ has learned Dina will guest star on the upcoming season of "Millionaire Matchmaker" for a few dates -- normally that's reserved for someone with a lot of moolah ... but this season they're switching things up and featuring celebs.

We shot Dina heading into her pre-interview in NYC a few days ago ... and DiLo was mum about her appearance -- as well as the $$$ requirements to appear on the show.

So let this be a warning to any of the dudes Dina meets ... Lindsay Lohan is her daughter, Michael Lohan is her ex-husband, her house had foreclosure issues ... and well, just check Google.


Michael Lohan Companion Causes Chaos on JetBlue

Michael Lohan got caught up in a melee on an airplane ... but Michael wasn't the one who was out of control.

Michael works for a rehab facility in Florida and part of his job is to escort people with alcohol and drug addiction from their homes to the West Palm Beach facility.

Michael was in New York Thursday, picked up an addict and got on a JetBlue flight at LaGuardia.

Here's the problem. We're told Michael's passenger was high when he boarded and as the plane began taxiing he got belligerent ... screaming at the flight attendant who was instructed by Michael NOT to give the guy a drink.

The plane went back to the gate and security booted the guy from the plane and Michael dutifully followed.

But it wasn't over. We're told Port Authority police were about to arrest the man when Michael provided credentials from the facility showing he was caring for the man, so the cops let Lohan take the guy to a local hospital.

Michael and the addict went to the rehab facility Friday.

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