Office of Communication, Events and Alumni
© Unsplash/Bank Phrom
Are you a subscriber?
Are you a journalist looking to keep up to date with developments at TU Berlin? No problem: Subscribe to our media distribution list.
© Felix Noak
Already booked a room for your event?
Are you planning an event at TU Berlin and need to book a room or equipment or perhaps require some advice? Check out our new events website to find out more.
© Felix Noak
Did you know?
As you have probably already seen on our website, we have updated our corporate design with new color gradients, a customized logo and angled lines.
© Felix Noak
Interesting reading
Have you ever asked yourself what goes on behind the scenes at TU Berlin? You can find out more in our series of articles titled “Our Labs in Focus.”
Sign Up to Our Media Distribution List
Event Registration and Room Booking
TU Berlin Corporate Design
Our Labs in Focus

Office of Communication, Events and Alumni

We are your experts for public relations work, science communication, events and alumni management

Words like cross-media and digital get us really excited. The rustling of the pages of the TU supplements in the Tagesspiegel newspaper have thrilled us since the very first edition.

The ringing of telephones and the sound of incoming emails makes us hungry for new stories. Whether as news items, press releases or video clips, we update you on everything happening at TU Berlin and not just exciting research developments.

Looking for a sound bite or an interview partner? We are delighted to open the doors of TU Berlin and its labs to journalists. We are also the right point of contact for camera teams.

The sight of TYPO3 and our website backend inspires us. Our musical and dance lunch hours for staff at TU Berlin are as much a part of our portfolio of events as Long Night of the Sciences or the University’s annual retreat.

Our pens, microphones and cameras are ever busy to bring you insights into the world of TU Berlin and we relish communicating with students on our social media channels.

You can depend on us for our communication skills and as a source of information. Contact us! We are here to help you, whether you are a journalist or a member of TU Berlin.

Offers for journalists

© Felix Noak

Press Releases

Are you a journalist looking to find out about research, studying and university policy at TU Berlin? Our archive of press releases is a mine of useful information.

Offers for TU members

© Felix Noak

Registering and Staging Events

If you need to organize and hold an event, whether large or small, at TU Berlin and are not sure exactly where to begin and what you need to consider, contact us at Event Management and we will advise you.

© Felix Noak

Corporate Design Manual

TU Berlin’s corporate design is a statement of its identity as both a university and a brand. Our guidelines provide full details for staff. We also provide templates for posters, flyers, business cards and PowerPoint presentations.


Office of Communication, Events and Alumni

[email protected]

+49 (0)30 314-23922

Office PR

Where to find us

  • Marker  Communications / Press Team
  • Marker  President's Protocol and Events
  • Marker  Event Management Team
  • Marker  Alumni Team
  • Marker  Head of Office of Communication, Events and Alumni