Anonymous asked:

from a european swiftie whose second language is english, can somebody explain why did taylor call herself a childless cat lady, what does it mean, and why does it matter šŸ˜­

Hi! She signed off in that manner as a reference to something Republican VP nominee JD Vance said in a resurfaced interview from 2021.

At the time, he described the Democratic party as being run by "a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they've made and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable, too.ā€ (Source)

His implication was that people, particularly women, who are childless do not have a stake in the future of the country. As a result of not having children, these people arenā€™t invested in the prosperity of younger generations. And further that women who are childless are inherently miserable because they donā€™t have children.

Taylor, as a currently child free woman who owns three cats, obviously (and rightly) took offence to that insane insinuation and clapped back at it in her endorsement of Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris.

Hope that explains it! Your English is great!

Anonymous asked:

Sarah I love our internet friendship!!!! But I would do love to be outside-internet friends with you as well because I so so so want to hear your hot takes and opinions you donā€™t share on here because youā€™re a PROFESSIONAL. For better or worse. ā˜ŗļø

LOL. This is very sweet, dear friend. šŸ˜‰

Anonymous asked:

Think that was very much a lasting lesson to her of 2016. Friendships matter, and who stands with you. Think standing by her friends is a character trait for her. Plus making friends at her level of fame is probably difficult, so sheā€™s unlikely to want to move away from the ones that matter to her.

100% agree

Anonymous asked:

Pesto always! But if you google green pasta sauce youā€™ll get some very nice ones that essentially just combine different leafy vegetables. If rhe spinach doesnā€™t need to be blended, a spinach Alfredo is always good choice. Or just put the spinach in the pasta with either a tortellini or ravioli or just a green noodle

I really do love a pesto

Anonymous asked:

I would add a pinch of freshly grated nutmeg to any green sauce. If you want it creamy, goat cheese is good or some coconut cream if you are vegan.

Omg fascinating I've never heard this tip before.

Anonymous asked:

ā€œMy best friend is notoriously picky about, well, everythingā€ā€”are you my best friend pretending to be Sarah writing about me?!


I love best friendship dynamics bc if youā€™re anything like me your bestie is the complete opposite of you in every way but they are also your heart soulmate.

Anonymous asked:

I sent you an ask over two hours ago with these exact same songs as picks for the next album! I feel vindicated. And a little scared. lol.

Omg we are so aligned?

Anonymous asked:

Regarding Blake's ring, Blake wore it in August promoting It Ends With Us so it's possible she wore Blake's or Blake had another one made for Taylor.

Oooo tysm for catching that

Anonymous asked:

okay, we NEED a crowdsource: tell me your pasta recipe only mother can love (and only you can eat). hi sarah!

Hi! Lmfao. Are we talking like ... kraft dinner with hot dogs and ketchup situations?

Anonymous asked:

Since weā€™re pasta blogging now, does anyone have a recipe for a green pasta sauce (ie one with blended leafy greens) that actually tastes good?

When I am making a pesto I will do basil, spinach, olive oil, garlic, lemon, salt + pepper, hard cheese of choice (grana padano, parm, pecorino etc), nut of choice (mandated pine nuts in this economy is insane frankly and tbh most any nut will be a fine substitute) in a food processor / blender. Move ingredients up / down as needed to get the consistency you like.

Adjacent to this is that every summer one of my go-to things I like to bring to a BBQ / potluck is a minty pea dip plus a baguette to serve it with. So refreshing and delightful and easy. An instant hit. I use THIS recipe.

Anonymous asked:

Maybe I am being too sentimental, but I think itā€™s sweet that Taylor is wearing Blakeā€™s heart ring. The press and weird content creators have been really relentless with the Blake slander and harassment.

Taylor for better or worse with standing by her friendships last week.

Anonymous asked:

Iā€™m the anon who told you a few weeks ago that THE line in The Manuscript makes me ANGRY!! I was listening to Guts by Olivia today (it had been a while) and another line that makes me ANGRY is in ā€œlogicalā€ where she says the he told her she canā€™t ā€œget him offā€. I literally šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜” canā€™t. It makes me so mad.

No it makes me absolutely nauseous and also see red at the same time.

Anonymous asked:

Sarah I tried your yogurt dessert bowl today and let me say you have a convert!!

Oh that is adorable and v sweet!

For an added treat (again, if I have the room in my macros that day) I also will typically eat it with a rice cake (the salted caramel chocolate chip ones).


Anonymous asked:

Hi Sarah šŸ’š I thought of one of Taylorā€™s bags during the early says of OG Fearless era; she had this big, brown bag and it often had a scarf on it. She wore a plaid jacket and cowboy boots. I wondered if youā€™ve ever IDā€™et the bag? šŸ‘€ I tried searching your blog, but nothing came up (yā€™know; tumblr search in a nutshell) šŸ«”

Hi friend! I recall that candid but sadly only found the jacket and boots. Jacket post is here if you'd like to check it out.

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