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Vikas Kumar Singh Thakur

Fakultet for teknologi og realfag
+47 37233090



  • Doktorgrad i geoteknisk ingeniørfag, NTNU, Norge (2007)
  • Mastergrad i geoteknisk ingeniørfag, IIT Bombay, India (2003)
  • Bachelorgrad i byggteknikk fra National Institute of Technology, Raipur (2001)


Utvalgte styreverv, roller, annerkjennelser

Styremedlem, Sektorstyre BAE (Bygg, Anlegg og Eiendom), Standard Norge 2020-2023

Styremedlem, Norwegian Geotechnical Institutt. 2020 -2023

Styremedlem, Næringslivsringen BYGG, NTNU. 2019-2023

Styremedlem, NiTR (Næringsforening i Trondheim region) område BYGG. 2021-2023

Styremedlem, Prosjekt Norge. 2022-2023

Styremedlem, SFI Klima 2050. 2019-2023

Medlem, budsjett og organisasjonskomite (B&O) ved fakultet for ingeniørvitenskap, NTNU. 2019-2023

Medlem, Klagenemda for naturskadefond, Landbruksdirektoratet siden 2015

Medlem, Språkutvalget for NTNUs retningslinjer for språkpolitikk 2021-2022

Medlem, Naturfareforum av Norges vassdrags og energidirektoratet i periode 2015-2019

Styreleder, Geoteknisk Forening i Trondheim. 2012-2014

Medlem, Ekspert gruppe til forskningsprogram INDNOR av Norges forskningsråd. Peride 2010-2019

Medlem, Ekspertgruppen til Eurokode 7, Standard Norge i periode 2012-2016

GIAN pris (Gloabal Initiaitve of Academic Networks) av MHRD I India 2015 og 2016

Norconsult pris åretsprofessor på Bygg og Miljø Dagen ved NTNU i 2018.  

JSPS (Japanese Society for Promotion of Sciences) fellowship i 2015

Reviewer: ulike program i Horizon 2020, Horizon Europa siden 2019

Leder, NTNUs internasjonaliseringskonferanse 2022

Leder 2nd International workshop on landslides in sensitive clays was held in June 2017. Edited a book “landslides in sensitive clays: From research to implementation” published by Springers.

Associate Editor, International Journal- Environmental Geotechnics by the  ICE  publishing  house. (http://www.icevirtuallibrary.com/content/serial/envgeo) periode 2014-2016

Editorial Board Member i Indian Geotechnical   Journal periode 2014-2022

Redaktør –Bok Landslides in sensitive clays: from research to implementation by Springers book series ISBN- 978-82-410-0821-4

Editorial board member/Associate Editor of journals. Active participation in committee work, session chair in international conferences/workshops, invited lectures/key notes.


My research activites innvolve;

Flow slides in sensitive clays

Landslides and slope stability

Debris flow 

Soil characterisation including sample disturbances/storage effect

Strain localization

Unsaturated soil mechanics

Geoenvironmental engineering

Ground stabilisation methods

E-learning in geotechnical engineering

Finite element modelling 

Analytical modelling

Physical modelling

Faglige interesser




Utvalgte publikasjoner


1.       Thakur Vikas (2023) Landslide Migitation for Sustainable Growth of Urbanized Slopes (Key Note Lecture), Indian Geotechnical Conference IIT Roorkee

2.       Chandel A, Singh M, Thakur V (2023) “Effect of Rate of Drawdown and Impounding in Reservoir Water 1 Level on the Stability of Rim Slope” Indian Geotechnical Conference, IIT Roorkee (Best paper award)

3.       Alene, Gebray Habtu; Depina, Ivan; Thakur, Vikas Kumar Singh; Perkis, Andrew Niels; Bruland, Oddbjørn. 2023, Natural Hazards. NTNU: QuickAware: a virtual reality tool for quick clay landslide hazard awareness.

4.       Vicari, Hervè; Ng, Charles W W; Nordal, Steinar; Thakur, Vikas Kumar Singh; De Silva, W A Roanga; Liu, Haiming; Choi, Clarence Edward. 2023, E3S Web of Conferences. NTNU: Measurements of debris flow entrainment and dynamics.

5.       Emir Ahmet Oguz, Rasmus E. Benestad, Kajsa M. Parding, Ivan Depina, and Vikas Thakur (2023) Quantification of climate change impact on rainfall-induced shallow landslide susceptibility. Georisk: Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and Geohazards“. accepted for publication

6.       Sørlie, Erik Ravik; Hartnik, Lukas O.; Tran, Quoc Anh; Eiksund, Gudmund Reidar; Thakur, Vikas Kumar Singh; Kjennbakken, Heidi. (2023) Physical model tests of clay-rich submarine landslides and resulting impact forces on offshore foundations. Ocean Engineering

7.       Alene, Gebray Habtu; Vicari, Hervé; Irshad, Shafaq; Perkis, Andrew; Bruland, Oddbjørn; Thakur, Vikas Kumar Singh. (2022) Realistic visualization of debris flow type landslides through virtual reality. Landslides. Journal of the International Consortium on Landslides

8.       Tayyebi, Saeid Moussavi; Pastor, Manuel; Hernandez, Andrei; Gao, Lingang; Stickle, Miguel Martin; Yifru, Ashenafi Lulseged. (2022) Two-Phase Two-Layer Depth-Integrated SPH-FD Model: Application to Lahars and Debris Flows. Land

9.       Vicari, Hervé; Tran, Quoc Anh; Nordal, Steinar; Thakur, Vikas Kumar Singh. (2022) MPM modelling of debris flow entrainment and interaction with an upstream flexible barrier. Landslides. Journal of the International Consortium on Landslides

10.   Oguz, Emir Ahmet; Depina, Ivan; Myhre, Bård; Devoli, Graziella; Rustad, Helge; Thakur, Vikas Kumar Singh. (2022) IoT-based hydrological monitoring of water-induced landslides: a case study in central Norway. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment

11.   Du, Jianting; Choi, Clarence Edward; Yu, Jiantao; Thakur, Vikas Kumar Singh. (2022) Mechanisms of Submarine Debris Flow Growth. Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Earth Surface. volum 127 (3).

12.   Amundsen, Helene Alexandra; Emdal, Arnfinn; Thakur, Vikas Kumar Singh. (2021) A new method for storage of block samples: A pilot study. Géotechnique Letters. volum 11 (3).

13.   Chandel, Anoopsingh; Singh, Mahendra; Thakur, Vikas Kumar Singh. (2021) Retrogressive Failure of Reservoir Rim Sandy Slopes Induced by Steady-State Seepage Condition. Indian Geotechnical Journal (IGJ). volum 51 (4).

14.   Oguz, Emir Ahmet; Depina, Ivan; Thakur, Vikas Kumar Singh. (2021) Effects of soil heterogeneity on susceptibility of shallow landslides. Landslides. Journal of the International Consortium on Landslides. volum 19.

15.   Tayyebi, Saeid Moussavi; Pastor, Manuel; Yifru, Ashenafi Lulseged; Thakur, Vikas Kumar Singh; Stickle, Miguel Martin. (2021) Two-phase SPH-FD depth-integrated model for debris flows: Application to basal grid brakes. Géotechnique.

16.   Vicari, Hervè; Ng, C.W.W.; Nordal, Steinar; Thakur, Vikas Kumar Singh; De Silva, W.A. Roanga K.; Liu, Haiming; Choi, Clarence E.. (2021) The effects of upstream flexible barrier on the debris flow entrainment and impact dynamics on a terminal barrier. Canadian geotechnical journal (Print). volum 59 (6).

17.   Amundsen, Helene Alexandra; Emdal, Arnfinn; Thakur, Vikas Kumar Singh. (2020) Field and laboratory study of stress relief due to unloading in block samples of sensitive clay. Géotechnique. volum 70 (6).

18.   Depina, Ivan; Oguz, Emir Ahmet; Thakur, Vikas Kumar Singh. (2020) Novel Bayesian framework for calibration of spatially distributed physical-based landslide prediction models. Computers and geotechnics. volum 125.

19.   Godoy Leiva, Cristian Andres; Depina, Ivan; Thakur, Vikas Kumar Singh. (2020) Application of machine learning to the identification of quick and highly sensitive clays from cone penetration tests. Journal of Zhejiang University: Science A. volum 21 (6).

20.   Amundsen, Helene Alexandra; Emdal Arnfinn, Thakur, Vikas Kumar Singh.(2019)  Field and laboratory study of stress relief due to unloading in block samples of sensitive clay. (accepted for publication), in print. (tidskrift Nivå 2)

21.   Amundsen, Helene Alexandra; Thakur, Vikas Kumar Singh.  Storage Duration Effects on Soft Clay Samples. Geotechnical Testing Journal 2018 ;Volume 42.(2)

22.   Thakur, Vikas Kumar Singh; Nordal, Steinar; Gioacchino, Viggiani; Charrier, Pacal.  Shear bands in undrained plane strain compression of Norwegian quick clays. Canadian geotechnical journal (Print) 2018 ;Volume 55.(1) p. 45-56 NTNU  (Tidskrift Nivå 2)

23.   Yifru, Ashenafi Lulseged; Laache, Emilie; Norem, Harald Anders; Nordal, Steinar; Thakur, Vikas Kumar Singh.  Laboratory investigation of performance of a screen type debris-flow countermeasure. HKIE Transactions 2018 ;Volume 25.(2) p. 129-144

24.   Amundsen, Helene A.; Jønland, Jan; Emdal, Arnfinn; Thakur, Vikas Kumar Singh. An attempt to monitor pore pressure changes in a block sample during and after sampling. Geotechnique Letters 2017 ;Volume 7.(2) p. 119-128 NTNU  (Tidskrift Nivå 2)

25.   Amundsen, Helene Alexandra; Jønland, Jan; Emdal, Arnfinn; Thakur, Vikas Kumar Singh; Won, J. Y.; Greenwood, J. D.; Contreras, I. A.; Hernandez-Martinez, Francisco Gabriel. Discussion: An attempt to monitor pore pressure changes in a block sample during and after sampling. Geotechnique Letters 2017 ;Volume 7.(4) p. 352-355 (Tidskrift Nivå 2)

26.   Thakur V (2014) “Can we assess the effect of storage time on fine-grained soil samples?” Invited Editororial paper, International Journal of Environmental Geotechnics, Volum 1 issue 4 pp 


27.   Thakur V and Degago S (2014) ”Quickness test approach for assessment of flow slide potentials” Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS and AGSSEA: Physical Modelling in Geotechnical Engineering, March Volume 45, pp 45-55.

28.   Thakur V and Degago S (2013) “Disintegration of soft sensitive clays” Géotechnique Letters, Volume 3, issue 1, pp 21-25.

29.   Thakur V (2013) "Orientation of locally drained shear bands in contractant clays” International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Volume 7, Nr. 3, pp 311-317.

30.   Thakur V and Degago S (2012) “Quickness of sensitive clays” Geotechnique Letters. Vol. 2, pp 87-95.

31.   Thakur V (2012) “Groundwater leakage induced subsidences into tunnels” Indian Geotechnical Journal by Springer. Vol 42 (1), pp 37-48.

32.   Thakur V (2011) “Numerically observed shear bands in soft sensitive clays” Geomechanics and Geoengineering: an international Journal. Vol. 5, pp 532-546.

33.   Thakur V K S and Singh D N (2007) "Evaluation of various Pedo transfer function to developing soil water characteristics curve of a silty soil." Geotechnical Testing Journal, ASTM. Volume 30, issue 1 pp .1-6.

34.   Thakur, V K S, Sreedeep, S and Singh, D N (2006) "Laboratory Investigations on Extremely High Suction Measurements for Fine-grained Soils." Geotechnical and Geological Engineering. 24(3) pp. 565-578. (Tidskrift nivå 2)

35.   Thakur V K S, S  Sreedeep and Singh D N (2006) Closure to “Parameters Affecting Soil Water Characteristic Curves of Fine-Grained Soils.” Journal of Geotechnical and Geo-environmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 132, No. 11, pp.1510-1511. (Tidskrift nivå 2)

36.   Thakur V (2006) “Rate independent elastoplastic analysis of strain localization in soft sensitive clays” Elctronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering

37.   Thakur V K S and Singh D N (July-2005) "Rapid Determination of Swelling Pressure of Clay Minerals." Journal of Testing and Evaluation, ASTM. Volume 33, issue 4 pp .239-245.

38.   Thakur V K S, Singh D N and S  Sreedeep,(2005) “Parameters Affecting Soil Water Characteristic Curves of Fine-Grained Soils.” Journal of Geotechnical and Geo-environmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 131, No. 4, pp.521-524.

39.   Thakur V , Nordal S, and Grimsad G (2005) “Phenomenological issues related to strain softening in sensitive clays” International Journal of Geotechnical and Geological Engineering. Published online.

40.   Thakur Vikas and Kala Uday (2019) “Landslides and Mitigations”. Keynote paper at 53rd Indian Geotechnical Conference. Surat, India.

41.   Emir Ahmet Oguz, Kate Robinson, Ivan Depina, Vikas Thakur (2019) IoT-based strategies for risk management of rainfall induced landslides: A review. Accepted for publication. 7th International Symposium on Geotechnical Safety and Risk, Taiwan.

42.   Vicari Herve, Yifru Ashenafi, Nordal Steinar Thakur Vikas (2019). Debris flow modelling using flumes. European Geosciences Union EGU. Vienna, 6th April.

43.   Ivan Depina, Emir Ahmet Oguz and Vikas Thakur(2019)Learning about Uncertain Predictions of Rainfall-Induced Landslides from Observed Slope Performance. Accepted for publication. 7th International Symposium on Geotechnical Safety and Risk, Taiwan.

44.   Yifru A, Vicari H, Nordal S, Thakur V (2019) Laboratory investigation of the impact force of debris flow on a passable structure. Accepted for publication in XVII European Conference on. Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Reykjavik Iceland.

45.   Kim, Jihwan; Liu, Zhongqiang; Lacasse, Suzanne; Nordal, Steinar; Thakur, Vikas Kumar Singh (2019).  Runout of Flow Landslides. I: Geotechnics for Natural and Engineered Sustainable Technologies (GeoNEst). Springer 2018 ISBN 978-981-10-7721-0. p. 433-445. (Key note paper)

46.   Liu, Zhongqiang; Lacasse, Suzanne; Nadim, Farrokh; L Heureux, Jean-Sebastien; Jihwan, Kim; Thakur, Vikas Kumar Singh.  Modelling of landslide runout in sensitive clays. 7th Canadian Geohazards Conference. Geohazards 7; 2018-06-03 - 2018-06-06. (Key note paper)

47.   Thakur, Vikas Kumar Singh; Degago, Samson Abate. Recommended Practice for Soft Clay Characterization with a focus on settlement and stability analysis. Indian Geotechnical Conference; 2018-12-12 - 2018-12-15. (Key note paper)

48.   Yifru, Ashenafi Lulseged; Pradhar, Rocy Nhuchher; Nordal, Steinar; Thakur, Vikas Kumar Singh.  Preliminary study of debris flow impact force on a circular pillar. I: Physical Modelling in Geotechnics. CRC Press 2018 ISBN 978-1-138-55975-2. p. 1105-1110

49.   Amundsen, Helene A.; Dang, Helena; Adamson, Matthew; Emdal, Arnfinn; Thakur, Vikas Kumar Singh. A New Laboratory Procedure to Study Stress Relief in Soil Samples. I: Landslides in Sensitive Clays - From Research to Implementation. Springer 2017 ISBN 978- 3-319-56486-9.  s. 121-132NTNU

50.   Grue, Ragnhild Håøy; Issler, Dieter; L'Heureux, Jean-Sébastien;  Thakur,  Vikas  Kumar  Singh. Viscometric Tests of Sensitive Clay from Byneset, Norway, and Fit to the Herschel– Bulkley Model. I: Landslides in Sensitive Clays - From Research  to  Implementation.  Springer 2017 ISBN 978-3-319-56486-9. s. 155-166 NGI   NTNU

51.   Strand, Stein-Are; Thakur, Vikas Kumar Singh; L'Heureux,  Jean-Sébastien;  Lacasse,  Suzanne; Karlsrud, Kjell; Nyheim, Trude; Aunaas, Kristian Vågen; Ottesen, Hanne Bratlie; Gjelsvik, Vidar; Fauskerud, Odd Arne; Sandven, Rolf; Rosenquist af Åkershult, Anders. Runout of Landslides in Sensitive Clays. I: Landslides in Sensitive Clays - From Research to Implementation. Springer 2017 ISBN 978-3-319-56486-9. s. 289-300 NGI   NTNU

52.   Thakur, Vikas Kumar Singh; Gjelsvik, Vidar; Fauskerud, Odd Arne; Christensen, Stein Olav; Oset, Frode; Viklund, Margareta; Strand, Stein-Are. Recommended Practice for the Use of Strength Anisotropy Factors in Stability Calculations. I: Landslides in Sensitive Clays - From Research to Implementation. Springer 2017 ISBN 978-3-319-56486-9. s.    249-258

53.   Thakur, Vikas Kumar Singh; L'Heureux, Jean-Sébastien; Locat,  Ariane.  Landslide  in Sensitive Clays – From Research to Implementation. I: Landslides in Sensitive Clays - From Research to Implementation. Springer 2017 ISBN 978-3-319-56486-9. s.   1-11

54.   Thakur, Vikas Kumar Singh; L'Heureux, Jean-Sébastien; Locat,   Ariane. Landslides in Sensitive Clays - From Research to Implementation. Springer 2017 (ISBN 978-3-319-56486-9) ;Volum 46.603 s. Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research(1)

55.   Thakur V (2016) “ Characterisation of soft clays for engineering design  purposes.  51st  Indian Geotechnical Conference.  Invited lecture

56.   Thakur V (2016) “Back claulation of flow slides in Norway”. International Conference on Forensic Geotechnical Engineering. Bengaluru, India Invited  Lecture.

57.   Thakur V (2016) “Landslide in sensitive clays: some assessment and mitigation strategies. Special lecture during the Nordic Geotechnical Meeting in Iceland, May   26th.

58.   Thakur V , Fauskerud OA, Gjelsvik V, Christensen S, Oset F, Viklund M, Stran SA, Nordal S (2016) “A procedure for the assessment of undrained shear strength profile in softr clays. Nordic Geotechnical Meeting in Iceland, May  26th.

59.   Dolva B K and V Thakur (2016) " Towards a robust  transportation  infrastructure  in  Norway to respond the extreme weather events". Submitted to  Transport  Research  Board, January  2016, Washington.

60.   Thakur V , (2016) “Assessment of undrained shear strength of  soft clays using  the  field  and laboratory testing methods. Theme lecture during the 50th Indian Geotechnical Conference, Pune, December  14th.

61.   Thakur V (2014) “Can we assess the effect of storage time on fine-grained soil samples?” Invited Editororial paper, International Journal of Environmental Geotechnics, Volum  1 issue 4 pp

62.   Thakur V and Degago S (2014) ”Quickness test approach for assessment of flow slide potentials” Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS and  AGSSEA:  Physical  Modelling in Geotechnical Engineering, March Volume 45, pp   45-55.

63.   Thakur V and Degago S (2013) “Disintegration of soft sensitive clays” Géotechnique  Letters, Volume 3, issue 1, pp  21-25.

64.   Thakur V (2013) "Orientation of locally drained shear bands in contractant clays” International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Volume 7, Nr. 3, pp   311-317.

65.   Thakur V and Niggusie D (2014) "Run out of sensitive clay debris: significance of the flow behavior of sensitive clays”.Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS and AGSSEA: Physical Modelling in Geotechnical Engineering, September   issue.

66.   Thakur V and Degago S  (2012)  “Quickness of sensitive clays” Geotechnique Letters. Vol.   2, pp 87-95.

67.   Thakur V (2012) “Groundwater leakage induced subsidences into tunnels” Indian Geotechnical Journal by Springer. Vol 42 (1), pp   37-48.

68.   Thakur V and Degago S (2015) " UNDERSTANDING THE DISINTEGRATION PROCESS IN SENSITIVE CLAYS USING REMOLDING ENERGY CONCEPT". 15th Pan America Conference, Argentina. November 2015. (accepted).

69.   Amundsen H, Thakur V and Emdal A (2015) " Comparison of the sample assessment methods applied to oedometer test results". 15th Pan America Conference, Argentina. November 2015.

70.   Thakur V, Gylland A, Sandven R and Degago S (2015) " In-situ measurement of remolding energy of sensitive clay" GeoQuebec, Quebec, September 2015 (accepted).

71.   Amundsen H, Sandven R, Emdal A and  Thakur V (2015) " On engineering characterisation of a low plastic sensitive soft clay". GeoQuebec, Quebec, September 2015 (accepted).

72.   Thakur V , Niggusie D, Degago S (2014) A preliminary study of rheological models for run-out distance modelling of sensitive clay debris.  Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering, pp 115-120.

73.   Thakur V, Degago S (2014) Remolding Energy as indicator to identify flow slides. 14th International Conference on Advances on Computational Methods and Geomechanics. Kyoto, Japan.

74.   Thakur V , Niggusie D, Degago S (2014) A preliminary study of rheological models for run-out distance modelling of sensitive clay debris.  Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering, pp 115-120.

75.   Thakur V (2014) Experimentally observed shear bands in a Scandinavian soft clay subjected to an undrained shearing under the plane strain condition. 14th International Conference on Advances on Computational Methods and Geomechanics. Kyoto, Japan.

76.   Thakur V and Amundsen K (2014) Storage effects on fine-grained soils. Indian Geotechnical Conference, Kakinada, India.

77.   Thakur V and Dolva B K (2014) ” Challges related to Transportation Infrastructures on sloping terrain consists of soft clays”. Transport Research Arena, TRA, ID 19762.

78.   Thakur V, Degago S A, Oset F, Dolva B K and Aabøe R (2013) A new approach to assess the potential for flow slide in sensitive clays. Une nouvelle approche pour évaluer le potentiel de Coulée dans les argiles sensibles. International conference on soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering, ISSMGE, Paris, France, pp 2265-2269.

79.   Thakur V (2012) “ Infrastructures on soft sensitive clays: some aspects related to the flow behaviour of remoulded materials”. Asiafuge-2012. (Invited speaker)

80.   Thakur V and Degago S (2012) “Utbredelse av skred i sensitive leirer” Proccedings of Quick clay workshop, ISBN: 978-82-410-0821-4, pp 139-153.

81.   Thakur V (2012) “Field observation on generation and dissipation of pore pressure during lime cement stabilisation”. Indian Geotechnical Conference, New Delhi, Dec. 2012, pp 343-346.

82.   Thakur V, Oset F, Degago S A, Berg P O, Aabøe R, Wiig T, Elisabeth E D, Lyche E, Sæter M B, Robsrud A (2011) “A critical apprisal on the definition of Brittle clays”. Nordic Geotechnical Meeting. Copenhagen, May 2012. (Special lecture)

83.   Thakur V, Oset F, Degago S Aabøe R,  Watn A (2012) “Transportation Infrastructure on Soft sensitive clay:Some essential aspects and examples. Second International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics, Japan, pp 836-842.

84.   Thakur V, Oset F, Aabøe R, Wiig T, Elisabeth E D, Lyche E (2012) “A critical review of the definition of Brittle clays adopted in Norwegian practice”.2nd International Conference on Landslides, ISL, Banff, Canada.

85.   Taurisano A, Lyche E, Thakur V, T. Wiig T, Øvrelid K, Devoli G (2012) Ethical questions in landslide management and risk reduction in Norway. Geophysical Research Abstract Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 14, EGU2012-9375-1.

86.   Thakur, V., Degago S. A., Oset, F., Aabøe, R., Dolva, B.K., Aunaas, K., Nyheim, T., Lyche, E., Jensen, O. A., Sæter, M. B., Robsrud, A. , Viklund, M. , and Nigussie, D. (2013):  Characterisation of post-failure movements of landslides in soft sensitive clays. Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research by Springer, pp 91-103. (to appear in sept. 2013)

87.   Thakur V.,  Kornbrekke H A, Jostad H P and Degago s (2013) “How well do we understand strain softening response of soft sensitive clays at laboratory strain levels”. Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research by Springer, pp 291-303. (to appear in sept. 2013)

88.   Oset, F., Thakur, V., Aunaas, K., Dolva, B.K.,  Sæter, M. B., Robsrud, A. , Viklund, M. , Nyheim, T., Lyche, E., and Jensen, O. A., (2013): Regulatory framework for road and railway construction on the soft sensitive clays of Norway. Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research by Springer (to appear in sept. 2013)

89.   Jostad H.P., Fornes, P. and Thakur, V. (2013): Effect of strain-softening in design of fills in gently inclined areas with soft sensitive clays.  Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research by Springer (to appear in sept. 2013)

90.   Engelsen Christian John, Arora V , Gedam V ,Sandeep K , Mullick A K , Srinivasan I , Myrdal R ,Labhasetwar P K , Reknes K , Justnes H , Thakur V (2011) “The Indo-Norwegian Project on Alternative Materials in Cement and Concrete – Systematic Accumulation of Material Properties” Proceedings of the 12th NCB International Seminar on Cement and Building Materials, pp 347-350.

91.   Thakur V (2011) “Numerically observed shear bands  in  soft  sensitive  clays” Geomechanics and Geoengineering: an international Journal. Vol. 5, pp    532-546.

92.   Thakur V K S and Singh D N (2007) "Evaluation of various Pedo transfer function to developing soil water characteristics curve of a silty soil." Geotechnical Testing Journal, ASTM. Volume 30, issue 1 pp  .1-6.

93.   Thakur, V K S, Sreedeep, S and Singh, D N (2006) "Laboratory Investigations on Extremely High Suction Measurements for Fine-grained Soils." Geotechnical and Geological Engineering. 24(3) pp.  565-578.

94.   Thakur V K S, S Sreedeep and Singh D N (2006) Closure  to “Parameters Affecting Soil  Water Characteristic Curves of Fine-Grained Soils.” Journal of Geotechnical and Geo- environmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 132, No. 11,   pp.1510-1511.

95.   Thakur V (2006) “Rate independent elastoplastic analysis of strain localization in soft sensitive clays” Electronic Journal of Geotechnical   Engineering

96.   Thakur V K S and Singh D N (July-2005) "Rapid Determination of Swelling Pressure of Clay Minerals." Journal of Testing and Evaluation, ASTM. Volume 33, issue    4 pp .239-245.

97.   Thakur V K S, Singh D N and S Sreedeep,(2005) “Parameters Affecting Soil Water Characteristic Curves of Fine-Grained Soils.” Journal of Geotechnical and Geo- environmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 131, No. 4,   pp.521-524.

98.   Thakur V , Nordal S, and Grimsad G (2005) “Phenomenological issues related to strain softening in sensitive clays” International Journal of Geotechnical and Geological Engineering.  Published online.

99.   Christian J. Engelsen, Roar Myrdal, Vikas Thakur, Harald Justnes and Kåre Helge Karstensen (2009) “Current status  of the framework for environmental impact assessment   in Europe regarding cement based materials” 11th NCB Seminar, India On Cement and Building Materials, 17-20 November 2009, New Delhi,   India.

100.        C J Engelsen, P K Labhasetwar, S C Sharma, K. Nath P, K Reknes, A K Mullick, P Fidjestøl, P Brevik, R Myrdal, H Justnes and V Thakur (2009)“Environmental friendly strategy for Waste Management in India Utilising Cement and Concrete Production Technology – Indo Norwegian BILATERAL initiative” 11th NCB Seminar, India On Cement and Building Materials, 17-20 November 2009, New Delhi, India (Best paper award)


TBA5150: Geohazards and Risk (MSc. emne) Risk https://www.ntnu.no/studier/emner/TBA5150#tab=omEmnet

TBA4100: Geoteknikk og Geologi (MSc. emne)


IB204914/BYGA2001: Geoteknikk (bachelor emne) https://www.ntnu.no/studier/emner/BYGA2001#tab=omEmnet

BA6063: Introduksjon til Geoteknikk (EVU)


BA6064: Geoteknikk beregningsmetoder


Kort biografi

August 2023 - Dec.2023. : Prodekan (Bærekraft), Fakultet for Ingeniørvitenskap, NTNU

August 2019 – juli 2023: Instituttleder for Institutt for bygg- og miljøteknikk, NTNU 

Januar 2015 –  Professor / Institutt for bygg- og miljøteknikk, NTNU (i permisjon i 2024)

Januar 2012- des. 2015 : Professor II / Høgskolen i Ålesund, nå NTNU . I denne perioden var jeg ansatt som professor II i geoteknikk ved Høgskolen i Ålesund nå NTNU. Stillingen var finansiert av Statens vegvesen.

Mai 2009 – des. 2014: Sjefingeniør (Geoteknikk)/ Statens vegvesen Vegdirektoratet. Ansatt som geotekniker i Statens vegvesen Region midt og deretter i Vegdirektoratet.

Januar 2008 – april 2009: Forsker / SINTEF Byggforsk (nå Sintef Community) 

Publisert 16. apr. 2024 12:02