Saturday, October 24, 2015

MOTA event November 8th

Steve; KD2ETP has announced an upcoming portable HF QRP excursion. "Marshes-on-the-air"; MOTA, is to be held in the Hamlin Marsh (also known as the Clay Marsh) on Sunday November 8th. Steve will be spending the day working QRP on the HF bands from his canoe in the marsh. You will remember his past local QRP events; "Frozen-Lakes-on-the Air"; FLOTA and "Islands-on-the-air"; IOTA, earlier this year.

Catch him on his HT on the KD2SL 146.67 repeater for details.
HF frequencies listed below:
- (so far) 7.210 mhz
- more to come?

Stay tuned here for more details on times and frequencies as they become available!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Store Fest at RW Antenna Store

 Store Fest 

Fri-Sat-Sunday. 10/23-25, 8-5pm Fri-Sat, 10am- 2pm Sunday.

10-70% off New and used Amateur Radio, CB, Scanner, Shortwave  Gear. Large inventory of accessories, antennas, rotors, towers, cable, connectors, power supplies, and more.

RW Antenna Store has been a great supporter of  the Upstate NY Amateur Radio community and can be found at most of our Upstate NY Hamfests.

RW Antenna Store,
6150 Crosby Rd., Lockport, NY 14094 (716-434-9216)

Saturday, October 10, 2015

NY QSO Party - October 17th

                            2015 New York QSO Party            
Set aside the date: Saturday, October 17th, 10:00 AM ET
Phone – CW – RTTY/Digital

Since 2009 Rochester has been the home of the NY QSO Party. This is a great opportunity to be a station that everyone wants to work. All stations work only NY'ers!

All the information you need such as rules, FAQ's and awards are just a click
"But my station isn't good enough."  WRONG!

There is lots of activity on 40 and 80 meters so signals (yours and theirs) will be strong. QRP stations have made almost 600 QSO's in the NYQP. Activity on the upper bands grows every year.

Work a few, work a bunch. Operate from home or grab a friend and mobile a number of Counties (only if you can deal with being very popular). Can you work all 62 NY Counties? The fun is there waiting to happen!

If you expect to be operating mobile from a number of counties please post your plans to the NYQP website. More contacts, more fun! CQ NYQP!

More information and rules at:

Thanks to the NYQSO Team for forwarding this notice on to us!

Send us your event info to post on at [email protected]

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Ham Radio Exams Saturday, October 17th

 Syracuse VE Exam Team - Ham Radio Exams 
Saturday, October 17th, 2015

All exams available: Tech, General, Extra

- registration noon to 1 p.m. at Liverpool Public Library in the Sargent Room.

Bring: copy of current license if you hold one.
2 forms of ID are needed - one with your picture
Exam fee $14 in cash or M.O.
Last exam scheduled  for 2015

Please Email any Questions to: [email protected]

The Syracuse VE Team has been doing these exams for 31 years!
They were also the 2nd exam team in New York state to begin under the volunteer system. 
Thanks to them and all the upstate groups that conduct training and exams!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Listening to Digital Voice communications

I recently have had several inquiries from folks interested in listening to digital voice modes. So this week I came across this interesting article that does a pretty good job of answering some of those questions. The article explains the equipment required to continue listening to many digital Amateur and public service radio transmissions. It covers most of the digital voice modes and the basic functionality of each mode. Though written from the perspective of a Canadian Ham/SWL, it is very applicable to what is happening around the world.

from Scanner Digest #72 (Summer 2015)
CANADA Report - John Leonardelli - VE3IPS

Buzz Buzz Bzzzzrrrp - The Short Guide to Digital Radio

The world of scanning is changing as we move from an
analog world to a digital one. Each digital mode has
different characteristics in how the analog voice is
converted to and decoded from digital. Linking methods
vary across each mode and inter-operability is lacking
between them. Many local amateur radio club nets that
offered interesting listening are now moving to the digital
modes. However, many ARES/RACES groups continue to
offer analog and digital mode nets to test out the
communication readiness.