Showing posts with label 2M Repeaters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2M Repeaters. Show all posts

Monday, April 3, 2023

147.00 Auburn repeater update

 Just a quick update on the W2QYT 147.00 repeater in Auburn N.Y. from K2INH:

Some folks with certain, mostly Yaesu radios that had been experiencing problems getting into the repeater. There seemed to be an issue with the 71.9 PL tone opening the repeater.

The good news; there was an issue found with the controller board and a new controller looks to have solved the problem. If you were experiencing any issues, please give it a try!


Just a quick note and link about the W2QYT 147.00 Repeater  history and founder:

We have recently uncovered an interesting interview with Jack Smith; W2QYT (Silent Key) from the mid-1990's.

What a great piece of Ham Radio history! Jack explains his start in Amateur Radio, repeater theory and operation of the 147.00 repeater (Auburn/Niles NY). Jack was a pillar of Ham Radio knowledge and experience here in CNY. We miss Jack's smiling face and booming voice on the airwaves here in Upstate NY. Thanks to John Luebs; N2PMQ (SK) and Lou Barbaglia; N2XSG who put this video together with Jack back many years ago.

If you have a memory of Jack or the W2QYT 147.00 repeater, PLEASE feel free to leave a comment below.

Check out the interview on our UpstateHam YouTube channel at:

Monday, January 10, 2022

145.15 KD2SL repeater - off the air

 Please announce online and on the nets:

The KD2SL repeater on 145.15 is off the air as of 4:00 pm on January 10th, because the antennas for 2 meters and the 440 link to Auburn have to be removed from the tower.  It may be possible to move the repeater to the other TV tower and restore the tie-in with Auburn, but it could take weeks, or even months to accomplish this.  Thank you for your patience and understanding.”

73 – Kevin KD2SL

Sunday, January 17, 2016

KD2SL repeater UPDATES

Kevin; KD2SL is doing some upgrades to the KD2SL linked repeaters in Syracuse. There are many recent adjustments and other improvements planned for 2016 but an important one is the repair of the link radio capability.

The link radio is being updated to a new radio after some problems over recent months. Read more about the upgrade, linking capabilities and how you can help at: link:

UPDATE 1/24/16:
The new link radio is here, and fully paid for by local hams!  In case I can’t make it to the nets this week, please mention that thanks to the generosity of local hams, the link radio has been replaced, and will be on the air in a few weeks.

73 – Kevin KD2SL

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Binghamton area repeaters

A few folks have asked for news on active Binghamton Area Amateur Repeaters.

Check out our list below:

146.730 - 100.0 Binghamton K2TDV (Ingraham Hill) Linked to Ithaca 146.895 K2ZG
146.865 - 146.2 Maine  WA2QEL (E.A. Link Field)
146.820 – 146.2 Vestal WA2QEL (Kopernik Obs) Linked to 146.865
147.345 + 146.2 Hancock WA2QEL Liked to 146.865
147.120 + 100.0 Vestal K2ZG
147.075 +  CSQ  K2VQ Not Sure of the Location
145.470 – CSQ  W2EWM Town of Binghamton near the PA border.
147.255 + 100.0 WA2VCS Endicott
145.390 – 123.0 N2YR Endicott
146.760 – CSQ  W2VDX Owego
147.300 + 91.5 K2OQ  Candor
147.390 + 91.5 K2OQ Owego
145.430 + 77.0 N3KZ Elk Mt. PA I-81 Good Signal From Binghamton South

444.100 + 146.2 WA2QEL Vestal Linked to 146.865
444.300 + 173.8 N2YOW Endicott Linked to WA2VCS 147.255
444.700 + 131.8 N3KZ University of Penn. Linked 70CM -currently down.

Thanks to KD2GIV; Kris for his list of observations from the Southern Tier (7/8/15)

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Fusion C4FM digital voice repeater on the air in Syracuse N.Y.

Image result for yaesu system fusion picturesThe first Digital Voice Amateur Radio repeater is on the air in Syracuse.  This joint venture between KD2SL and KC2VER is unique on two counts: 1) It is the first digital amateur repeater on the air in Syracuse and Onondaga County; 2) It is the only repeater system we know of in the country to link an analog repeater with a System Fusion digital repeater, for full-time cross-mode operation in the same band, at the same site, on the same antennas. Both of these coordinated repeaters are open to all Hams.

The KC2VER repeater is on 145.31 (-) no PL tone, and is set up for full time C4FM digital operation. The KD2SL analog repeater is on 146.67 (-) 103.5 PL, and is linked full-time with KC2VER’s digital repeater.  Some final tuning and adjustments will be taking place over the next several weeks.

If you have a System Fusion equipped radio, jump over to the 145.31 repeater and give it a try. If you don’t, take a listen on the 146.67 to get an idea of what C4FM digital voice sounds like.

Let us know what you think, both Kevin ([email protected]) and I ([email protected]) would be interested in your thoughts, questions and comments on this new set up. (...or leave us a comment below)

Also note that there are several more C4FM Sytem Fusion repeaters coming to CNY and the upstate area in the next few months. Stay tuned to for more System Fusion updates.

73 - KC2VER; Tony 

Friday, April 3, 2015

147.39 Repeater update.......

Another Yaesu System Fusion update from Pat, WN8Z:

Late this morning I slipped the 147.39 DR-1X repeater back in the rack at the tower site near Fulton. I have decided to do all the "upgrades" in steps. Presently the repeater is in the auto mode. digital in = digital out & FM in = FM out and is in place without any external controllers. In the very near future I will, as time permits, connect the Arcom RC-210 external controller and echolink controller back into the system which can only be used in the FM analog mode. Digital transmissions are handled by the internal controller and all gps positioning and data services will remain available as they are now.
It is not possible to set a mixed mode (digital/fm in = fm out) once an external controller is added into the mix. Echolink has had a lot of usage on this repeater and I hope to continue offering the service. For this reason I decided to go ahead and bring it onboard in the Fusion repeater and operate in the current configuration. I also anticipate supporting APRS (all Fusion radios are APRS capable) sometime late spring by adding an APRS gate to extend this service to the northern area. An antenna upgrade is also planned in the near future.

Analog users should enable full ctcss on their radios if you do not want to hear the digital madness - if your radio allows BCLO ( busy channel lock out) you might want to enable it on your memory channel. If a digital conversation is in use and you desire to see who or what is going on, wait for the digital signal to quit (there is no hang time in digital mode) and transmit your callsign. If the digital users have configured their radio properly (AMS - automatic mode selection) their radio will immediately switch to analog FM and the conversation can continue.

Digital is new to our part of the state and we all have a learning curve to deal with. I ask that all users be courteous and patient with each other. Feel free to experiment and use the system.
Digital users: Set you radios in AMS - Group mode is not allowed at this time without prior approval
Feel free to leave a comment, suggestion, or question here or I can be contacted on email at wn8z at arrl dot net.

de Wn8z

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

147.39 repeater update from WN8Z; Pat

3/25/15 - 147.39 repeater update:

A quick update on the progress of the Yaesu Fusion repeater in Fulton on 147.390. I now have all the components on the bench - DR-1X. Arcom RC-210 controller. ADR external interface, HRI-200 WiresX interface, Echolink interface, laptop pc and a spare duplexer and will be working diligently in the evenings to get everything working correctly. There are a few unpublished quirks concerning the repeater that Yaesu didn't tell us about when first released, and a few typos in what docs they did release. All in all it looks to be a worthwhile and doable project.

The GE Mstr II was taken off the air Wednesday and in it's place is a loaner Kenwood repeater that is putting a signal out on the air during the transition to the DR-1X. I have no timeline when the DR-1X will be placed in service.

A special shout out to Jack, W2QYT, (keeper of the Auburn double O) for the use of his spare "floating" baby repeater allowing me to keep .39 on the air, and to the other repeater guru's who have contributed to the 39 project!

de Wn8z

Saturday, March 14, 2015

147.39 Fulton Repeater - Fusion update from WN8Z

3/12/15 UPDATE from WN8Z; Pat:

The Fulton WN8Z/R, 147.390, went Yaesu System Fusion Wednesday evening. The first Fusion digital qso between WA2ISC  and myself was a complete success!

The repeater is currently set in "Auto/Auto mode. This means that digital in = digital out  & Fm in = Fm out. This setting will remain until Saturday evening, Mar 14 when the Ge Mstr II will go back in service. The system will remain inconsistent during the week as we experiment and continue working on upgrades in the repeater shack.  Hopefully the weather will cooperate soon for the antenna upgrade.

Analog audio quality is exceptional using the internal controller and I am very pleased with the digital quality.

As mentioned in my previous post - the repeater is on the air as supplied out of the

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Digital Voice coming to CNY and the 147.39 repeater

Image result for system fusion picture

Yaesu's System Fusion Digital Voice capability will be coming to the WN8Z 147.39 repeater in Oswego County in early 2015. WN8Z; Pat has reported that the new Fusion DR-1X repeater is on order and he hopes to have it up and running within a month or two. Pat now has the Fusion capable FTM-400DR mobile as well as the FT1DR handheld that he is starting to explore all the System Fusion capabilities with.

Several local Ham's in the area have also purchased new System Fusion capable radios in recent months and have expressed much enthusiasm for this new mode's capabilities. There are also discussions of the possibility of one or more other Fusion repeaters coming to CNY in 2015. There are also at least two System Fusion repeaters coming on line in the Rochester area, and one in Cortland later this year.

Stay tuned here for updates on Pat's progress on this exciting project, as well as news of other System Fusion repeaters in Upstate NY.

link to a System Fusion overview:

Recent articles on digital voice for Amateur Radio:

The Spectrum Monitor; January 2015, (

Reviews of 2 Fusion Radios - QST Magazine; September 2014 (

Sunday, January 18, 2015

145.15 added to the CNY VHF linked system today!

The KD2SL 145.15 repeater, (-) offset and 123.0 PL, has been linked into the CNY linked repeater system. This repeater has excellent coverage in the City of Syracuse and Onondaga County. Give it a try sometime!

147.000 + PL 71.9 Auburn - Cayuga County -W2QYT  (echolink node# 9188)
145.330 - PL 71.9 Remsen - Oneida County - KB2AUJ (temporarily un-linked)
147.225 + PL 71.9 Cortland - Cortland County -KB2FAF
146.970 - PL 103.5 Ithaca - Tompkins County - AF2A (TCARA)
145.150 - PL 123.0 Lafayette - Onondaga County - KD2SL (added 1/18/15)***
443.150 + PL 71.9 Syracuse - Onondaga County (MOST)

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Blue Mountain Repeater update

Blue Mountain Fire Tower and antennas (1/13/15)
Nick Deyulio from the Bear Bait Radio Club sent us an update this week on the 146.865 repeater on top of Blue Mountain in Hamilton County (central ADK's). The repeater had some issues recently and has now been replaced with a temporary replacement while the original repeater is being repaired. Thanks to Chris; KD2BAD for braving the elements to go up top on January 13th to replace the repeater (check out the picture to the left). This repeater provides good coverage to the central Adirondacks where cell coverage is very limited. Thanks to the Bear Bait Club (and helpers) for this important north country repeater!

Nick also mentioned that there is now APRS capability from on top of Blue Mountain. See the clubs web page for more information at:

Read more about this repeater in an older UpstateHam story here:

The Bear Bait Radio Club is also having a Amateur Radio Technician Class and VE test session on February 21st and 22nd, 2015 at the Clay Welcome Center on RT. 31, Clay NY. It's from 8-5 each day. Lunch will be provided. Contact Scott; WA2DTN for more info at: [email protected]

The club also provides Amateur Radio licensing classes several times a year. See their calendar for more dates and times at:

Friday, October 3, 2014

Echolink added to the WN8Z 149.39 repeater in Fulton

149.39 update from Pat; WN8Z:

I've installed Echolink on the WN8Z (147.39 pl 103.5) repeater located in Fulton, NY. This gives excellent handheld coverage especially to the cities of Oswego and Fulton and covers Oswego County. Node # 7390.

Also on 10/2 we got the signal back to its previous performance with a fix to a recent feed line problem with the top mounted 2M antenna. The next project before winter is to side mount a DB-224 antenna at the top - hopefully before the first snow flies...

A big thanks to Volney Multiplex, Inc. of Fulton, NY for the donated tower space and for providing emergency generator and internet service directly to the repeater shack. - Pat

Monday, March 10, 2014

AC2GE - Dexter N.Y. Repeater is changing frequencies

A Note from Julie and Will....................

Date: 3/10/14

Subj: Repeater frequency change

Hi to you all,

As of the end of this week the 146.76- repeater will be no more. Due to much interference from other repeaters with the same frequency, and interference from other electronics with that frequency (ever go by a gas station with that frequency on?), it is being changed.  The new frequency will be 147.030+ pl 151.4.  The repeater will be deactivated as of Wednesday evening and will hopefully be back up with the new frequency on Thursday evening.

Thank you for your patience at this time!

Julie (KC2ZTG) & Will (AC2GE) Covey

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

New Syracuse Repeater - 146.67 - a note from Kevin, KD2SL

Syracuse has a new 2M repeater, on 146.670, minus offset, 103.5 tone.

Here are some answers to some frequently asked questions, from Kevin, KD2SL  :

Why build another repeater?  Aren’t there enough repeaters already?

Indeed, I’m on record as saying that we have plenty of repeaters – that if you’re going to build a new repeater, you should have something different and unique to offer.  This repeater was born out of the idea that we needed:  1) Excellent wide-area 2m coverage, with strong HT support in the city of Syracuse and surrounding suburbs, AND:  2) A repeater not affiliated with, or controlled by any club or organization.  In Syracuse, you could easily find one or the other, but not BOTH.

Who owns the repeater?  If it’s not a club or organization, where did the money come from?

The great thing about this repeater is that no one person owns it.  Fifteen Syracuse-area hams generously and anonymously contributed the money to build it, as a gift to ALL area hams.  They didn’t do it for recognition, because they don’t even know who the other hams are, or how much they gave, and nobody else will ever know either.  There were no meetings; everything was organized through blind e-mail.  I’m the trustee, but not the owner.

Wasn’t 146.67 already in use?

146.67 was coordinated to another ham several years ago, with a repeater located south of Skaneateles Lake.  However, with the repeater off the air for the past 2 or 3 years, according to UNYREPCO guidelines the frequency becomes eligible for reuse, and official coordination paperwork is currently being processed.

Why isn’t there a courtesy tone?

The final, permanent repeater is still being constructed, and should be ready just before Christmas.  An anonymous person has provided temporary use of a Kenwood TKR-750 for a few weeks.  This allows us to enjoy immediate use of the frequency.  This temporary repeater does not have any bells, whistles or courtesy tone – just a CW ID.  The permanent repeater will have a modern controller with a more typical “sound.”

Where is the repeater?

As with the other repeaters that carry the KD2SL call sign, it is located near the WSTM-TV channel 3 tower on Sentinel Heights.

Will it be linked?

There are currently no plans to link 146.67 with any other repeaters, or the Internet (EchoLink, AllStar, IRLP, etc.).  It will remain a stand-alone repeater, dedicated to Central New York ragchewing.  A possibility for a future upgrade would be a link to one or more other repeaters that could be turned on for public service or emergency use.

Who can use the repeater?

146.67 is a gift to the entire ham community by the 15 anonymous hams who paid for and built it.  It is completely open to ALL well-behaved and licensed hams, regardless of whether or not they helped build it.  EVERYONE is encouraged to stop by and say “hello!”  Regular repeater users are strongly encouraged to make every effort to warmly welcome new users, and draw them into the conversation.

Will there be any nets?

There currently are no nets scheduled, but nets are welcome.  Please contact KD2SL, the repeater trustee before setting up a net.  One idea (that isn’t technically a net) would be a weekly news bulletin broadcast (Amateur Radio Newsline, ARRL Report, etc.).  If anyone wants to volunteer to do this, or has a good suggestion for a day and time, please contact KD2SL.


Once again, I emphasize that this repeater is open to all hams.  The Central New York ham community is made up of a lot of great people, with a huge diversity of interests and experiences.  Our primary goal is that 146.67 be a meeting place where we can all get to know each other better.  For more information, or to make suggestions or comments, please contact Kevin Tubbs (repeater trustee) – [email protected].

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Upstate NY Repeater - NEW UPDATES 11/27

1. Some recent changes in a brief note from KD2SL: "The 53.67 repeater has a new vertical dipole antenna at 725 ft. on the tower, which has improved the RX quality significantly to the W, N and E.  To the S, range has actually been lost due to tower blockage.  Can’t have everything, I guess. The repeater is still transmitting on the old antenna on the top (see for more info). Please Let KD2SL; Kevin, know your reception reports at [email protected].

The 224.12 repeater (-) and 103.5 PL, gets regular use, with decent RX range.  It is actually coupled into the 6m dipole for RX (TX is near ground level).  The 6m dipole works so well for 220 RX that I also want to experiment with it for 2m.  Even though it has less gain than the DB-224, the tremendous height overcomes that to a large degree.  It’s worth checking out; this stuff is fun to experiment with.  If it matches or exceeds distant RX performance of the ground-level DB-224, it may be worth doing the split antenna thing for the 2m repeater."

2. When you are in the North Country, don’t forget the repeater on Blue Mountain in Hamilton County,   146.865 (–), PL = 162.2  call sign = KC2ZZO.
The Bear Bait Radio Club has worked very hard to put this important amateur radio asset in place. It has great coverage in the Adirondacks. Several people have asked me how they can support this nice machine. You can do so by sending donations to the club at: Bear Bait Radio Club, P.O. Box 172, Clay ,N.Y.  13041. Please enclose a note indicating "donation for the repeater fund".

3. A new 220 MHz repeater has been installed in Newark by Tom; N2TKR. The frequency is 224.90 (-), with no PL tone. It is located at the same site as the 146.745 Drumlins repeater.  It is on the air, but Tom is still fine tuning the receiver pre-amp and expects full operation within the next few weeks. I am receiving it full scale here, 10 miles south of Auburn. I will post another update in mid-December.

4. A new Syracuse 2M repeater is in the works! Here is a brief note from Kevin - KD2SL, discussing a new project!
“Thanks to the donations of several interested Syracuse-area hams, a new 2M repeater will soon be on the air in Syracuse.  Why a new repeater?  With the recent removal of 147.21 by LARC(as of 11/30 the 147.21 is back on the air with K9CHP as trustee), these hams felt there was a void, and interest was expressed in a new 2m repeater that would have:  1) Best possible range and coverage; 2) No ties to clubs or other organizations.  Clubs and other organizations perform important functions, but at times they can also encumber a repeater with partisan and political restrictions and maneuvering that don’t always promote the advancement and enjoyment of amateur radio."

“A frequency was found, funds were raised privately, and equipment has been ordered.  Look for this new repeater to be on the air sometime in late December or January.  All well-behaved hams will be welcome, regardless of club affiliation, regardless of whether they helped pay for it.”

Note  - Thanks to all the supporters of this project! I am glad to see another large coverage repeater going on the air. The technical details will be posted here soon. As a person who covers a lot of ground each week around CNY, I really appreciate the efforts on these wide coverage repeaters and linked systems.  73- Tony - KC2VER

Please support your favorite repeater and the folks who install and maintain them. A lot of time and expense goes into having this capability that is open to all licensed Hams.

Monday, November 11, 2013

CNY Linked VHF Repeaters

This system has excellent coverage across a wide area of the Finger Lakes, Southern Tier, Southwestern Adirondacks and the Mohawk Valley. This includes the cities of Auburn, Cortland, Rome, Utica and Syracuse. The system also has EchoLink capability and is well used. The trustees of this system do a fantastic job keeping the system at peak performance. Thanks to Bob-KA2FWN, Jack-W2QYT, Chris-KB2FAF, Mike-KB2AUJ, Matt N2PYI and Jerry N2FSD for all their hard work!

**** 145.33 is back on the air as of 11/10/13 - 5 pm!  Thanks Bob!


147.000 + PL 71.9 Auburn W2QYT (echolink node #9188)
145.330 - PL 71.9 Remsen KB2AUJ
147.225 + PL 71.9 Cortland KB2FAF
146.970 - PL 103.5 Ithaca -AF2A (TCARA)
443.150 + PL 71.9 Syracuse (MOST)

***View the CNY Linked REPEATER SYSTEM MAP here:


Saturday, July 27, 2013

New 2 meter Repeater for the Adirondacks!

UPDATE:  7/27/13 The Blue Mt. repeater is back on the air as of noon today. I talked with both W2CJS and WA2DAD this afternoon on the repeater. The repeater sounded great. Thanks to Clark, Tom and the team that hiked up to repair the repeater and antenna that were recently damaged by a lightning strike.

Original Post date: 5/20/13

On Saturday, May 18th, the Bear Bait Radio Club and other NNY amateur operators installed a 2 meter repeater on the top of Blue Mountain, near Blue Mountain Lake. This will be a Hamilton County RACES repeater available for general public use as well. The frequency is 146.865 (-) with a PL of 162.2. Area coverage plots for this repeater are quite impressive, showing potential coverage from the St. Lawrence to near Utica, and Watertown to Vermont. The only noticeable dead spot is the Champlain Valley.

I had the new repeater full scale and full quieting all around the Old Forge and Inlet areas when I was mobile on Sunday morning. While talking with a few folks on it, the repeater sounded top notch. I also heard folks later checking in from places as far away as Verona, St. Regis Falls and Saranac Lake. I am sure this is only the beginning of some very nice distant communication around the central Adirondacks. Great Job by the whole crew who put this together! (If I can find out more of the story and those involved, I will post it here)

Several people have asked me how they can support this nice machine. You can do so by sending donations to the club at: Bear Bait Radio Club, P.O. Box 172, Clay ,N.Y.  13041. Please enclose a note indicating "donation for the repeater fund".

On another North Country note, if you haven’t already tried them; there is both a 2M and 70CM repeater on McCauley Mountain just outside of Old Forge. The repeaters are the 147.315 + PL 71.9(KA2FWN) and the 443.175 + PL 103.5(KA2FWN). The 443.175 is also linked to the 443.850 +PL 103.5 in Kirkland. Both Old Forge repeaters have very good coverage. Give them a try!

Find more Adirondack Ham and repeater information at:

                                                        Fire Tower on Blue Mt. (7/2010)

Sunday, June 16, 2013

New Fulton area repeater

WN8Z has a new repeater operating from Fulton. Signal reports so far indicate this to be another wide coverage repeater for CNY. The repeater output is on 147.390 + and will eventually have a PL of 103.5. Pat (WN8Z) mentioned that he will provide a message on the repeater several weeks before the PL is actually added, but at this time no PL tone is required (note as of 8/2013 the PL is required). The repeater is located near the Oswego County Airport northeast of Fulton.

Full quieting reports have been heard from Homer north to Pulaski and from Waterloo east to Verona on the Thruway. Several people are also getting excellent signal reports on handhelds from over 30 miles away.

Nice job Pat! Thanks for your efforts and support to Upstate NY Radio Amateurs!

 - Also check out the 147.15 mhz Fulton area repeater, (+) offset with 103.5 PL!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Northern New York State NET's and frequencies

Northern New York Nets: 
(these notes from KC2WI and the NNYARA website)

"I would like to add a full NNY Net Directory to the NNYARA web site. Please email information about your net(s) to? KC2WI (".

The North Country Group meets Sunday mornings at 8:30 AM on 3958.

NNYARA is also encouraging everyone to tune in to 3958 and give a call afternoons between about 5:30 and 6:30. You may also hear NNY Stations on the Carrier Net 3935 weekday
 and Saturday mornings at 9 AM (eastern) or the pre-net at 8:30.

The Top Band SSB Net meets 8:30 PM Wednesdays on 1941.

The Northern New York Hospital Emergency Net is held quarterly 6:15 PM the first Tuesday of January,April, July, October on the Whiteface repeater.

Northern New York Repeaters:
Attention NNYARA Clubs: Please email information about your repeater(s) to? KC2WI (

Location                Frequency             PL                  Notes
Blue Mountain  146.865 – PL 162.2  Hamilton Cty.(new 5/13) RACES/Bear Bait Radio Club KC2ZZO
Boonville (Jackson Hill)  146.655  -  ?  Boonville ARC
Copenhagen  147.255  +  151.4  CANAMARA
Corinth  147.000  -  ?  ?
Fine  147.135  +  ?  Oswegatchie Valley ARC. Solar Powered
Johnstown  146.700  -  ?  Tryon ARC / Fulton Co. RACES K2JJI echolink node 510372
Lake Placid  147.300  +  100  ?
Long Lake  146.640  -  162.2  Bear Bait Radio Club KC2ZZO
Long Lake  443.850  +  162.2  Bear Bait Radio Club KC2ZZO
Lowville  146.955  -  ?  Black River Valley ARC W2RHM echolink node AB2XN
Lyon Mountain  147.285  +  123  Champlain Valley ARC
Malone  147.090  +  ?  ?
Malone  147.255  +  ?  WB2YRB
North Creek (Gore)  147.135  +  123  ?
Old Forge (McCauley Mt.)  147.315  +  71.9  KA2FWN  (Linked to 147.240 [+] 71.9, Kirkland)
Old Forge (McCauley Mt.)  443.175  +  103.5  KA2FWN (Linked to 443.850 [+] 103.5, Kirkland)
Plattsburg  147.150  +  123  Champlain Valley ARC
Potsdam  147.390  -  151.4  ?
Remsen (Starr Hill)  145.330  -  71.9  KB2AUJ Linked to Auburn, Cortland
Remsen (Starr Hill)  449.925  -  71.9  KB2AUJ? NYS 440 Link System (
Saranac Lake  147.030  +  100  ?
Speculator (Oak Mt.)  147.165  +  ?  Speculator ARC
Tupper Lake  147.330  +  100  ?
Watertown  146.700  -  ?  Jefferson County RAC
Watertown (Dexter)  146.760  -  151.4  AC2GE echolink Thousand Islands Repeater Club
Whiteface  145.110  -  123  Emergency Only - Clinton County RACES