Showing posts with label AllStar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AllStar. Show all posts

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Recent repeater updates/changes in CNY

Several CNY repeaters have updated capabilities for Echolink and AllStar:

Auburn, 147.00 now has Echolink restored, (W2QYT-R), node 9188
Syracuse, 53.67 KD2SL, has AllStar node 47460 and Echolink (N2DOW-L), node 99177
Syracuse, 224.12 KD2SL, has AllStar node 47463 and Echolink (N2DOW-R), node 324784
Syracuse, 146.67 KD2SL, Echolink (KD2SL-R), node 9177

See other Recent Repeater Changes at:

(send us your repeater changes at: [email protected])