Showing posts with label Digital. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Digital. Show all posts

Monday, February 15, 2021

CNY C4FM Yaesu Fusion Digital Net

 message from Andy; W2AND

C4FM Fusion NET on Thursday nights at 8pm

On Pat's WN8Z 147.39 Repeater in Fulton NY

Hosted by W2AND; Andy

Grab your Yaesu and have some digital fun!


Andy; W2AND

Friday, March 13, 2020

Southern Tier NY Fusion Network

Thanks to Kris Lanko; K2RIS for this update from the Southern Tier!
The Southern Tier Fusion Network
When using these repeaters, do not use or concern yourself with Wires-X.

Access the repeater in Digital Voice Narrow (DN) mode.
The repeaters are already linked.
Location ---------------------- Call -------------- Frequency ---- Offset
Conklin/Vestal Ny ----------- KB2CKK-ND2 --- 145.290 -0.600
Campbell NY ----------------- N9RIM-RPT ----- 147.270 0.600
Owego NY --------------------- W3JU ------------ 442.100 5.000
Harris Hill NY ---------------- N2EUS-RPT ----- 442.300 5.000
Horseheads NY --------------- N2OJM ---------- 442.750 5.000
Endicott/Binghamton NY --- AC2YS-RP ------- 442.800 5.000
Elmira NY --------------------- KC2EQ-RPT ----- 443.000 5.000
Round Top Park Athens PA - KA3EQU-RPT --- 443.800 5.000
Kopernik Observ Vestal NY - WA2QEL --------- 444.100 5.000
West Walworth NY----------- KA1CNF ----------- 444.775 5.000

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Fusion NET and other Fusion updates...

Tuesday March 28, 2017 at 8PM, there will be a Fusion NET on the 145.29 W2XRX repeater (Canadice, NY) in Wires-X room #21704.  The purpose will be to discuss Fusion news, equipment, Wires-X, tips, etc.  Check-ins are encouraged from all CNY/WNY Fusion stations. The WN8Z 147.39 Fusion repeater in Fulton will also have access to this NET. All you Fusion folks should check it out. The mode will be digital narrow "DN".  The NET will be hosted by K2AS; Brian.

Other local Fusion news:

-  From WN8Z; Pat - Also a very informative net (Wires-X Technical Net) is held on the MinWis room on Monday evenings @ 8:30 pm that has been carried on the 147.39 the past several weeks. Past subjects have covered the Fusion repeaters, a two part series,  the structure of the Wires-X network. firmware updates and any technical subjects brought up by users. Chris, K9EQ has worked with Yaesu's digital systems since the beta program and has met personally with the owner of Yaesu. He is by far one of the most knowledgeable  digital gurus I have met on the air. This Monday Chris will cover the FT-991. If you get a chance to listen you won't regret missing your favorite tv show. I link in every Monday to this NET.

On Saturdays the 147.39 is linked into the America Link room where the International Wires-X net is held at 9pm. Be warned - it is a lengthy net with check ins from across the globe. Last week over 170 stations checked in.

- LARC has also purchased and installed a Yaesu Wires-X system and it is now operational full time on the 443.300MHz  (changed to) 146.91 Fusion repeater in Syracuse.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

WiresX Fusion digital now on the 147.39 WN8Z repeater full time

WiresX has arrived! If you are in range of the 147.390 WN8Z repeater in Fulton, NY and have a Yaesu Fusion digital radio tune in & join the fun.

The Wn8z/r went fully c4fm and is now connected to the WiresX network. You can hear and talk to hams from around the world. The system is connected to the Americas Link "room". Stop in and help Hat, a frequent user from Okinawa, Japan perfect his english, or talk to the many ht and mobile users from Great Britan, Scotland, Ireland, Australia, or to someone just down the road.

I've heard several local users check in already since being connected. The basic entry point radio is the FTM-3200 2 meter, single band, mobile radio going for under $150.00. Two dual band ht's and two dual band mobiles and a Hf/Vhf/Uhf radio round out the Yaesu line equipped with their brand of digital.

Think of the WiresX network as Echolink on steroids. You will hear not only digital users, but analog too. How so? Let's think about Yaesu's Fusion name for a minute. All of the products are capable of both analog or c4fm digital. This includes the repeaters also. No one is left out - both users can use a Fusion repeater, and if users have correctly configured their radio in the automatic mode selection (AMS) the Fusion radio immediately switches to analog and the conversation continuous.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Interesting AOR AR-DV1 SDR receiver for digital voice modes

The AOR AR-DV1 is the FIRST multi-mode digital voice receiver to receive and decode virtually ALL popular digital modes including: MOTOTRBO, DMR, dPMR, APCO P25 Phase I, NXDN, Icom D-Star, Digital CR, Yaesu, Kenwood®, and Alinco EJ-47U as well as conventional analog signals.

The AOR AR-DV1B wideband communications SDR receiver covers 100 kHz to 1300 MHz (less cellular on U.S. consumer "B" version) in traditional analog modes (SSB, CW, AM, FM, S-FM, W-FM) as well as various digital modes. In fact, we know of no other radio in this category that can decode Icom's D-Star mode, Yaesu's new C4FM mode, Alinco's digital mode, NXDN (note: 6.25 kHz only), P25 Phase 1, etc. Interesting features include:  2000 Memories (in 40 banks of 50), Memory Scan, AM Synchronous Detection, Noise Reduction, Notch, Digital Data Display, Clock, Calendar, Alarm, Timer. The SD/SDHC jack supports logging functions. There is also a micro USB port. This radio will support field firmware updating. High performance is achieved since the receiver employs direct conversion below 18 MHz and triple conversion superheterodyne above 18 MHz.

With this breakthrough development, AOR offers the monitoring community a powerful new tool that receives multiple digital formats in addition to traditional analog operations in a compact receiver built for high sensitivity and selectivity.

Read more:

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

First P25 repeater in Rochester!

Hello everyone!

Just wanted to share with my fellow amateurs that I just put Rochester's first P25 system up in town. Located at Highland Hospital 444.35 analog 110.9 pl and P25 NAC 293 . Using Motorola Quantar in mixed mode, and coverage is City wide. I need to install a preamp and additional receiver cavity but Friday proved to be a great outcome. Antenna is DB 420.

So for Christmas don't forget to purchase some XTX portables. The 444.25 at Strong hospital will be the next system to be switched over. Currently working on it and it will be mixed with ALLSTAR, ECHOLINK , and current IRLP.

73 - Mike; W2HYP/ WR2AHL/WR2ROC

..........nice job Mike! 

Thanks for all you do for the amateurs in Upstate NY!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Listening to Digital Voice communications

I recently have had several inquiries from folks interested in listening to digital voice modes. So this week I came across this interesting article that does a pretty good job of answering some of those questions. The article explains the equipment required to continue listening to many digital Amateur and public service radio transmissions. It covers most of the digital voice modes and the basic functionality of each mode. Though written from the perspective of a Canadian Ham/SWL, it is very applicable to what is happening around the world.

from Scanner Digest #72 (Summer 2015)
CANADA Report - John Leonardelli - VE3IPS

Buzz Buzz Bzzzzrrrp - The Short Guide to Digital Radio

The world of scanning is changing as we move from an
analog world to a digital one. Each digital mode has
different characteristics in how the analog voice is
converted to and decoded from digital. Linking methods
vary across each mode and inter-operability is lacking
between them. Many local amateur radio club nets that
offered interesting listening are now moving to the digital
modes. However, many ARES/RACES groups continue to
offer analog and digital mode nets to test out the
communication readiness.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Signalink and Other USB Digital Interfaces - Bug Fix for Amateur Radio Digital Modes

Huge Windows bug ruining your receive performance on all digital modes, fix discovered

There's a bug with the USB audio chipset used in many ham radio sound interfaces that occurs in Windows Vista and later. The affected chipset is the TI PCM2900 series PCM2904 and below, pre-C revisions.
A non-exhaustive list of devices using this chip and therefore have the bug guaranteed:
All Icoms with built in USB Audio
All Kenwoods with built in USB Audio
All Yaesus with built in USB Audio, as well as the SCU-17 Interface
All Signalink USB's

If you have one of these devices, and are on Windows Vista or later, your performance is reduced due to this bug even if you think it's working fine. Wait until you see your performance afterwards! This is confirmed by Texas Instruments, who never recommended this chipset for use on Windows Vista and later in the first place, and also tested with more than 70 hams who gained massive receive performance after the fix.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Fusion Repeater update - Upstate NY

Auburn now has a Yaesu System Fusion repeater. The 147.270; K2RSY repeater is now a System Fusion repeater. It is running in Auto/Auto mode and compatible with both FM analog and C4FM Fusion Digital radios. If you are using an analog FM radio, don't forget to set the decode for 71.9 so you don't have to hear that "buzz" when two digital radios are talking.

Syracuse and Cortland both have additional Fusion repeaters coming into service this summer. Stay tuned here for more updates.

Upstate NY System Fusion Repeater List:
K2RSY  147.27, Auburn NY, +0.600 PL 71.9, Cayuga County
K2ALS  146.700 pl 100hz Gloversville NY, Fulton County ARES EC (Auto Mode)
KC2VER 145.31, Syracuse NY, -0.600, Onondaga County (temp. Running low pwr. 9/1/15)
W2CM 147.21, Syracuse NY, +0.600, PL 103.5, Onondaga County
W2XRX  145.2900 Canadice NY,  -0.600 PL110.9, Ontario County
WN8Z 147.39 Fulton, NY  +0.600 PL103.5, Oswego County
W2IT 444.900, Rochester NY, PL=110.9, - on the air now? Monroe County
W2ES0 Lancaster, NY, 147.255,PL= 107.2 Hz., Erie County
WB2ELW/R2 Hamburg, NY, 147.090,PL= 151.4 Hz., Erie County
WA2EMO 444.750, Arcadia NY, PL 110.9, Wayne County

Let us know if other Fusion repeaters at [email protected].

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

147.39 repeater update from WN8Z; Pat

3/25/15 - 147.39 repeater update:

A quick update on the progress of the Yaesu Fusion repeater in Fulton on 147.390. I now have all the components on the bench - DR-1X. Arcom RC-210 controller. ADR external interface, HRI-200 WiresX interface, Echolink interface, laptop pc and a spare duplexer and will be working diligently in the evenings to get everything working correctly. There are a few unpublished quirks concerning the repeater that Yaesu didn't tell us about when first released, and a few typos in what docs they did release. All in all it looks to be a worthwhile and doable project.

The GE Mstr II was taken off the air Wednesday and in it's place is a loaner Kenwood repeater that is putting a signal out on the air during the transition to the DR-1X. I have no timeline when the DR-1X will be placed in service.

A special shout out to Jack, W2QYT, (keeper of the Auburn double O) for the use of his spare "floating" baby repeater allowing me to keep .39 on the air, and to the other repeater guru's who have contributed to the 39 project!

de Wn8z

Monday, February 23, 2015

WN8Z with A Fusion demo at this weeks QCWA meeting

Image result for yaesu fusion picsAt the February QCWA meeting this Friday 2/27/15, WN8Z; Pat will be conducting a demonstration of his Yaesu Fusion Digital radios. Fusion is coming to several repeaters in CNY this spring. Come learn from one of the areas pioneers of Digital Voice.

The Quarter Century Wireless Asssociation (QCWA) meetings are held the last Friday of each month; 11:30 am at the Denny's Restaurant on South Bay Rd (corner of Lawrence Ave) in North Syracuse (near the Syracuse Airport). QCWA meetings are open to the public.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Learn more about System Fusion

There is quite a bit of discussion of Digital Voice (DV) modes on the local repeaters lately, especially System Fusion. There are several Fusion repeaters in the works here in Upstate NY and all are expected to be on-line before this summer. We found some helpful information from a club that was part of Yaesu’s Beta program and thought that we would share it on The Yaesu System Fusions FAQ's can be found at the link below.

(then scroll down the page to the "Yaesu System Fusions FAQ's")

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Digital Voice coming to CNY and the 147.39 repeater

Image result for system fusion picture

Yaesu's System Fusion Digital Voice capability will be coming to the WN8Z 147.39 repeater in Oswego County in early 2015. WN8Z; Pat has reported that the new Fusion DR-1X repeater is on order and he hopes to have it up and running within a month or two. Pat now has the Fusion capable FTM-400DR mobile as well as the FT1DR handheld that he is starting to explore all the System Fusion capabilities with.

Several local Ham's in the area have also purchased new System Fusion capable radios in recent months and have expressed much enthusiasm for this new mode's capabilities. There are also discussions of the possibility of one or more other Fusion repeaters coming to CNY in 2015. There are also at least two System Fusion repeaters coming on line in the Rochester area, and one in Cortland later this year.

Stay tuned here for updates on Pat's progress on this exciting project, as well as news of other System Fusion repeaters in Upstate NY.

link to a System Fusion overview:

Recent articles on digital voice for Amateur Radio:

The Spectrum Monitor; January 2015, (

Reviews of 2 Fusion Radios - QST Magazine; September 2014 (

Saturday, May 10, 2014

New D-Star repeater - message from KA2NDW

For those of you who have d-star or are thinking of trying d-star. I have added a D-star hot spot access point at my repeater site (near Waterloo, NY). It's on 446.125 simplex and runs about 20 watts. It's normally connected to reflector 20A which is located in NJ and is the northeast gateway. Feel free to try it and if you want to connect to a different reflector you may disconnect from 20A and connect to any one you want.

For those who are not up on d-star or do not have a understanding of it here's a little back ground. You need a digital d-star radio to use it. If you listen to the hotspot on 446.125 all you will hear is data bursts with an analog radio. Digital signals go farther than analog,  which means less power goes farther.

Short of a digital radio you can get on d-star with a dv dongle connected to your computer. If you have a laptop you would be able to use it any where you can get an internet connection. This works by connecting through the internet which makes it so you don't need to be near a d-star repeater or hot spot.

D-star users seem to be growing as well as hots pots and repeaters.

 73 -
Mike  KA2NDW

KA2NDW repeaters:
145.470  -     no pl
 449.075  -    no pl
 53.470   -    82.5
d-star     446.125