Showing posts with label Hudson Valley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hudson Valley. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Hudson Valley 80 Meter Net - Wednesdays – 5:00 PM EDT – 3.835 MHz

 Hudson Valley 80 Meter Net - Tomorrow, Wed. June 22 – 5:00 PM EDT – 3.835 MHz

All are welcome to check-in to the weekly Wednesday sessions of the Hudson Valley 80 Meter Net beginning at 5:00 PM EDT on 3.835MHz (+/- 5-10 kHz).

There were 16 participants for last Wednesday’s Hudson Valley 80 Meter Net including on new check-in from Washington Township in New Jersey.  Welcome to Jim K2ZO a member of the Bergen Amateur Radio Club where he is the net control for their Monday night 10-meter net at 9:00 pm on 28.375 MHz.  Jim is well known for his tireless work over the years as one of the moving forces and contact for the popular BARA Hamfest each spring.

Check-ins came from New Jersey, New York, Connecticut and Pennsylvania.

113 different amateur radio operators from the Canadian Border to the Southern Shore of Long Island and seven states have checked-in at least once since the HV 80 Meter Net began in December of 2021.

The HV 80 Net and our associated HV 80 Website is not just for Hudson Valley Stations!    

We welcome all check-ins and Forum posts from licensed amateur radio operators.