Showing posts with label Tropo ducting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tropo ducting. Show all posts

Thursday, September 1, 2016

LARC Bootcamp for September - Propagation

Liverpool Amateur Repeater Club - September meeting Bootcamp!

LARC meetings are the fourth Thursday of the month at 7pm with the exception of July and August where general membership meetings are suspended. November’s meeting is the Third Thursday of the month to allow observance of Thanksgiving.

Boot camp meets at 6:15 pm, and VE testing starts at 5:30 pm. We meet at 700 South Bay Road in North Syracuse, New York in the North Syracuse Community Center.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Strong tropo ducting today - Have some fun!

Strong ducting today and forecast-ed for the next two or three days! Give 6, 10, 2 Meters a try!

Get more Tropo predictions at :

Learn more about VHF/UHF propagation at: