Showing posts with label VHF/UHF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label VHF/UHF. Show all posts

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Statewide UHF linked system - change at Bristol

There has been a recent change in the Statewide UHF system near Rochester NY. The 443.600 is no longer on the air and has been replaced by the 444.550 repeater, PL 110.9 , also in Bristol. Thanks to Mike; W2HYP and his team for filling in this important link in the Statewide system.

See the full details of the UHF Statewide system here:

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Rochester VHF Group

Are you interested in FM DXing and the world above 30 Mhz? The Rochester VHF Group has Monday and Thursday evening nets on both 2M and 6M. We have mentioned them on this site once before, but we heard some folks talking about this group and thought we should get out a link to their web site. The Rochester VHF Group is the oldest continuously operating amateur organization dedicated to VHF and above activities. Be sure to learn more about this group at the address listed below.
Image result for vhf rover pictures
The group meets twice a week on the air for an open net. Why not give them a listen, better yet a check-in?

144.260 Mhz SSB on Monday's at 9pm 

50.200 Mhz SSB on Thursday's at 9pm

Learn more about the group at:

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Tropospheric Propogation on VHF/UHF

Tropospheric propagation describes electromagnetic propagation in relation to the troposphere.

The service area from a television (TV) or frequency modulated (FM) radio transmitter extends to just beyond the optical horizon, at which point signals start to rapidly reduce in strength. Listeners or Viewers living in such a "deep fringe" reception area will notice that during certain conditions, weak signals normally masked by noise increase in signal strength to allow quality reception. Such conditions are related to the current state of the troposphere.

Tropospheric propagated signals travel in the part of the atmosphere adjacent to the surface and extending to some 25,000 feet (7,620 m). Such signals are thus directly affected by weather conditions extending over some hundreds of miles. During very settled, warm anticyclonic weather (i.e., high pressure), usually weak signals from distant transmitters improve in strength.

Learn more on Wikipedia:

Cool Tropo websites:

Tropospheric Ducting Forecasts:

Tropospheric Ducting explanation and how to use: