Sunday, October 13, 2013

CNY Swap Net moving to the 147.000!

The CNY Swap and Information net is moving to the 147.000 and its sister linked repeaters!

The Swap Net hosted by Tim; N2VZD, will be moving from the 146.910 repeater to the 147.000 in Auburn on Wednesday October 16, 2013. Hear others or post your own swap listings or ham radio information. This is an excellent coverage repeater system covering a large area of upstate NY. This net is a well attended net that takes place at 7pm every Wednesday night.

Auburn, 147.00, + offset, 71.9 tone
Cortland 147.225, + offset, 71.9 tone
Remsen 145.33, - offset, 71.9 tone
Ithaca 146.97, - offset, 103.5 tone
Syracuse 443.15, + offset, 71.9 tone
Syracuse 53.67, - offset, 103.5 tone ****linked in only during this Net
Syracuse 29.64, - offset, 94.8 tone ****linked in only during this Net
(and soon, Syracuse 224.12, -offset, PL 103.5!!)

Details on the 147.000 linked repeater system:

Stay tuned for here for more details!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

2014 Upstate Hamfests that I have heard about.......

2014 HAMFEST SCHEDULE (just developing!)  .......STAY TUNED!!!

January 11, 2014 - Marathon Hamfest, Skyline Amateur Radio Club, Marathon NY. info at:

January 25, 2014 - Lockport Amateur Radio Winter HamfestLockport Amateur Radio Association, Lockport, NY. info at:

February 1, 2014 - RARA Winterfest, - Winterfest at Mendon Ponds Park, Stewart Lodge, Mendon, NY. (Rochester)

February 22, 2014 - 33rd annual ARAST Winter Hamfest, Horseheads, NY

April 5, 2014 - Drumlins Hamfest, Newark, NY. , (need to confirm location).Palmyra VFW Post 6778, 4306 Route 31, Palmyra, NY., Vendors at 7:00 AM, Public 8:00 AM-Till?

April 19, 2014 - Syracuse VE Team Exams, Liverpool Library, 12-1pm, contact the Syracuse VE Team : [email protected]

May 3, 2014 - The 2nd annual Auburn Ham Swap Meet will be held at the old GE Powerex parking lot at 357 W. Genesee St. in Auburn N.Y. (next to McDonald's). All proceeds to charity! link;

May 3, 2014 - The annual Antique Wireless Association (AWA) Spring Meet will be held at the Veterans Park Complex on Rts. 5&20 in East Bloomfield NY. Stay tuned for more details! link:

May 10, 2014 - East Greenbush ARA HamfestEast Greenbush Amateur Radio Club, Rennselaer NY (Albany), info at link:

May 16-18, 2014 - Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, Ohio

June 14, 2014 - Cortland Hamfest, Skyline Amateur Radio Club, Cortland County Fairgrounds Exit 12 from I-81, Event runs from 7am to 2pm. info at:

June 28-29, 2014 - ARRL Field Day 2014 - lots of local sites! Learn more at:

July 13, 2014 - RAGS Hamfest, Radio Amateurs of Greater Syracuse  American Legion Post, Cicero, NY. link:

July 19, 2014 - Syracuse VE Team Exams, Liverpool Library, 12-1pm, contact the Syracuse VE Team : [email protected]

July 19, 2014 - Radiocom 2014, Utica Hamfest, Utica Amatuer Radio Club, Frankfort NY link:

July 19, 2014 - Batavia Hamfest 2014, Lancaster Amatuer Radio Club, Alexander NY, 

August 2, 2014   Ithaca Hamfest, Tompkins County Amateur Radio Club, Trumansburg Fairgrounds  (website link: )

August 16, 2014   KLARA Hamfest, Hornell, NY.  (website link:

September 7, 2014, (Sunday)  Saratoga Hamfest, Balston Spa, NY.  (website link:

September 13, 2014,  RARA "Thrill before the chill" Ham Tailgate and Flea Market, Webster NY more info at:

September 14, 2014,  Lancaster Hamfest, LARC, Lancaster, NY.  (website link: )

September 20, 2014,  ROC City Net Picnic, Mendon Ponds Park, west of Victor, NY. more info:

September 27, 2014, 39th Annual Elmira Hamfest, ARA of Southern Tier, Horseheads, NY ,

September 27, 2014, Bear Bait Radio Club - Tailgate fest -  Clay Historical Bldg, Rt. 31, Clay, NY ,

(keywords; Upstate, CNY hamfests, WNY hamfests, NYS hamfests)

Friday, October 11, 2013

NYS UHF Linked Repeater System 2 - NORTH / SOUTH

When your headed into the North Country, also try the North/South UHF System 2 that KA2FWN and company are putting together. This has very nice coverage along the Route 12 and 28 corridors, as well as many other areas in the north country. We will post updates here as the system development progresses. 

NYS UHF Linked Repeaters: System 2 - NORTH / SOUTH:

443.850 + 103.5 Kirkland, NY - KA2FWN/R on air,linked
443.175 + 103.5 Old Forge, NY - KA2FWN/R on air,linked
449.675 - 103.5 Long Lake, NY - KA2FWN/R on air,linked (please note the correction to freq)
449.325 - 103.5 Crystal Dale, NY/Lowville, NY - KA2FWN/R > will be on the air soon -few weeks,linked
449.675 - 103.5 Waterville, NY - KA2FWN/R > will be on the air soon - next week ,linked

Thanks to KA2FWN - Bob for the latest info on these growing systems!




This is a great system and fun to use. Coverage from Albany to Buffalo, south to Cortland and north to Lake Ontario and the Adirondacks.Thanks to all the repeater owners and trustees for all their hard work that makes this system possible.

The "Empire State Network" statewide linked repeater system (System 1)
 [UPDATED status - as of 8/29/13]  
See Front Pages section for latest updates at:

147.36+ no tone  Albany/Lake Nancy N2FEP(K2LM)
442.100+ PL 103.5 Frankfort KA2FWN/R
444.400+ PL 103.5 Fonda/Ilion KB2AUJ/R
442.575+ PL 103.5 Utica KA2FWN/R
449.925- PL 151.4 Remsen KB2AUJ/R
442.850+ PL 71.9 Cortland KB2FAF/R(new May 2013)
443.100+ PL 103.5 Syracuse WA2AUL/R (is back on-the-air! April 28th, 2013)
442.400+ PL 103.5 Syracuse KD2SL/R 
449.225- PL 103.5 Watertown KA2FWN/R (NEW as of 8/29/13)-note; there may be changes to this frequency - STAY TUNED HERE, For updates as they become available!
442.350+ PL 103.5 Oswego K2QQY/R
444.150+ PL 71.9 Auburn W2QYT/R
443.600+ PL 110.9 Bristol N2XFX/R
444.050+ PL 88.5 Attica N2XFX/R
442.100+ PL 88.5 Colden W2IVB


These are the active repeaters on the statewide system west from Albany to Buffalo and north to Oswego and Watertown. Program them into (14) successive memory locations in your radio and spin the "knob" as you drive across the state!

Thanks to the owners/trustees; Clint-N2FMM, Nick-N2XFX, Bob-KA2FWN, Kevin-KD2SL, Jack-W2QYT, Chris - KB2FAF, Bob-N2FEP, Mike-KB2AUJ, Darrell K1DCC and Jim-K2LM for helping me update the latest status on their great linked system.

Try it out........It's working great!


(keywords = linked UHF repeaters, New York repeaters, CNY repeaters, The Empire State Network)

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Don't forget 220mhz if you have the capability!

The Syracuse 220 Repeater is now back on the air and run by Kevin; KD2SL. It has been rebuilt and is going through some fine tuning. Give it a try and watch for coming improvements over the next month or so.

224.120 (-) PL 103.5 – KD2SL at Sentinel Heights, Lafayette, NY.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Have you heard their Balloon? (on 446.450mhz)

The Tompkins County Amateur Radio Association (TCARA) launched a radio equipped weather balloon around 4pm today (Sunday 10/6/13) from a location near the Pyramid Mall in Ithaca. The radio transmitter was tracked North and East into Cayuga County. The last known strongest signal was from a location between Owasco and Skanaeateles Lakes. The radio payload was not recovered and the search was called off at dark. The radio was transmitting a CW ID on 446.450 mhz. The club estimated the life of the battery at about 10 hours, so it will most likely fail overnight into Monday morning. If any one does recover it, please contact any TCARA board member through their web site at for instructions on how to return it to their group.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Software Defined Radio (SDR) info

Software-defined radio (SDR) is a radio communication system where components that have been typically implemented in hardware (e.g. mixers, filters, amplifiers, modulators/demodulators, detectors, etc.) are instead implemented by means of software on a personal computer or embedded system. While the concept of SDR is not new, the rapidly evolving capabilities of digital electronics render practical many processes which used to be only theoretically possible.

Here are a few SDR radio information links. I will add more as I find them or other people recommend them:

Wikipedia link to SDR :

SDR Radio roundup listing of Radios:

Listen to some SDR radios around the world:

A blog about RTL-SDR (RTL2832U) and cheap software defined radio:

Ham Radio Science - some good SDR info:

SDR is a brief overview of several SDR transceivers on the market:

SDR software links:


SDR # (sharp) - SDR software that works well with the RTL-SDR dongle:

HDSDR - SDR software:

Nooelec software (downloads tab) help page SDR # Auto loader (works very well!): SDR Console software and general SDR information:

(last updated 4/25/14)

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Repeater etiquette - roundtable discussions

A few of us were having a conversation on the repeater the other day and several people had joined in with information to add to the topic. To make a long story short, lets just say things got confusing. This happens frequently enough and one of the guys mentioned that maybe I should put a mention of proper round table "hand-off" techniques on this blog and I agreed. I am quite often guilty of this myself and was glad that someone mentioned that we could do this better. Many people already do this quite well, but we all can always use a reminder. So here is a "general" set of guidelines that I found online please give them a read:

Roundtables and "Turning it Over": When more than two amateurs are in a QSO, it is
often referred to as a "roundtable" discussion. Such a QSO usually goes in order from
amateur A to amateur B to amateur C and eventually back to amateur A again to
complete the roundtable. To keep everyone on the same page, when any one amateur is
done making a transmission, they "turn it over" to the next station in sequence (or out of
sequence, if so desired). Without turning it over to a particular station when there are
multiple stations in the QSO, nobody knows who is supposed to go next, and there ends
up either being dead silence or several stations talking at once. At the end of a
transmission, turn it over to the next station by naming them or giving their callsign, such
as "...and that's that. Go ahead Joe." or "....and that's that. Go ahead XYZ." If it's been
close to 10 minutes, it's a good time to identify at the same time as well, such as "...and
that's that. N3XYZ, go ahead Joe." The bottomline here is be sure to identify who the next
person in rotation should be.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Rochester Ham Tailgate!

RARA has once again joined with the Damascus Shriners to produce our third annual Fall Fest and Tailgate Party. The Shriners will provide a first class location with ample parking, indoor bathroom facilities, a separate area for larger vehicles and RVs, a large covered picnic area to eat in, and a large deck to rest after all that shopping. If you’re running late, there will be some breakfast food to fill up on. Then use that energy to walk around and buy some more gear! This is our opportunity to give back! Here’s the chance to buy and sell items you need or want to part with, as well as to socialize with others in the ham community.

This event will be on Saturday, September 14th, and will open at 7 AM for vendors and 8 AM for all others. It will go to around Noon. It is conveniently located off Rt.104 at 979 Bay Rd., Webster, N.Y. 14580.
Upon entering, the staff will ask for a $5 donation that will all go to help fund the Shriners Hospital for Children. Please spread the word and don‘t miss your last local flea market for buying and selling ham radio gear.

Read more in the September RARA RAG:

Saturday, July 27, 2013

New 2 meter Repeater for the Adirondacks!

UPDATE:  7/27/13 The Blue Mt. repeater is back on the air as of noon today. I talked with both W2CJS and WA2DAD this afternoon on the repeater. The repeater sounded great. Thanks to Clark, Tom and the team that hiked up to repair the repeater and antenna that were recently damaged by a lightning strike.

Original Post date: 5/20/13

On Saturday, May 18th, the Bear Bait Radio Club and other NNY amateur operators installed a 2 meter repeater on the top of Blue Mountain, near Blue Mountain Lake. This will be a Hamilton County RACES repeater available for general public use as well. The frequency is 146.865 (-) with a PL of 162.2. Area coverage plots for this repeater are quite impressive, showing potential coverage from the St. Lawrence to near Utica, and Watertown to Vermont. The only noticeable dead spot is the Champlain Valley.

I had the new repeater full scale and full quieting all around the Old Forge and Inlet areas when I was mobile on Sunday morning. While talking with a few folks on it, the repeater sounded top notch. I also heard folks later checking in from places as far away as Verona, St. Regis Falls and Saranac Lake. I am sure this is only the beginning of some very nice distant communication around the central Adirondacks. Great Job by the whole crew who put this together! (If I can find out more of the story and those involved, I will post it here)

Several people have asked me how they can support this nice machine. You can do so by sending donations to the club at: Bear Bait Radio Club, P.O. Box 172, Clay ,N.Y.  13041. Please enclose a note indicating "donation for the repeater fund".

On another North Country note, if you haven’t already tried them; there is both a 2M and 70CM repeater on McCauley Mountain just outside of Old Forge. The repeaters are the 147.315 + PL 71.9(KA2FWN) and the 443.175 + PL 103.5(KA2FWN). The 443.175 is also linked to the 443.850 +PL 103.5 in Kirkland. Both Old Forge repeaters have very good coverage. Give them a try!

Find more Adirondack Ham and repeater information at:

                                                        Fire Tower on Blue Mt. (7/2010)

Sunday, June 16, 2013

New Fulton area repeater

WN8Z has a new repeater operating from Fulton. Signal reports so far indicate this to be another wide coverage repeater for CNY. The repeater output is on 147.390 + and will eventually have a PL of 103.5. Pat (WN8Z) mentioned that he will provide a message on the repeater several weeks before the PL is actually added, but at this time no PL tone is required (note as of 8/2013 the PL is required). The repeater is located near the Oswego County Airport northeast of Fulton.

Full quieting reports have been heard from Homer north to Pulaski and from Waterloo east to Verona on the Thruway. Several people are also getting excellent signal reports on handhelds from over 30 miles away.

Nice job Pat! Thanks for your efforts and support to Upstate NY Radio Amateurs!

 - Also check out the 147.15 mhz Fulton area repeater, (+) offset with 103.5 PL!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

6 Meter repeaters - confirmed

Presently known working 6M Repeaters

      Town         Call              +/-      PL         Location

53.47     Waterloo   KA2NDW    Minus   82.5   Waterloo/Clyde                                              
53.05     Auburn       W2INH       Minus   71.9       Frozen Ocean
53.63     Bristol         WR2AHL   Minus  110.9      Worden Hill with 145.110 - Bristol Mtn.

53.67     Pompey      KD2SL       Minus  103.5      Sentinel Heights   ***      

53.33     Rochester   N2HJT        Minus   123.0     Henrietta
53.57     Buffalo         W2IVB       Minus      88.5     Colden

In our travels, several of us have been trying to confirm some of our previously listed (Dec. 2012) 6M repeaters both in eastern and western NY with limited success. 

We are always looking for more active 6M repeater confirmations! If you can help us, leave a comment here or e-mail us through my QRZ e-mail address.

Monday, June 10, 2013

UPDATE: The New 6M repeater in Clyde NY has been updated.

I got an e-mail yesterday from Mike - KA2NDW and he has finished up the final set up of his repeater at 53.47 Mhz, with a minus offset of 1.00Mhz and a PL of 82.5. Mike is looking for signal reports from anybody who can hear it. Here in Auburn it comes in full scale. Learn more about the KA2NDW repeaters at:

.....don't forget the present CNY 6 meter repeaters of 53.05, 53.63 and 53.67 Mhz. Please support 6 Meters and join in the 6 Meter net each Tuesday night at 7:30pm on the 53.05 in Auburn.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Vintage Korean and Vietnam war Survival Radio

A few weeks ago a friend gave me a couple of old tube type portable survival radios that had been sitting in his basement. The radios are both Hoffman RT-159/URC-4 models. One is Army green and the other bright yellow. Both are in pretty good condition. They are dual band transceivers set up to transmit and receive on the air band emergency channels 121.5 Mhz and 243.0 Mhz. One of the coolest things are the telescoping dipole antennas that you can unfold and set for either VHF or UHF.

I started to do some research on the history of this radio and found it dates back to the early 1950's. One of these days I will have to try to find a power source to try and see if they will function (though I better use a dummy load, as both frequencies are still the main aircraft emergency channels). If you know anything about these radios, please leave a comment on this blog entry or e-mail me through my QRZ e-mail address.

Here is a link to an interesting article about the Hoffman RT-159A/URC-4:

73- Tony - KC2VER

Sunday, May 12, 2013

2013 Upstate Hamfests that I have heard about.......

February 23, 2013 - ARAST Winter Hamfest, Horseheads, NY
New York Armory, 128 Colonial Dr., Horseheads, NY
Gates open:  6:00am Vendors, 7:00am Breakfast and 8:00am the Hamfest opens
website link:

April, 13, 2013 - Drumlins Hamfest, Newark, NY. 
Note: New location this year (no longer in Marbletown).....Palmyra VFW Post 6778, 4306 Route 31, Palmyra, NY
Vendors at 7:00 AM, Public 8:00 AM-Till?
website link:

April, 14, 2013 - Binghamton Area Hamfest, Binghamton, NY.
Broome Community College - Ice Center, 907 Upper Front Street
Sponsored by: Binghamton Amateur Radio Association

May 4th, 2013 - Ham Tailgate Fest, Auburn N.Y. will be held at the old GE Powerex parking lot at 357 W. Genesee St. in Auburn N.Y. (next to McDonald's). Entry is a canned good or $2.00 cash donation, all proceeds to charity! Rain or shine! (.....added 4/3/13)

May 4th, 2013 - The annual Antique Wireless Association (AWA) Spring Meet will be held at the Veterans Park Complex on Rts. 5&20 in East Bloomfield NY. Stay tuned for more details!

May 17-19, 2013 - Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, Ohio
website link:

June 1, 2013 - Cortland Hamfest, Skyline Amateur Radio Club, Cortland County Fairgrounds Exit 12 from I-81, Event runs from 7am to 2pm. info at:

June 15, 2013 -  Rochester Hamfest - RIT Campus (JUST ANNOUNCED 2/24)
(watch for more info at

July 14, 2013 - RAGS Hamfest, Radio Amatuers of Greater Syracuse  American Legion Post, Cicero, NY. (website link:  )

July 20, 2013 - Utica Hamfest, Utica Amatuer Radio Club, website is fixed

August 3, 2013   Ithaca Hamfest, Tompkins County Amateur Radio Club, Trumansburg Fairgrounds  (website link: )

August 17, 2013   Keuka Lake ARA Hamfest,  details at:                           

September 14, 2013, RARA Ham Tailgate, ROCHESTER AMATEUR RADIO ASSN. Webster NY. 
learn more at:

September 28, 2013, Elmira Hamfest, ARA of Southern Tier, Horseheads, NY
( web site link )

see more Hamfest listings...............