Privacy Policy

At Rains ApS we give high priority to data security and confidentiality.

This Privacy Policy covers the processing of the personal data that Rains collects or that you disclose when you visit and/or decide to share your personal data within a Rains Store. Our Privacy Policy aims to establish clear guidelines for Rains’ way of processing your personal data. We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time.

In the following, we explain how we use the personal data that you leave behind and/or provide when you visit our website.

Overview of our privacy policy

  1. Our privacy statement
  2. Data we process about you
  3. The purpose of our processing of your personal data
  4. Obtaining consent before data processing or processing on another legal basis
  5. Protection of personal data
  6. Cookies
  7. Sharing of your personal data
  8. Deletion
  9. Your rights

1. Our statement on privacy

The extent of the Privacy Policy

At Rains ApS (hereafter “Rains” or “we/us”) data protection and confidentiality are a high priority.

This Privacy Policy forms the basis of our processing of your personal data and tells you how we process your personal data. This applies to both the personal data Rains collects and the personal data you provide when visiting our website or providing your personal data in a Rains Store.

At the end of this Privacy Policy, you may read about your rights as the person registered and how to make use of your rights.

In addition to this Privacy Policy, you can also find our cookie policy on the website together with our terms and conditions. In relation to other companies in the Rains Group, including foreign companies, reference is made to the separate privacy policies/personal data policies for these companies.

We will continuously assess how we best process your data. We especially focus on ensuring that your fundamental rights are not adversely affected. Therefore, we pay particular attention to the risk of discrimination, ID theft, financial loss, loss of reputation, and data confidentiality in general.

Data controller and contact information

This website is operated and owned by:

Jens Olsens Vej 13
8200 Aarhus N, Denmark
CVR / VAT no.: 34476187
Phone: (+45) 7199 2516
E-mail: [email protected]

Collection of personal data

You will always be informed in connection with the collection of personal information about you. At the same time, we will inform you about the purpose for which we carry out the processing.

This information is provided either by a reference to this Privacy Policy or by you receiving separate information, for instance through a request for acceptance/consent to the processing.

We point out that some data may be a prerequisite for being able to complete the desired action, such as completing a transaction on our website.

2. Data we process about you

Our processing of your personal data is done to provide a better service to you and ensure the quality of the products and services that we offer to you.

Data might be collected and processed by us in connection with:

  • The usage of our website without simultaneous purchase, for instance by using cookies.
  • When you accept our cookies.
  • Purchase through our website.
  • When you provide personal data in a Rains Store.
  • Inquiries to customer service.
  • Handling of customer records.
  • Upon a request for return or exchange.
  • When applying for a job.
  • Participation in competitions, events, and the like.
  • When you sign up for our newsletter.
  • Distribution of marketing material.
  • Collection and evaluation of consumer reviews.
  • Statistics.
  • Other marketing initiatives.

Data that might be collected and processed by us, typically includes one or more of the following:

  • Contact information, for instance, name, address, telephone number, and email.
  • Order data, purchase history, payment information.
  • Contact information on employees at suppliers.
  • Consent to marketing, newsletters, or competitions.
  • Use and click behavior collected through cookies in connection with your use of our website, or through our marketing.
  • Information about your behavior on our website.

3. The purpose of our processing of your personal data

Our collection and processing of your personal data is based on certain stated purposes or other lawful business purposes. These main purposes include:

  • The processing of your purchase on our website and any subsequent delivery of your order.
  • Customer service and customer assistance.
  • Marketing, including newsletters, SMS-marketing, competitions, events, online advertisement, surveys, etc.
  • Improvement and optimization of marketing, including through the use of spy pixels
  • Improving and optimizing your user experience.
  • When you apply for a position with us.
  • Compliance with requirements under applicable legislation.
  • Fraud prevention.

Only data necessary to fulfill these purposes will be relevant and our processing will therefore be limited to such personal data. Once the purpose of the collection and processing of your data has been achieved, we will delete your personal data, unless legal requirements require a special retention period.

However, the data can be processed and stored for a longer period in anonymized form. In anonymized form, the data will not be attributable to you.

The assessment of fulfillment of the purpose is made based on a concrete assessment. This assessment takes into consideration, i.e., the nature of the individual information, the reason for the registration and what the information is used for.

Before collecting your personal data, a specific assessment is also made of whether it is possible to limit the amount of personal data that must be collected and processed. In addition, we will also make a concrete assessment of whether it is possible to process your personal data anonymously or pseudonymized.

Our processing of your personal data will only include the data that is necessary to process based on the stated purpose(s), as well as data that is necessary to fulfill legal or contractual obligations.

4. Obtaining consent before data processing or processing on another legal basis

Before we process your information, we will obtain your consent, or base the processing on another legal basis. We inform you about the basis and purpose of the collection and processing of your personal data, possibly by referring to this Privacy Policy.

Among other things, we obtain your consent to the issuance of newsletters, cookie-based marketing, SMS-marketing, when you provide personal information within Rains Stores, if you apply for a job, and if we wish to retain your application for later recruitment.

Obtaining consent happens based on Data Protection Regulation art. 6(1)(a), and in very limited situations Data Protection Regulation art. 9(1)(a).

Other possible basis for our processing of your data

The list is not exhaustive.

Execution of your order through our website

For purchases through our website where you provide contact information and payment information, we use your data to be able to process and complete the purchase, cf. the Data Protection Regulation art. 6(1)(b)(c).

Inquiries on your own initiative to customer service

When you contact our customer service via chat, e-mail, or telephone, we register the personal data that you provide to us. Our customer service has access to all information about your order, which makes them able to help you in the best way possible, including if you have questions about your order or if you want to return an item. In addition, our customer service also has access to all previous correspondence with you, as this helps them provide you with a better service.

If you use our “remind me” service we will use your e-mail address to notify you when the desired item is back in stock.

The basis for processing your personal data in connection with your own initiative is based on the Data Protection Regulation art. 6 (1)(b)(f). If your information is registered in connection with your inquiry, you will receive a reference to our Privacy Policy in connection with our response.

Inquiries on your own initiative when applying for a job

We keep solicited applications for as long as the recruitment process is ongoing. If we announce the rejection of your request application, but wish to save your application for later, we will obtain consent from you. If you agree to the storage, the application will generally be deleted after 6 months, unless anything else has been agreed.

If, on the other hand, you are submitting an unsolicited application and there is no vacant position at the present time, but we wish to save your application for later employment, we will let you know how long we will keep the application and for what purpose. We typically keep the application for 6 months.

The basis for processing your personal data in connection with your own initiative is based on the Data Protection Regulation art. 6 (1)(b)(f), and in very limited circumstances art. 9(1)(a). If your information is registered in connection with your inquiry, you will receive a reference to our Privacy Policy in connection with our response.

Improving and optimizing your user experience and other marketing

To give you the best experience on our website and social media, we use cookies to see how you use our website and social media, so we know where we can make your experience even better cf. The Data Protection Regulation art. 6(f). You can read more about the use of cookies in our Cookie Policy, which you can find on our website and in the section below concerning cookies.

In addition, we use data about all our users’ navigation to understand how our users as a group use our website. This data is used to improve our website. In this connection, we point out that we cannot see where you come from prior to your visit on our website or where you surf on the internet after your visit. In addition, we collect information about which products our users prefer as a whole group. This information is also used to improve our website.


In order to present you with the most relevant news and marketing based on your interests, we and our partners use personal data to personalize the recommendations and promotions on our website, and to present you with relevant marketing on other websites and social media.

For this purpose, we use information about your use of our website and service, including your order history and profile information. This information may be used in conjunction with other information that you have provided to our business partners or that our business partners have collected themselves, including via cookies, which they use when you visit our website. You can read more about our use of cookies here.

In order to present you with the most relevant news and marketing based on your interests, we and our partners use personal data to personalize the recommendations and promotions on our website, and to present you with relevant marketing on other websites and social media.

The marketing cookies we use collect, among other things, information about your style preference, device ID, geolocation based on your IP address and your general browsing behavior on our website and social media. This information is used to target the recommendations and promotions on our website and social media. For more information, please see our Cookie Policy.

We point out that the use of your personal information for the submission of marketing material only takes place if you have previously given your consent unless the law allows us to contact you without your prior given consent.

Fraud prevention and securing legal claims

The information you provide to us when you make a purchase on our website may be used in connection with the prevention and investigation of suspected fraud. In this connection, we may also receive further information from our payment solution providers, cf. The Data Protection Regulation art. 6(1)(f).

Regulatory requirements

We store your personal data in order to comply with various legal requirements, e.g., accounting rules, cf. The Data Protection Regulation art. 6(1)(c).

When we refer to a processing being based on the Data Protection Regulation art. 6(f), the assessment of the legitimate interests will be based on a concrete assessment. Among other things, we will take into account your interests, the personal information in question, and the weight of the legitimate interests.

5. Protection of personal data

Our processing of personal data takes place according to internal procedures. The procedures contain instructions and measures, all of which are intended to protect your personal data.

We thus process your personal data in a way that prevents personal data from being destroyed, lost, altered, published unauthorized, and against unauthorized access or knowledge of your person data.

In the event of a security breach, which poses a high risk to you of discrimination, ID theft, financial loss, loss of reputation or other significant inconvenience, we will notify you of the security breach as soon as possible. Relevant authorities will also be informed of security breaches in accordance with the relevant legislation.

6. Cookies

On the website we use cookies in accordance with the Cookie Policy. You can read more about the use of cookies, what they are and how you reject or delete cookies in our Cookie Policy. You can find our general Cookie Policy on our website.

7. Sharing of personal data

When sharing your personal data, Rains ApS will be handling and processing your personal information. When conducting our business, third-parties might process your personal data as well. All the third-parties we corporate will, will be obliged to process your personal data in a secure way.

It can be necessary to share you information with (this list is not exhaustive):

  • Public authorities or the police
  • Service providers of IT-systems used in job recruitment, handling the website as well as customer service
  • Service providers of payment methods
  • Service providers of newsletter and SMS-marketing systems
  • IT and service providers
  • Partners who handle your shipment and/or return
  • Companies within the Rains group
  • Partners who provides E-commerce and Marketing systems and affiliates
  • 9. Partners administering the Rains Stores
  • Accountants, lawyers and other advisers

Sharing will only take place when it can be accommodated in the legal basis, is necessary and proportionate.

Transfer of personal data to countries outside of the EU/EEA

Partners may in some cases be from outside of the EU/EEA.

These partners only process the personal data on behalf of Rains and in accordance with Rains’ instructions, and we will always make sure that the level of data protection is sufficient to protect your personal data.

Unless otherwise stated, the transfer of data is secured by the standard contract terms made by the European Commission. The transfer can also be secured through another legal basis, which likewise secures a safe processing and registration of your data cf. the Data Protection Regulation art. 45.

Some of our partners use external subcontractors or sub-processors from outside EU/EEA. In cases like this our partners are obligated to make sure your personal data is properly protected.

8. Deletion

When the purpose of our processing of your personal data has been achieved, we delete your data, unless legal requirements prescribe a longer storage period. This, among other things, can be the case in relation to the Danish Accounting Act.

When our processing is based on your consent and you withdraw such consent, we will delete your personal data. We will, however, be able to keep your data in anonymized form.

9. Your rights

Under the Data Protection Regulation, you have several rights in relation to our processing of information about you.

If you want to make use of your rights, please contact us at [email protected] or by phone (+45) 7199 2516. You can also write to us at the following address: Jens Olsens Vej 13, 8200 Aarhus N, Denmark.

The right to view information (right of access)

You are at all times entitled to be informed of the personal data we process about you, but with certain limited legal exceptions.

The right to rectification (correction)

You have the right to have incorrect information about you corrected.

The right to be deleted and being able to revoke consent

In special cases, you have the right to have information about you deleted before the time that our ordinary general deletion occurs.

Your consent is voluntary, and you can withdraw it at any time by contacting us.

Please note that if you choose to request the deletion of your information or to withdraw your consent in relation to information provided to us, we will not be able to process your information unless we are legally or contractually obliged to do so.

If you choose to withdraw your consent, it won’t affect the legality of our processing of your personal data based on your previously given consent and up until the time of your withdrawal.

Right to limitation

In certain cases, you have the right to have the processing of your personal data restricted. If you have the right to have the processing limited, we may only process the information – apart from storage – with your consent, or for the purpose of legal claims being established, asserted, or defended, or to protect a person or important public interests in the future cf. the Data Protection Regulation art. 6 (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f).

Right to objection

In certain cases, you have the right to object to our otherwise lawful processing of your personal data. You can also object to the processing of your information for the use of direct marketing.

Right to transmit information (data portability)

In certain cases, you have the right to receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format and to have this personal data transferred from one data controller to another without hindrance.


Rains might use profiling in connection to targeting our marketing. This happens when you have consented to receiving marketing materials, including our newsletter.

You can always object to our use of your personal data in direct marketing.


If you wish to appeal the processing of your personal data, please contact us by email, telephone or letter as indicated above.

You also have the right to contact the Danish Data Protection Agency or another competent supervisory authority in your country of residence if you are dissatisfied with the way we process your personal data. You will find the Danish Data Protection Agency’s contact information at

Last updated January 12th 2023. Rains reserves the right to correct our private policy