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Donald Trump

Here is the list of Republicans who are not supporting Trump

David M Jackson

Republicans across the country have condemned Donald Trump's comments about women following the release of a 2005 tape that shows the real estate mogul speaking in graphic terms about groping women. Some are going further, whether it's pulling their support or, in some cases, calling on Trump to step aside, including a few who never backed the GOP nominee to begin with.

Here's a look at some of the many prominent Republicans speaking out:

Michigan Rep. Justin Amash

New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte

Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley

"I certainly won't vote for Hillary Clinton, but I cannot and will not vote for Donald Trump," Bentley said in a statement Saturday.

Alabama Rep. Bradley Byrne

Byrne said Trump was "not fit" to be president, according to the Montgomery Advertiser.

West Virginia Sen. Shelley Moore Capito

The senator said in a statement: “As a woman, a mother, and a grandmother to three young girls, I am deeply offended by Mr. Trump's remarks, and there is no excuse for the disgusting and demeaning language. Women have worked hard to gain the dignity and respect we deserve. The appropriate next step may be for him to reexamine his candidacy."

Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz

In an interview with Utah's Fox 13 News, Chaffetz said: “I’m out. I can no longer in good conscience endorse this person for president. It is some of the most abhorrent and offensive comments that you can possibly imagine,”

Asked about the prospect of Trump withdrawing, Chaffetz added: "I wished Mike Pence was at the top of the ticket and we're going to have to figure that out at the — in the coming days and weeks, but it is tragic the way it is right now."

Colorado Rep. Mike Coffman

“For the good of the country, and to give the Republicans a chance of defeating Hillary Clinton, Mr. Trump should step aside. His defeat at this point seems almost certain and four years of Hillary Clinton is not what is best for this country. Mr. Trump should put the country first and do the right thing," Coffman said in a statement, according to 9News.

Maine Sen. Susan Collins

Virginia Rep. Barbara Comstock

Idaho Sen. Mike Crapo

South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard

Illinois Rep. Rodney Davis

Pennsylvania Rep. Charlie Dent

“The chairman of the R.N.C. must look out for the good of the party as a whole, so he should be working to get (Trump) to step down,” Dent told The New York Times. “If he can’t, then he should step down.”

Rob Engstrom, U.S. Chamber of Commerce senior vice president

On Friday night, he called on Trump to “step down immediately” and hand the nomination to Pence.

Trump, meanwhile, has no plans to withdraw, telling The Washington Post: "I’d never withdraw. I’ve never withdrawn in my life ... No, I’m not quitting this race. I have tremendous support.”

Trump says he plans to take part in Sunday's debate against Democratic rival Hillary Clinton. It is unclear how, or if, Trump could withdraw even if he were inclined. States have already already printed ballots with Trump's name on them, and some have begun early voting.

Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake

Businesswoman Carly Fiorina

Fiorina, who lost to Trump in the Republican primaries, said the Republican National Committee should replace Trump with Mike Pence. "Donald Trump does not represent me or my party," Fiorina said in a Facebook post. "I understand the responsibility of Republicans to support their nominee. Our nominee has weighty responsibilities as well. Donald Trump has manifestly failed in these responsibilities."

Nebraska Sen. Deb Fischer

Nebraska Rep. Jeff Fortenberry

"As Americans we are faced with two strikingly bad choices: Donald Trump, who has abused women, and Hillary Clinton who has enabled the abuse of women. It's all wrong. For my part, I ask that Donald Trump step aside and allow Mike Pence to become the Republican nominee," Fortenberry said in a statement, according to the Omaha World-Herald.

Colorado Sen. Cory Gardner

Texas Rep. Kay Granger 

“We have heard rumors about the insensitive and vulgar things Mr. Trump says about women. But watching that video is disgusting. Mr. Trump should remove himself from consideration as Commander in Chief,” Granger said in a statement.

New Jersey Rep. Scott Garrett

“I am appalled that he would brag about violating a woman's physical boundaries. As a husband and father of two daughters, I denounce his comments and the behavior that it incites,” Garrett said in a statement, according to The (Bergen County, N.J.) Record. “I believe that Mike Pence would be the best nominee for the Republican Party to defeat Hillary Clinton."

Nevada Rep. Cresent Hardy

“I will no longer support the guy at the head of the ticket for the Republican nominee," Hardy said at a Saturday rally, according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam

“I want to emphasize that character in our leaders does matter. None of us in elected office are perfect, but the decisions that are made in the Oval Office have too many consequences to ignore the behavior we have seen," Haslam said Sunday, according to The Tennessean.

Nevada Rep. Joe Heck

“I believe any candidate for President of the United States should campaign with common ethical and moral values and decency. I accept that none of us are perfect. However, I can no longer look past this pattern of behavior and inappropriate comments from Donald Trump. Therefore, I cannot, in good conscience, continue to support him nor can I vote for Hillary Clinton," Heck said at a rally in Las Vegas on Saturday. “I believe our only option is to formally ask Mr. Trump to step down and allow Republicans the opportunity to elect someone who will provide us with the strong leadership so desperately needed and one that Americans deserve."

Utah Gov. Gary Herbert

Washington Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler 

“For months I’ve left the door open for Donald Trump to earn my vote. That door has now slammed shut,” Herrera Beutler said Saturday, according to The Columbian. She will write in a vote for Paul Ryan, according to the newspaper.

Radio talk-show host Hugh Hewitt

Former Utah governor Jon Huntsman

"In a campaign cycle that has been nothing but a race to the bottom — at such a critical moment for our nation — and with so many who have tried to be respectful of a record primary vote, the time has come for Governor Pence to lead the ticket," Huntsman told The Salt Lake Tribune.

Texas Rep. Will Hurd

“I never endorsed Trump and I cannot in good conscience support or vote for a man who degrades women, insults minorities and has no clear path to keep our country safe,” Hurd said in a text message to the El Paso Times. “He should step aside for a true conservative to beat Hillary Clinton.”

Ohio Gov. John Kasich

New York Rep. John Katko

"I am certainly not going to vote for him," Katko told on Saturday. "It's clear to me that he has not been able to get better at this, and now there's absolutely no way I can support him. I want to make it clear that from the beginning I haven't supported him."

Illinois Sen. Mark Kirk

California Rep. Steve Knight

"While I’ve never before endorsed a Presidential candidate, I’ve felt compelled to strongly condemn many of Mr. Trump’s previous outrageous remarks. And after serious consideration, I have decided that I cannot support either candidate for President," Knight said in a statement, according to the Santa Clarita Valley Signal.

Utah Sen. Mike Lee

New Jersey Rep. Frank LoBiondo

“I have repeatedly and strongly spoken out against Mr. Trump when he degrades and insults women, minority groups and Gold Star military families. I will not vote for a candidate who boasts of sexual assault. It is my conclusion that Mr. Trump is unfit to be President," LoBiondo said in a statement Saturday. “I cannot support and will not vote for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton to be President of the United States. I will write in Governor Mike Pence for President.”

Utah Rep. Mia Love

In a Facebook post, Love wrote: "For the good of the party, and the country, he should step aside. I will not vote for Hillary Clinton who has her own trouble with the truth, has a major integrity deficit and seems to hold a disdain for hard-working Americans. With such uncertainty the role of Congress as a check and balance to the executive branch is more important than ever. It is vital for Republicans to maintain leadership of the House and for me to continue to represent and raise Utah’s voice in Washington."

New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez

“Unfortunately, there is a pattern of disturbing conduct and offensive rhetoric that raises serious questions about his fitness to be president,” Martinez said in a statement, according to the Santa Fe New Mexican. “That’s why I have withheld my support from the very beginning, and will not support him now.”

Arizona Sen. John McCain

“In addition to my well known differences with Donald Trump on public policy issues, I have raised questions about his character after his comments on Prisoners of War, the Khan Gold Star family, Judge Curiel and earlier inappropriate comments about women. Just this week, he made outrageous statements about the innocent men in the Central Park Five case.

“As I said yesterday, there are no excuses for Donald Trump’s offensive and demeaning comments in the just released video; no woman should ever be victimized by this kind of inappropriate behavior. He alone bears the burden of his conduct and alone should suffer the consequences.

“I have wanted to support the candidate our party nominated. He was not my choice, but as a past nominee, I thought it important I respect the fact that Donald Trump won a majority of the delegates by the rules our party set. I thought I owed his supporters that deference.

“But Donald Trump’s behavior this week, concluding with the disclosure of his demeaning comments about women and his boasts about sexual assaults, make it impossible to continue to offer even conditional support for his candidacy. Cindy, with her strong background in human rights and respect for women fully agrees with me in this.

“Cindy and I will not vote for Donald Trump. I have never voted for a Democratic presidential candidate and we will not vote for Hillary Clinton. We will write in the name of some good conservative Republican who is qualified to be President.”

Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski

Former New York governor George Pataki

Minnesota Rep. Erik Paulsen

"For months I have said Donald Trump has not earned my vote. The disgusting statements revealed last night make it clear he cannot. I will not be voting for him," Paulsen said in a statement, according to KARE 11.

Former Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty

In a statement, Pawlenty said Trump "is unwilling or unable to demonstrate even the most basic level of discipline, character and judgment" to lead the country, according to KARE 11.

Ohio Sen. Rob Portman

Former secretary of state Condoleezza Rice

"Enough! Donald Trump should not be President," the former Secretary of State said in a Facebook posting late Saturday, "He should withdraw."

Rice did not endorse Hillary Clinton, however, saying on that "as a Republican, I hope to support someone who has the dignity and stature to run for the highest office in the greatest democracy on earth."

The Clinton camp has been courting potential Republican supporters for months, especially in the foreign policy arena, and Rice has been considered a major target.

Alabama Rep. Martha Roby

Florida Rep. Tom Rooney

“As the father of three young sons, I don’t want my boys growing up in a world where the President of the United States is allowed to speak or treat women the way Donald Trump has,” Rooney said in a statement Saturday, according to the Palm Beach Post. “My greatest responsibility in life is to try and be a good husband and father. If I support him for President, I will be telling my boys that I think it’s okay to treat women like objects — and I’ll have failed as a dad. Therefore, I can no longer support Donald Trump for President and will not be voting for him or Hillary Clinton.”

Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval

“This video exposed not just words, but now an established pattern which I find to be repulsive and unacceptable for a candidate for President of the United States,” Sandoval said in a statement, according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal. “I cannot support him as my party’s nominee.”

Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse

Former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger

Utah Rep. Chris Stewart

Stewart called for Trump to drop out and for Pence "to lead our party," according to the Deseret News.

Alaska Sen. Dan Sullivan

South Dakota Sen. John Thune

Michigan Rep. Fred Upton

Missouri Rep. Ann Wagner

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