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Environmental Assessments

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Publication Date Status Document Title
12/2019 Final North Delta Canal Phase I Extension Project - Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
12/2019 Draft El Vado Dam – Safety of Dams Modification Project - Draft Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file
11/2019 Final Hobble Creek Piping Project - Final Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file
11/2019 Final Maybell Canel Water Conservation Project - Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
10/2019 Final Crawford Clipper Ditch Company Clipper Center Lateral Pipeline Project - Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
09/2019 Final Fruitland Irrigation Company, Gould Canal Improvement Projects A & B - Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
07/2019 Final Eden Valley Irrigation and Drainage District, Farson F2 and F5 Laterals Salinity Control Project - Final Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file
06/2019 Draft Hobble Creek Piping Project - Draft Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file
03/2019 Draft Big Sandy Enlargement Project Link is to a PDF file and Appendices Link is to a PDF file - Draft Environmental Assessment
02/2019 Final Aspen Canal Piping Project - Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
01/2019 Final Green River Block Water Exchange Contract - Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
01/2019 Draft Ephraim City Drought Resiliency Project Link is to a PDF file and Appendices Link is to a PDF file - Draft Environmental Assessment
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Publication Date Status Document Title
11/2018 Final Uncompahgre Valley Water Users Association East Side Laterals Piping Project Phase 9 - Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
10/2018 Final North Delta Canal Phase 1 Salinity Control Project - Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
09/2018 Final Benson Canal Enclosure Project - Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
09/2018 Final West Porterville Irrigation Piping Project - Final Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file
09/2018 Draft River Mile 82 to 79 Pilot River Realignment Project at Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge - Draft Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file
07/2018 Final Fire Mountain Canal Salinity Reduction Piping Project - Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
07/2018 Final Blanding Irrigation Company Dry Wash Pipeline, Final Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file
07/2018 Final Green River Canal Fish Screen Project Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
04/2018 Final Orchard Ranch Ditch Piping Project Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
04/2018 Draft Jordan Aqueduct Easement and Pipeline Relocation Draft Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file
04/2018 Draft Echo Recreation Development Draft Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file
03/2018 Final Fremont Irrigation Company Canal Piping Water Conservation Project, Wayne County, Utah - Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file
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Publication Date Status Document Title
12/2016 Final Lake Nighthorse Recreation Plan Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
12/2016 Final Marion Lower Ditch Piping Project Final Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file
12/2016 Final Gobblefield Ditch Piping Project Final Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file
11/2016 Final Expansion Plan at Navajo Dam Marina to Include New Store, Restaurant and Fuel Dock Link is to a PDF file and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
11/2016 Final Moon Lake Yellowstone Feeder Canal Repair Final Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file
10/2016 Final Paonia Dam Intake Structure Repair Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
10/2016 Draft Sheep Creek Irrigation Company Antelope and North Laterals Salinity Control Project Link is to a PDF file
10/2016 Final St. John Canal Enclosure Project Final Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF fileand Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
08/2016 Final La Plata West Water Authority Raw Water Project Final Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
08/2016 Final Hyrum Dam Spillway Replacement Project Final Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file , Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file and Concurrence Link is to a PDF file
07/2016 Final Jordan Aqueduct Easement and Pipeline Relocation and Encroachments Final Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file
07/2016 Draft Woodruff Pressurized Irrigation Project Draft Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file
06/2016 Final Montrose Equipment Storage Structure, Aspinall Unit Final Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file
05/2016 Final Daniel Irrigation Canal Modification Project Final Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
03/2016 Final Zanni Lateral of the Crawford Clipper Ditch Pipeline Project Final Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
03/2016 Final Willard Canal Lining Project Final Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file
02/2016 Final Installation of Non-Native Predatory Fish Escapement Net in Elkhead Reservoir Final Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
02/2016 Final Provo Reservoir Water Users Company Carriage Contract, Deer Creek Reservoir Final Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file
02/2016 Final Wellsville-Mendon Canal Piping Project Final Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file
02/2016 Draft San Acacia Habitat Restoration Project Draft Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file
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Publication Date Status Document Title
12/2014 Draft Karr Farms Transfer, Brantely Project, New Mexico Environmental Assessment and Draft Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
10/2014 Final Jensen Unit Block Notice Final EA Link is to a PDF file and Finding of No Significant Impact
09/2014 Final Bostwick Park Water Conservation District's Siphon Lateral & Forked Tongue/Holman Ditch Company's Salinity Control Projects Montrose & Delta Counties, CO Final EA Link is to a PDF file and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
09/2014 Final Steinaker Service Canal Modification Project Final Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file | Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
08/2014 Final Minnesota Canal & Reservoir Company Salinity Control Project Phase II 2014-2016 Final Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
08/2014 Final South Canal Drop 4 Hydropower Project Final Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
06/2014 Final License Agreement Between Reclamation and Delta County for the Construction of a Parking Area for the Purpose of Wildlife Viewing on Reclamation Property, Fruitgrowers Project Final Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
06/2014 Final Shavano Falls Hydropower Project Final Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
04/2014 Final Clipper Irrigation Salinity Control Project 4, Smith Fork Project Final Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
03/2014 Final South Utah Valley Electric Conveyance Project Final Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
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Publication Date Status Document Title
11/2013 Final Sheep Creek Irrigation Company Cedar Hollow Lateral Salinity Control Project Final EA Link is to a PDF file and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
10/2013 Final C Ditch/Needle Rock Pipeline Project Final Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
08/2013 Final Blue Cut Water Service Final Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
08/2013 Final Red Fleet Reservoir Resource Management Plan Final Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
08/2013 Final Steinaker Reservoir Resource Management Plan Final Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
08/2013 Final Dallas Creek Eastside Trails Project Final Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
08/2013 Final Orchard Mesa Irrigation District Canal System Improvement Project Final Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file
06/2013 Final Implementation of Rio Grande Project Operating Procedures, New Mexico and Texas Final Supplemental Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file
05/2013 Final Seedskadee Revocation Project, Wyoming Final Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file
03/2013 Final Tri-County Water Hydropower Project Interconnection Facilities Final Supplemental Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file
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Last Updated: 7/17/20