The Best Foods to Calm Your Brain, According to a Wellbeing Expert

The Best Foods to Calm Your Brain According to a Wellbeing Expert
Photographed by Santiago Sierra Soler, Vogue, June/July 2022

Feeling overwhelmed? Consider switching up what you’re eating, says Lourdes Ramón, a wellbeing expert at Palasiet Thalasso Clinic & Hotel, who specializes in psychoneuroimmunoendocrinology. “The way you think and feel depends largely on what you eat,” she tells Vogue. Below, she shares the foods to incorporate into your diet whenever you need to soothe an overactive mind.

Foods to eat for a sense of calm

  1. Ones that are rich in vitamin B1, such as legumes, whole grains, sunflower seeds, and nuts.
  2. Oily fish (salmon, mackerel, and sardines) and/or walnuts and chia seeds for a hit of Omega 3.
  3. Anything that contains tryptophan, which is “essential for improving mood”, and can be found in soybeans, rice, peanuts, eggs, and more.
  4. Foods that include phospholipids, such as lecithin; milk and almonds are both a good source.

Foods to avoid if you’re feeling anxious

We’re largely aware of what we should steer clear of health-wise at this point, but to reiterate, make sure to avoid the below:

  1. Alcohol.
  2. Any sort of caffeinated beverages, like coffees, teas, or sodas.
  3. Refined sugars.
  4. Trans fats, which are found in many ultra-processed foods.

Pay attention to your body

Everyone is different, so take note of how certain foods impact your mood, counsels Ramón. Ultimately, you want your diet to consist primarily of balanced, nutritious meals that neither send your brain into overdrive nor leave you feeling sluggish.

Complement your diet with wellbeing exercises

Daily self-care routines are key to helping us disconnect, whether that means reading a good book or doing crafts. Before you go to bed, try writing down all of your negative thoughts as a form of release, or simply make a list of tasks to complete the following morning to make you feel more prepared to face the day. Both habits can improve the quality of your sleep, according to psychologist Iván Eguzquiza. Meanwhile, fellow psychologist Barbara Tovar suggests creating spaces within your home to experience “moments of solitude” and disconnect from tech.