Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Are Taking a “Step Back” From Royal Duties

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The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are going out on their own.

Today, in a shocking step, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle announced they are lessening their royal responsibilities in favor of a “progressive new role” within the House of Windsor.

“We intend to step back as ‘senior’ members of the Royal Family and work to become financially independent, while continuing to fully support Her Majesty The Queen,” they wrote on Instagram. Currently the couple receives taxpayer funds.

They will now split time between the United Kingdom and North America. “This geographic balance will enable us to raise our son with an appreciation for the royal tradition into which he was born, while also providing our family with the space to focus on the next chapter.”

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What is this next chapter exactly? A charity, which the couple says they will reveal more about “in due course.” However, they did state they will still be collaborating on projects with the queen, Prince Charles, and Prince William.

This morning the rumor mill was churning with reports that Harry and Markle were considering moving to Canada with their son, Archie. It wasn’t exactly a new concept–there have long been suggestions that the two would look at a second base outside of the U.K. However, after a long holiday in the North American country, the chatter was high.

Back in October, Harry and Markle admitted they were struggling under the harsh media spotlight. Soon after, they took extended time off from royal duties.