151 actually interesting questions to ask to get to know someone

Get ready for some silly topics
questions to ask to get to know someone

Asking the right questions to get to know someone is harder than it sounds. Whether it’s a new classmate, a friend of a friend, someone you’re crushing on, your best friend’s sibling—it’s always nice to have a vault of “get to know you” questions. Even if the conversation is going well (fingers crossed you fall into this camp!), having something to fill some awkward silence will help ease any social anxiety you may be experiencing.

If it isn’t going well, it’s even more important to bring the talking back around to something fun and lighthearted. And don’t get discouraged if you ask the wrong question or something that seems to set the other person into uncomfortable territory. If you’re experiencing the latter—look to someone’s body language changes like arms crossed in front of the body or a stiffening of the shoulders—don’t be afraid to address it and vocalise a topic pivot. The truth of the situation is that you don’t know the person (yet), so it can be tough to know what may touch on sensitive topics.

To get your conversations started, we’ve broken down 151 questions to ask to get to know someone by vibe, from deep talks to funny topics when you’re looking to pull out a laugh.

In this article:

Deep questions to ask someone

  1. What’s your favourite quality about yourself? Least favourite?
  2. What is something that makes you feel unstoppable?
  3. What three words would you use to describe yourself?
  4. Would you call yourself brave?
  5. When do you feel the safest?
  6. What’s your favourite childhood memory?
  7. What’s your biggest life regret so far?
  8. What’s something you’re really bad at?
  9. What do you look for when finding new friends?
  10. Does your family have any big traditions?
  11. Do you have any “characters” in your family?
  12. What’s your favourite nickname someone has given you and how did you get it?
  13. Are you a good gift giver?
  14. Who do you admire most and why?
  15. Do you believe in astrology? Why or why not?
  16. Have you ever had a spiritual experience?
  17. What’s the quickest way someone can lose your trust?
  18. Where is one place you’ve always dreamed of going?
  19. Is it easy for you to accept help from people?
  20. If money were no object, what’s the first thing you would buy?
  21. Do you live by any particular mantra?
  22. If you started a business, what would it be?
  23. How would you spend your last day on earth?
  24. Do you consider yourself introspective?
  25. Do you enjoy being somewhere no one else knows you?
  26. What is your number one goal in life?
  27. How do you hope people describe you?
  28. Have you ever been in love?
  29. Do you want your own family someday?
  30. How do you define beauty in another person?
  31. Do you think dreams have deeper meanings?
  32. Do you often give people second chances?
  33. What do you think happens to us after death?
  34. What do you think makes someone a good person?
  35. What are you most grateful for in life?
  36. Where do you go for fresh inspiration?
  37. Have you ever experienced deja vu?
  38. What is something that gives you hope?

Fun get to know you questions

  1. Describe your perfect day.
  2. What’s a movie you could watch every day?
  3. Do you have a favourite memory?
  4. What’s your favourite sport to watch?
  5. What types of books do you like to read?
  6. What’s your dream career?
  7. Which unconventional animal do you wish you could have as a pet?
  8. Would you rather spend the day at a botanical garden or an art museum?
  9. What is one super-specific museum you would visit?
  10. What is the worst song, in your opinion?
  11. If you could get rid of any genre of music, which would it be?
  12. Would you rather have the ability to fly or the ability to teleport?
  13. What is your claim to fame?
  14. Do you have any pets?
  15. What is a skill you’ve always wanted to learn?
  16. Do you have a favourite TV show?
  17. What is your all-time favourite food?
  18. What do you daydream about?
  19. Do you have a morning routine?
  20. What’s the most relaxing part of your day?
  21. What are you most excited about for the future?
  22. What do you think the ultimate theme party would be?
  23. What’s on the top of your bucket list?
  24. What do you think the worst job out there is?
  25. If you have the opportunity to know the future, would you want to know?
  26. Where is the most beautiful place you have ever seen in person?
  27. What’s your favourite kind of weather?
  28. Coffee or tea?
  29. Do you like cities or remote places better?
  30. Would you survive a zombie apocalypse?
  31. Do you have a favourite type of exercise?
  32. Which phone app do you use the most?
  33. Do you prefer cooking dinner or going out?
  34. Do you believe in ghosts?
  35. Are you good at solving puzzles?
  36. Do you sing in the shower?
  37. Are you double jointed in any way?
  38. What’s the first thing you do in the morning?

Personal questions to ask someone

  1. What is the biggest compliment you can give someone?
  2. Do you think you’re a friendly person?
  3. What do you wish you did more of?
  4. What is something that makes you really angry?
  5. Do you have a biggest fear?
  6. How do you express your love for someone?
  7. What does friendship mean to you?
  8. What is something you consider too serious to joke about?
  9. What does spirituality mean to you?
  10. Have you ever had an epiphany?
  11. Have you ever told a lie that you regretted?
  12. What are you most proud of?
  13. What’s your least favourite emotion?
  14. If you had the opportunity to redesign society, what would you change?
  15. What impresses you the most?
  16. What’s your least favourite part about being you?
  17. How do you react to anger from others?
  18. What’s a dealbreaker for you in a relationship?
  19. What do you think it means to be healthy?
  20. What do you love most about life?
  21. Do you tend to trust people easily?
  22. What is something you have never truly wrapped your head around?
  23. Are you proud of yourself?
  24. What do you consider your core values?
  25. Do you think you have a true calling?
  26. Do you hold grudges or do you let go of things easily?
  27. What’s something that makes you envious?
  28. What brings you the most joy?
  29. What’s something that makes you feel overwhelmed?
  30. Do you often listen to your intuition?
  31. Do you like small talk?
  32. Do you consider yourself a people pleaser?
  33. What’s the toughest conversation you’ve ever had to have?
  34. What’s your biggest insecurity?
  35. What is one thing you think most people have and never appreciate enough?
  36. What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?
  37. Where is the fanciest place you’ve ever been?
  38. What’s more important in life: excitement or stability?

Funny get to know you questions

  1. If you could jump into a pool of anything, what would it be full of?
  2. What’s the best wif-fi name you’ve seen?
  3. What do you think the worst smell is?
  4. Why are pizzas usually round?
  5. What part of the driver’s test are you most likely to fail?
  6. Do you talk to yourself?
  7. Are you still scared of monsters?
  8. What’s the funniest moment you’ve ever shared with a stranger?
  9. What’s the weirdest fact you know?
  10. When was the last time you made a prank call?
  11. Have you ever fallen asleep in class?
  12. If you could erase one colour from existence, which one would it be?
  13. Who is your most embarrassing celebrity crush?
  14. What’s the most creative insult you can think of right now?
  15. What is the most annoying musical instrument?
  16. What is the weirdest thing in your home?
  17. What’s the worst name you could give a pet?
  18. What do you think people will be nostalgic for in 500 years?
  19. Who would you elect the president of the internet?
  20. Who are two people you would love to see box each other?
  21. What’s the weirdest gift you’ve given?
  22. Who is the biggest drama queen in your family?
  23. What’s the worst pick-up line?
  24. What would be the funniest superpower?
  25. Would you choose uncontrollable farting over uncontrollable hiccuping?
  26. Do you think dad jokes are played out?
  27. Which celebrity would you choose as a mentor?
  28. What dessert would you compare your best friend to?
  29. What’s the wildest online purchase you’ve ever made?
  30. If different fruits could talk, which would sound the funniest?
  31. Is a burger a sandwich?
  32. You have to choose one: eyelashes or eyebrows?
  33. If your phone could talk, what’s the most embarrassing thing it would reveal about you?
  34. If raindrops weren’t a thing, what would you want to fall from the sky?
  35. What’s the silliest way you’ve ever gotten an injury?
  36. What do you think your pet’s voice would sound like if they could talk?
  37. What do you think the worst bio is for a dating app?