The zodiac signs who give the best advice, ranked

Whether you want to hear it or not, these signs know how to lay it on straight
zodiac signs who give the best advice

Advice is sort of like junk mail—you always seem to be getting it but rarely ever pause to consider it. The zodiac signs who give the best advice are the exception to the rule. Often stemming from their own experiences, these signs know how to comfort you when you are down and when to tell you the harsh truths that you need to know. The next time you find yourself stuck between a rock and a hard place, the zodiac signs who give the best advice are the ones you should seek out:


Who run the world? Not Virgos, because they are the ones secretly pulling the strings behind the scenes and ensuring that all trains are running on time. Voluntarily give them the opportunity to share their best advice and watch them shine.


If you want a supportive shoulder to lean on and murmur platitudes, look somewhere else because you won’t find that here. In times of crisis, Cap is able to expertly detach their emotions and troubleshoot any problem with precision.


But hey, if you are looking for a sympathetic ear and not a lecture on the best practices to run your life, ring up your nearest Pisces. Filled with empathy and a nurturing heart, they will give you a safe space to vent.


Much like Cap, an Aquarian’s free-thinking spirit is able to zoom out of a problem and give you the big-picture perspective that you need to get over your pity party and pull yourself together in a crisis situation.


On days when life has kicked you down, a Scorpio can give you the safe space you need to lick your wounds and feel whole again. They are also queens of the revenge plan, so whoever got you down needs to start sleeping with one eye open.


With a heart of gold that bleeds for the underdog, there is nothing that can get a Libra as riled up as the notion of injustice being meted out on someone who can’t fight back. Seek them out for honest, objective advice—even if it is sometimes hard to hear.


With a mama bear instinct towards the rest of the signs in the zodiac lineup, an Aries’ idea of good advice is to calmly hear you out and then put on their battle armour to fight your battles for you.


Patient, kind and empathetic, a Taurean may not know how to solve the ills of the world but their chat is a no-judgment zone devoid of any I-told-you-sos, even if it’s your nineteenth heartbreak in the same blow-hot-blow-cold relationship.


Credit it to their dual personalities if you will, but you never quite know what you will get with a Gemini. One day, they are mopping up your tears and making errand runs for backup Kleenex and the next, they are doling out some tough love and asking you to get over yourself.


Your heart might be hurt, but a Cancer is the one bleeding. With a nurturing spirit, their sincere and loving disposition has nothing but your best interests at heart, even if this makes them a tad overprotective at times.


Here today, gone tomorrow. A Sagittarian has the broadened horizons and worldview to dole out the best advice to sort out your life, but good luck getting them to stay put when you really need them around.


A Leo has 99 problems, but listening to yours ain’t one. Seeking them out for advice in a crucial situation can turn into a blow-by-blow account of what they would have done in the same situation—but only because they genuinely believe that the world has much to learn from their splendid example.