This ingredient is anti-inflammatory, prevents hair loss, and has more vitamin D than milk

Let's talk about all the benefits of sardines
Vitamin D
Photographed by Nick Sethi

Healthy eating with vitamin D sources is an integral part of leading a balanced diet, given that it runs low in general in our bodies. As you look for more options than just milk, try sardines.

“They contain high amounts of vitamins D and B12, omega-3 fatty acids, and essential minerals such as iodine, calcium, potassium, etc.," says Vicente Mera, a doctor and expert in anti-ageing medicine.

And while there is more frequent talk of other vaunted oily fish such as salmon, this traditional and affordable option has high nutritional value and can be included in daily diet, as suggested by nutritionists. For the pharmacist and nutritionist Paula Martín Clares, “they help to lose weight, strengthen the immune system and protect the bones.”

Before we dive into the benefits of sardines, we assess the importance of vitamin D for the human body ahead.

The importance of vitamin D

Vitamin D is involved in more than 200 reactions in our body that affect different areas, from cardiovascular health to the regulation of the so-called ‘happiness hormones’, says Dr Óscar Lorenzo, professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the Autonomous University of Madrid. So, needless to say it's an integral nutrient for the human body.

Although a vitamin D deficit is directly related to the lack of sun exposure and the increased time we spend indoors—experts recommend spending at least 2 hours a day in the sun and outdoors. Dr. Lorenzo also relates it to the erroneous demineralization of foods with healthy fats, which are also rich in vitamin D.

Benefits–from brain health to skin and hair

Sardines are great for the welfare of your brain health and mood. The healthy fats contained in them, “are part of brain nutrition and have an impact on the synthesis of neurotransmitters essential to maintain our mental balance and intellectual function,” says Dr. Mar Mira, from Mira + Cueto.

The expert emphasizes the presence of omega 3, “Its deficit is related to mood disorders and higher chances of depression,” she adds. The presence of vitamin D is also necessary to prevent brain ageing. In fact, according to an article published in Psychiatric Research Neuroimagining, its deficiency has an impact on the volume of gray matter in the brain.

The protein-rich fatty fish is also great at preventing hair loss, as is confirmed by author Paula Martín Clares in her book The health of your skin is in what you eat.

Is it possible to eat canned sardines?

Although the recommendation is always to preferably take the fresh version of the food, canned fish such as sardines can be an option. They mustn't have excess salt and preferably cooked in olive oil. “We should look at this type of product as an alternative and not as a substitute for fresh fish,” says María Sánchez, nutritionist at Reto48

This story first appeared on

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