
A London Movie Theater Pranked a Moonlight Audience by Playing a Few Seconds of La La Land

Photo: A24, Lionsgate

After the epic Oscars gaffe in which Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty mistakenly named La La Land Best Picture before correcting their mistake and giving Moonlight the award, a London movie theater pranked an audience with a similar stunt. When a Moonlight audience settled into their seats, ready to see Barry Jenkins’s story of Chiron and Florida’s Liberty City, the theater played — gasp! — La La Land. It was only a few seconds, but enough for the crowd to be punk’d. “It wasn’t the actual feature film, but a few seconds from a teaser trailer,” the theater’s manager told Time Out London. “Then we shut it down, and did a bit of fumbling to make it look like we made a mistake.” Rest easy, PricewaterhouseCoopers: You’re off the hook for this one.

Theater Pranks Moonlight Audience by Playing La La Land