last night on late night

Helen Hunt Had No Game When She Tried to Pick Up Rick Springfield

It’s hard to imagine Helen Hunt as anything other than a figure of utter self-possession, but even she was once young, dumb, and in love with Rick Springfield. Hunt stopped by Thursday’s Watch What Happen Live, where she dished on an ill-fated attempt to get a romance with Springfield going when she was 19. As she tells it, the two were studio lot neighbors; she was on the short-lived sitcom It Takes Two while he was plumbing the depths of melodrama as Dr. Noah Drake on General Hospital. Hunt’s bid at seduction came when she left an amorous note under Springfield’s windshield, but “somehow he managed to not call me,” she says. Listen, Helen, if there’s anything we know about the singer of “Jesse’s Girl,” it’s that he’s a guy who wants you to play hard to get.

Helen Hunt Had No Success Picking Up Rick Springfield