
Survivor Recap: Protect the Balls


Good and Guilty
Season 42 Episode 2
Editor’s Rating 5 stars


Good and Guilty
Season 42 Episode 2
Editor’s Rating 5 stars
Photo: Robert Voets/CBS

This week’s episode transported me back to Survivor in the mid-2000s. And not just because we almost had a Billy and Candice moment with Maryanne confessing to her crush on the recently eliminated Zach. It was a strong, character-focused episode that put personal stories and human relationships above twists and advantages — something I previously worried might overwhelm the season. The core facet of Survivor was brightly on display as the players grappled with the dichotomy between their values and the moral gray area the game exists within.

“I love everybody, but there is a game to be played … it’s that simple,” Jonathan states at the end of an open and heartfelt Tribal Council. Jeff Probst laughs, almost scoffing at the assertion. Sure, Survivor might appear straightforward on the surface, but the emotions wrapped up in the game add an undeniable layer of complexity. It’s why we’ve seen so many ugly tears and bitter jury speeches over the years — having your torch snuffed hurts! And we see it in this elimination of Marya, a woman who opens up to her Taku tribemates, sharing the heartbreaking story of her late brother, a nurse who was the first health-care worker in the U.S. to die from COVID-19. Marya felt connected enough with her fellow players to share something so personal, displaying vulnerability in a game that often requires people to mask their true feelings. Yet somebody has to go in a small tribe of six, no matter how difficult it might be to write their name down.

If it weren’t Marya, it would likely have been Maryanne. The computer-science student has big “just got out of 12 months of lockdown” energy, which is probably accurate given this season was filmed in the summer of 2021. She has the childlike glee of a child on Glee, buzzing up and down the beach humming the Survivor theme song and swinging a machete like a slasher-movie villain. As Marya puts it, “Maryanne is on 100 all the time,” and that kind of energy can be great for tribe morale. But, as Lindsay says, it can also become “exhausting” after a while. However, for now, Maryanne lands on the right side of sweet; her tribemates are warming to her enthusiasm and calamitous tales of unrequited love. So, for as guilty as the tribe feels about voting out Marya, the prospect of wiping the lovable smile from Maryanne’s face would have been an even harder task.

The moral complexity of Survivor is littered throughout this episode, and not just in the vote. Over on the Vati tribe, Hai is battling hunger pangs while trying to stay true to his vegan lifestyle. With no rice provided to the tribes this season, the food options are severely limited. So when Chanelle catches and cooks up a pot of hermit crabs, it’s like Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner rolled into one. But while the rest of his tribe are enjoying the sustenance, Hai breaks down, knowing that he will have to make a tough decision. Does he put his values aside and eat meat? It’s not just about hunger, though I’m sure that plays a huge part. It’s about his position in the game. If he doesn’t eat, that means less nourishment, resulting in less energy and strength to compete in challenges. That could make him a weak link and an easy vote-off should Vati end up at Tribal Council. So I don’t blame Hai for choosing to chow down on the crab meat. “How do you feel?” Chanelle asks him after his first bite. “Good,” he replies, “and guilty.”

Religious values also play a part in the episode. In another example of the Taku tribe’s openness with one another, Omar tells his tribemates that he’s a practicing Muslim, and so that means he’ll be taking private time to do his daily prayers. “So if I leave camp, it doesn’t mean I’m looking for an idol,” he says in a funny moment that shows just how much the game intersects with these everyday real-life routines. It’s also a sweet bonding moment, as Maryanne offers to weave a prayer mat from palm fronds and Jonathan offers to field questions on Christianity in exchange for learning about Omar’s Muslim traditions. “I’m not really a great Jew,” adds Lindsay, opting out of Judaism lessons. But the Taku tribe’s eagerness to understand each other’s differences is really refreshing in a show that these days can become too bogged down in strategy and numbers. Those differences are perhaps best exemplified in the growing “bromance” between Jonathan and Omar, which has the potential to be the next great Survivor odd couple in the tradition of Richard and Rudy and JT and Stephen. Jonathan is even crafting Omar twine bracelets … that’s a sign of true alliance love!

Of course, the episode isn’t completely strategy- and twist-free. But it gets the balance just right, which is what makes it such a perfect Survivor episode. Mike finds the first Beware Advantage at the Vati camp. It’s the return of the three-way, phrase-activated idols that we saw last season. After lamenting that his phrase requires praising the sport of soccer, Mike proceeds to bury the idol and tell Jenny and Daniel about his discovery. This cast is very loose-lipped, but I understand Mike’s intention here. Not having a vote until the idols are activated means he needs to rely on his relationships. So if he can use this information to cement closer bonds, why not? Also, it leads to the hilarity of Mike dragging Daniel through the jungle looking for a Y-shape after forgetting where he buried the idol. Daniel not only finds the situation amusing but potentially game-changing. Having this info means he and his close ally Chanelle can essentially control what happens, whether that’s voting Mike out at a future date or using his idol to their advantage.

Lastly, the Ika tribe picks up the pieces after their first Tribal Council. Tori feels sad, not because she had to vote someone out, but because she’s jealous that Zach gets to have food and sleep in a comfy bed. Tori is definitely the most likely of this cast to pull an Angelina and ask for someone’s jacket after voting them out. However, if Rocksroy has his way, Tori will leave next. But that doesn’t quite vibe with Drea, who would rather get a girls’ alliance going with Tori and Swati. She even tells them about the extra vote she gained in the last episode. As I said, loose lips! Unfortunately for Drea, her plan backfires because as soon as she leaves, Swati proposes to Tori to vote out Drea next. Swati recognizes that Drea has sway and influence, and now an extra vote on top of that? It’s too much power and needs to be dealt with. Tori agrees and is undoubtedly seething already about the pillows Drea might soon be resting her head on.

Idol Thoughts

• Just in case you thought the episode was getting a little too deep and emotional, here comes the classic health-and-safety hazard Blindfold challenge. You know the one — one person calls directions while their sightless tribemates blunder headfirst into obstacles. There were some fun moments here — Jonathan shouting so loud he sounded like the front man of a death-metal band, Lydia yelling, “Both of y’all bitches get back here!”, and Daniel’s sideline commentary: “You’ve gotta protect the balls, Rocksroy.”

• As Omar talks about his religion, he admits to never having tasted alcohol or had sex. That’s fine. But later, entirely disconnected from the religious chatter, he confesses to never having peed standing up until he was 22. Too far, Omar!

• Like Zach last week, Marya uses her Shot in the Dark, but it comes up Not Safe. Despite her early exit, I hope she got some sense of closure that she was looking for out there on the island. Also, it was a nice touch for CBS to put up a message thanking health-care workers at the end of the episode.

Survivor Recap: Protect the Balls