Displaying all articles tagged:

Josh Trank

  1. the industry
    Josh Trank Claims Fantastic Four Executives Refused to Cast Black Sue Storm“I should have just walked when that realization hit me.”
  2. like a dying horse
    Tom Hardy’s Perplexing Capone Accent, ExplainedIt is parts Jimmy Durante, Bugs Bunny, and Call of Duty fatigue.
  3. a long talk
    For Josh Trank, Making a Movie About Syphilitic Al Capone Was Therapy“I felt like writing about somebody whose life is actually coming to the end was a way to remind myself every day that my life isn’t over.”
  4. movie review
    Capone Features Tom Hardy at His Most MaximalistThe Al Capone biopic may not be the comeback story that director Josh Trank needed, but it has a truly batshit performance from Tom Hardy.
  5. trailers
    The Capone Trailer Is A Love Affair Between Tom Hardy and A CigarIt’s the re-emergence of writer and director Josh Trank.
  6. looking back
    Fantastic Four Director Josh Trank Reviews 2015’s Fantastic Four on Letterboxd“I was expecting it to be much worse than it was.”
  7. tranks for nothing
    Josh Trank Doesn’t Deserve to Be a Catchall for Failed Young DirectorsThe Fantastic Four helmer was burned anew.
  8. deleted scenes
    The Thing Could Have Had a Lot More Clobberin’ Time in Fantasic FourThat time-jump wasn’t supposed to be choppy.
  9. flops
    Even More Fantastic Four Drama LeaksWe need a Fox hack.
  10. flops
    Here’s All the Juicy Post-Flop Fantastic Four Gossip for YouWhen a film this big goes this wrong, everyone has an ax to grind.
  11. timelines
    A Timeline of Fantastic Four’s Terrible BuzzFans have looked forward to hating for it months.
  12. for the record
    Josh Trank Explains Why He Left Star WarsBye-bye, rumors?
  13. uh-oh
    Josh Trank Leaves Star Wars FilmThe force is with Trank, but he’s not a Jedi yet.
  14. we’re excited 4 it
    The Fantastic Four Movie Seems Really Good All of a SuddenWe finally know some details.
  15. coming attractions
    Josh Trank Will Direct One of the Stand-alone Star Wars MoviesHis previous work includes 2012’s Chronicle.
  16. superheroes
    New Fantastic Four Movie Finds Its DirectorYay, a superhero movie!
  17. casting couch
    Shadow of the Colossus Lands Chronicle Director Josh TrankAn adaptation of the artsy 2005 video game.
  18. comic-book movies
    Chronicle Director May Make Venom MovieIt’s a Spider-Man spinoff.