Have a terrible Thanksgiving with Tim Walz


Democrats will make Thanksgiving better, Tim Walz promises.

“Remember when you could go to Thanksgiving, watch a Steelers game with your relatives, and not complain about politics the whole time, not be on each other’s neck,” Walz, the presumptive Democratic vice presidential nominee, said in Pennsylvania. “We don’t call each other names. We don’t do it.”

Walz, of course, outlawed gathering with your relatives on Thanksgiving as the governor of Minnesota. If anyone was “complain[ing] about politics” during Thanksgiving in Tim Walz’s Minnesota, it might have been sisters, whom Walz barred by executive order from gathering together.

With Executive Order 20-99, a week before Thanksgiving, Walz declared that “social gatherings are prohibited,” indoor or outdoor, “even if social distancing can be maintained,” and even if everyone in the family took a COVID-19 test and came up negative.

“Do not gather with those large families,” Walz said.

It’s hard to gather and not talk politics when politicians are making it illegal to gather. And oh yeah, Walz had set up a snitch line so that neighbors could rat out neighbors if Aunt Jane pulled up in her Corsica with her fabled cranberry sauce.

Avoiding political debate is easier in normal times, but in Walz-era Minnesota, it became harder because politics wouldn’t avoid you. The government banned church and school before Walz canceled Thanksgiving. Ideologically extreme school boards started putting pornography in your children’s school library, and Walz prided himself on barring local input into such matters.

Walz also wanted to make sure parents didn’t find out when public schools, preaching gender ideology, were guiding their daughters to identify as boys.

When Walz says he wants less talk about politics, he means he wants the ordinary family to just accept whatever he is mandating. “Mind your own damn business,” Walz’s favorite applause line, means “get in line, plebe.”

Walz certainly isn’t a person to preach cross-aisle peace — and who knows what he means when he said, “We don’t call each other names.” He’s the one who decided his campaign’s focus was Eww, the other guys are weird! Just look at them!

The Harris-Walz Democratic National Committee refused to even answer the phone when Teamsters Union President Sean O’Brien asked to speak. You see, O’Brien actually spoke to the Republican National Convention.

That’s like inviting to Thanksgiving the uncle who once attended a Trump rally.

So it all becomes clear: Walz wants to make Thanksgiving (and, by extension, American politics) “normal” again by just disinviting everyone who questions him and his party.

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