Educator of the Week: Carrie Jordan

Beech Bluff kindergarten teacher Carrie Jordan may be a first year teacher, but she’s a familiar face at the school. “I went to Kindergarten at Beech Bluff, have grown up in Beech Bluff, and my principal, Ms. Pam Betler, was my Kindergarten teacher here at Beech Bluff,” said Jordan. “So I’m returning back to where I started.” And upon returning, Jordan remembers when she started school – and how difficult that first year can be for students. “I was a crier the first of kindergarten,” said Jordan. “I remember Ms. Pam being very compassionate and loving towards me, and it’s helped me be compassionate and loving towards my kids, as well.” Her compassion shines brightest when she interacts with her students, using songs and motions to help them learn. “I hear and I forget, but I see and I learn,” said Jordan. “If the kids see and participate, and are moving with you – they really learn. And they remember those things, rather than if I just said it, then they might forget.” It’s a lesson that Jordan says she won’t soon forget. “It has definitely been a learning experience,” said Jordan. “I guess it being my first class – these kids have just been really special.”

Categories: Educator of the Week, News