Educator of the Week – DeShawn Box

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Greenfield School sixth grade math and science teacher DeShawn Box admits that her subjects are often labeled the ‘tough ones’. But she says, they’re the once that truly make a difference. “There is no way that a child in this day and age could be successful in life without math and science skills,” said Box. “I enjoy getting to know that what I’m teaching them makes a difference and that they’ll be able to apply it in their life.” In order to teach them the necessary skills, Box uses motions, rhymes, and essentially anything she can to help them remember. “What ever works,” said Box. “And with sixth grade children, this is what works. They love motion, they love singing, and they love being involved. We do whatever works, if they can remember it.” And this educator says her students are remembering it – she’s seen their progress first hand. “Yesterday we got some test results back that we took at the beginning of the year and then we took again in the fall,” said Box. “The growth on the standards were tremendous!” Tremendous, just like her kids. “I love them. And I want the best for them and I want them to be happy and successful in life,” said Box. “I love what I do, and I want that to be know. I think it’s a privilege to be a teacher.”

Categories: Educator of the Week, Local News, News