TN’s Smallest Preemie Turns One

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When he was born, most thought he would not make it. But against all odds, Tennessee’s smallest preemie has proven them all wrong. Monday was the first birthday for Dakota Ricketts. When he was born at 25 weeks, Dakota weighed in at only 13 ounces and was only 10 inches long. Dakota is still on oxygen and now weighs in at 14 pounds and four ounces and his height has increased to 25 inches. His family said he is truly a miracle. “It is unreal. By the grace of God that he is here,” said Jennifer Griffin, Dakota’s Nurse. “Him being so tiny, it’s just amazing. With all his complications, surgeries and everything it’s just amazing what medical technology has come up with.” A government report said the United States ranks 30th in the world for infant mortality, mainly because of premature births.

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