Educator of the Week-Shelby

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Caywood Elementary School first grade teacher Melonie Shelby says her students have had a big year. “I love to see them grow – they come into first grade literally as babies, and they mature and blossom into the second grade animal by the end of the year,” said Shelby. “That’s my favorite part, just to watch them bloom into this little confident person.” And they have reason to be confident. With the end of the school year drawing closer, Shelby says all of her students now know how to read. “We teach the first day that they come in the door about self control, and that this is a responsibility for them to learn how to read,” said Shelby. “They really take in that it’s important for them to be able to read, and we say that everyday. You know, I’m here to teach you to read, and it’s your job to learn.” This educator makes the job of learning a little more fun with some creative ways of teaching – including reading in laundry baskets. “I guess you just try everything and see what works!” said Shelby. “I want them to take that away, that they love it, and that I loved it with them. And that they can be good readers. Not just be good readers, but all the things that come into reading: science and social studies.. and that you can go places in a book.”

Categories: Educator of the Week, Local News, News