Henry Co. Man Given Life Sentence, Convicted of First Degree Murder

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PARIS, Tenn. — Emotions ran high in the courtroom as the judge read the verdict for Tevin Lumpkin. “It appears you have found the defendant Tevin Lumpkin guilty of the offense of first degree murder,” Judge Donald Parish said. Lumpkin showed little emotion, only looking back at his family briefly.. In a letter to judge Donald Parish, the victim’s family asked Lumpkin be put away for life. “Eric will never get to see his kids in sports, graduation, prom, college, marriage or any of his grand kids,” Katrina Teague said, Eric Kinley’s Cousin. Lumpkin was given the maximum sentence, and minutes later the 21-year-old was taken by deputies back to Henry County Jail, here he will spend the rest of his life. “His family will still be able allowed to see him talk to him we can’t do that with Eric his kids won’t be able to enjoy him. He’s gone. We have to got to a cemetery to visit Eric,” Teague said. “For law enforcement and our community this is a big win but in the whole scheme of things no one wins,” Investigator Adam Jenkins said, with Henry County Sheriff’s Office. “There’s been a life lost, and the defendant’s family lost a loved one as well.” Kinley’s father says he is thankful for all the work law enforcement has done to bring them closure in Kinley’s murder. “It eases a lot of pains,” Charles Kinley said, Eric Kinley’s father. “We can’t bring him back but it eases things to know justice was done.”

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