Multiplying Good: Jason Moore

“If he sees somebody have car trouble he’ll stop and help them… if you need money he’s got you… whatever you need he can be there. If I call him and be like, ‘hey man I’m stuck in a ditch’ at 3 o’clock in the morning… he’ll come,” said Caleb Thomas.

When west Tennessean Jason Moore isn’t at his full time job, or helping to save lives as a volunteer fighter, he’s giving back in other ways.
For example, setting up a blessing box outside of a local fire station for those facing food insecurities and financial struggles.

“Blessing boxes are for people that don’t really have a lot of money to get. They can come by and get what they need. It can be food, water, Gatorade, personal hygiene stuff, shampoo. I mean we do a lot of tooth brush toothpaste stuff, anything like that can help,” explained Moore.

Moore also spends a lot of his spare time actively seeking out homeless communities here in west Tennessee, in hopes of making their lives a little easier.

“Friday and Saturday nights we’ll go out in the afternoon and ride around town. We’ve even got out and went through woods to try and find them. When we find them we give them blankets, clothes, water whatever they need,” Moore said.

Moore’s close friend Caleb Thomas says not only is he giving back, but he is inspiring others to do the same.

“I’ve known Jason since I was knee tall to grass and he made a post on Facebook and I just… ‘hey let’s go.’ When this first started and people noticed we were getting out here doing this the out pour of people wanting to help us and pitch in amazed me, especially as big as Jackson is,” Thomas said.

“A lot of people in the community brought us clothes, water I mean we’ve had the fire department Madison county fire department donate stuff, Tennessee Highway Patrol, west Tennessee Bone and Joint… we’ve had a lot of help,” Moore said.

Moore says his motivation comes from knowing that we’re all human, and if he was in need he hopes someone would lend a helping hand.

“You get to meeting these people on the street whether it’s a man or woman I mean any color, they’re nice as they can be and that’s for any person. If we got it I don’t mind helping you out,” said Moore.

You can nominate someone for the Multiplying Good award by clicking here.

Categories: Local News, News