Multiplying Good: Hank Shackelford

As a lawyer, Hank Shackelford is always hard a work fighting for his client.
When he’s not in the courtroom, he’s hard a work giving back to his community.

“If you care about your fellow man, you’re going to try to do what you can to try to make the place a better world,” Shackelford explained.

As a local attorney Shackelford has given numerous hours in pro bono work.

“My pro bono work is a little bit different because I’m not part of any official organization, but we just have people come through this door on occasion that need help and may not be able to afford the help,” Shackelford shared.

He says it’s his goal to treat everyone the same, no matter their circumstances in life.

“Our rule is, whether you’re the richest person in Madison county or the poorest person in Madison county, if I take you on as a client I try to provide the same service,” Shackelford said.

When He isn’t in his law office, he’s on the golf course. However, the change in location doesn’t stop his mission work.

“I’ve worked with fellowship christian athletes for many years. This has been a pleasure. I try to help them with their golf ministry. The golf ministry includes a fundraising tournament, a college tournament, a high school tournament, and it’s participation in the stone cup, the golf championship of Jackson and Madison county,” Shackelford explained.

He’s been involved in golf ministry for about 25 years.

“The most rewarding part about it I think is being able to see the growth of young men and young women as they play the great game of golf, but also learning to establish a relationship with our lord and savior Jesus Christ,” Shackelford said.

One of his biggest contributions to the community is his work in keeping a smile on children’s faces.
It’s a mission that stems from a devastating loss.

“Smiles and Blessing was created in 2004 in remembrance of my daughter Shannon,” Shackelford explained.

Shannon was a dental hygienist and had a special way of helping kids have fun at the dentist. In her memory Shackelford and his wife created a non profit to help local children get the care they need.

“We developed smiles and blessings with the help of a number of people in the community to basically provide, in conjunction with west Tennessee Healthcare Foundation, to raise funds and use those funds to assist people in times of their need,” Shackelford shared.

17 years later, Smiles and Blessings continues to provide funds for projects in Jackson and west Tennessee.

“It’s my little way of trying to… make sure that Shannon’s name is not forgotten or her good works,” Shackelford said.

You can nominate someone for the Multiplying Good Award here.

Categories: Local News, News