Educator of the Week: Kim Kennedy

It’s time to recognize this week’s Educator of the Week, brought to you by the Tennessee Education Lottery.

Kim Kennedy has been teaching for 26 years at Scotts Hill Elementary School, but says her original goal wasn’t to teach middle school math.

“I’m actually certified to teach lower grades, but middle school was the job that was offered so I thought why not, and then once I got into it, I realized it was the perfect age level so I’ve just stuck with it,” Kennedy said.

Kennedy says she loves teaching her 7th and 8th grade math classes and always tries to make the environment fun.

“We try to make everything fun,” Kennedy said. “We try to do games and incorporate as much activity in it as we can. Yesterday we did Mr. Slope guide and arc projects. So we just try to make it fun.”

Even if they aren’t always having fun, she tries her hardest to make sure her students will be ready for high school within the next few years.

“We work on being organized and taking notes and making good study guides, and we teach study skills along the way. So hopefully when they get to high school, they will be ready to go.”

Kennedy says she wants all of her students to do their best and achieve their goals, even if they aren’t the same as everyone elses’.

“My classroom motto is that everyone can achieve and everyone can succeed. It may not be at the same level that everyone else is, but they can achieve and succeed at their level.”

And as long as they’re willing to work, Kennedy says she is going to help to get them as close to achieving their goals as she can.

“You start where you’re at, and you simply move on, and we’ll try to get you where you need to be. If we do that in a year, that’s okay, but if we don’t then we’ll get you as far as we can get you.”

Kennedy is now eligible for the Tennessee Education Lottery Educator of the Month award.

To vote for her or any other nominees, go to the Tennessee Education Lottery website.

To nominate an educator for our weekly award, just email us at [email protected].

Categories: Educator of the Week, Henderson County