Educator of the Week: Rickey Reed

It’s time to recognize this week’s Educator of the Week, presented by the Tennessee Education Lottery.

Rickey Reed is a vocal music instructor and choral teacher at South Side High School.

He is a classically trained pianist, but Reed says teaching isn’t something he thought would be a part of his journey.

“I was on the shy side,” he said. “I thought I could never be a teacher. But through time, I watched others and I said I can do this and I did.”

He shares what he hopes his students take away from his class.

“In other classes you can basically fail or succeed and not disturb what anybody else is doing. But in here, everybody has to be successful and we have to work together to achieve a goal,” Reed said.

Reed expressed the best part about his job and that’s his students. He says there are two things he requires his students to know, and the first is how he operates.

“Every leader is different. Not that I’m so great, but every teacher is different, every preacher is different, every supervisor is different. And everyone has a different way of doing things. So once you’ve figured that one out, you’re on your way to becoming successful,” Reed said.

His students must also know how to be courageous.

“Secondly, you can’t be fearful. You have to learn how to put yourself out there and that’s what we do all the time,” Reed said.

He says it’s rewarding to watch his students succeed and take their talents beyond his classroom.

“That’s the ultimate trophy. Cause sometimes your plaques or trophies may get broken, a plaque may get scratched, but to watch your students go on and be productive, and build their lives, and inspire others, that’s the ultimate,” Reed said.

Reed is now eligible for the Tennessee Education Lottery Educator of the Month award.

To vote for him or any other nominees, go to the Tennessee Education Lottery website.

To nominate an educator for our weekly award, just email us at [email protected].

Categories: Educator of the Week, Video