Educator of the Week: Courtney Fine

It’s time to recognize this week’s Educator of the Week, brought to you by the Tennessee Education Lottery.

Courtney Fine

Courtney Fine is an IRE Special Education teacher at Crockett County Middle School in Alamo.

Fine has taught for seven years, and she says her love for teaching started when she served in her church group that works with special needs children.

“After doing that, it just tugged at my heart and I knew that’s what I was supposed to do. So from there, I was like okay, this is what I’m going to do and that’s why I chose to teach,” Fine said.

Fine says the part she enjoys the most about her job is getting to see her students everyday and being their safe haven.

“Literally at the end of the day, every one of them gives me a hug and that’s just reassuring that this is what I need to be doing,” Fine said.

Fine says the biggest challenge as a teacher is ensuring each student gets the attention that they need.

“Wanting to make sure that they all get the time that they need, feeling that one-on-one connection and rapport,” Fine said.

She says what makes her classroom unique is that it is geared towards each student’s individual needs.

“The style of learning, the techniques that we use. We do a lot of hands on. We go out into the community some to learn life skills,” Fine said.

Fine is now eligible for the Tennessee Education Lottery Educator of the Month award.

To vote for her or any other nominees, go to the Tennessee Education Lottery website.

To nominate an educator for our weekly award, just email us at [email protected].

Categories: Crockett County, Educator of the Week